Oh Yeah, I Own One Of Those

I haven’t done much with the 360 lately, but today I took a bit of time to catch up with some of the newer XBLA games, at least.

Splosion Man: You play a character who, well, explodes. That’s all he does, run around and explode. But the explosions propel you around, let you trigger various things, etc., and you use that to make your way to the exit. There are of course various obstacles, timed puzzles, enemies, tricky jumps and triggered sequences, etc., along the way. For example, you might have to wall-jump, er, wall-explode up a shaft into an area where spiked walls move inwards and you have to explode up to trigger a barrel drop that you blow up to lift you up enough to trigger a door switch and…etc. I’ve done the first 11 levels so far, and things are getting pretty tricky.

Trials HD: I have the PC version of Trials 2, but word-of-mouth was that the 360 version was an improvement, so I picked it up as well. One of the biggest improvements is that you can see how well you’re doing relative to your friends, which can be motivating or depressing… I’ve done the Beginner and Easy levels so far, usually placing near the bottom but there are a couple of levels where I managed to get to the top of my list of friends.

Shadow Complex: It’s a semi-modern-day version of Metroid, basically, with the same kind of side-scrolling exploration and upgrade-finding, but with an analog aiming stick. I’ve barely started this one, though.


Today in WoW, I went back and finished up a few quests I’d missed before in Borean Tundra. This included the DEHTA quests, which finally let me get some revenge against Nesingwary’s hunters and involved saving the little animals. Well, the cute ones, anyway.

Along the way I got to Revered with the walrus guys, which let me buy a really nice polearm and dagger. They’re not traditional weapons for a prot warrior, but I like to try to keep all the weapon skills up (two are up to 400 already).

I noticed that saronite was fairly cheap in the auction house, so I bought a bunch and worked on blacksmithing for a while. I’m up to 435 skill now, only 5 points away from being able to make myself titansteel weapons and shields, but those five points are going to be annoying since all of the saronite recipes have gone yellow now.

And then, finally, I finished up most of the remaining quests in Zul’Drak, except for a few group ones. Next up, the Storm Peaks.

A Day In Zul’Drak

With only a few zones left to go in WoW, I kicked off today’s session by exposing the rest of the maps of the remaining areas, finally getting the explorer achievement, title, and tabard. I also got a couple other achievements for the daily quests, but nothing quite as rewarding.

Otherwise, I just spent the day working on quests in Zul’Drak. The only really notable one was part of a long chain where I had to infiltrate and betray the scourge leader in a large floating platform, and the final battle must have taken me six or seven attempts to beat. A few times just because I got confused at the start (the disguise you wear is forced to fade, but I thought it was just random like it usually is and tried to flee), and a few times just due to the sludge he throws at you.

I’m already mostly done Zul’Drak now, and then it’ll be off to the Storm Peaks, where I should finally catch up to quests and rewards around my level. I’ve been vendoring the vast majority of rewards since I’ve alreayd got better in most slots.

Now That Was Epic

I finished off most of the rest of the quests in Dragonblight tonight, which led me sooner than I expected to the Wrathgate event, with a cinematic out of nowhere, a sudden twist of events, and a series of huge fights in a rather unexpected place. To say any more would be spoilerish, and it’s best experienced without any foreknowledge.

And then after that I did a bit more fishing in Dalaran, managing to find the rest of the coins and getting the achievement and coin reward for it. It’s pointless, but I can’t seem to stay away from stuff like that…


And finally, nine months after Wrath of the Lich King was released, I hit level 80. It was rather uneventful, happening in the middle of doing a bunch of level 72-74 quests, but whatever.

I spent tonight mainly working on Dragonblight quests, clearing out the ones available in Agmar’s Hammer and the western refugee camp. I hit Revered with the horde expedition, but it didn’t unlock anything all that great, as I’d already made better items for myself. I’d need to get to Exalted in order to get the nifty shield enhancement blacksmithing recipe.

Though I may have maxed my level, there’s still plenty to do, as there’s still three-and-a-half zones to go and plenty of achievements unearned…

Addicted to Achievements

I kicked off WoW tonight with the same dailies I’ve been doing before, but then I headed back to Nagrand for the first time in quite a while. I finished up the Nesingwary quests there, now that I’m way beyond the level needed for the tougher fights, plus a few other miscellaneous quests. Then I went back to Hellfire Peninsula and did the ramparts instance, just to see if I could, and indeed I can. That netted me a couple more achievements for doing the instance and enough quests in the zone.

Getting back to Northrend, I headed to Dragonblight, and picked up all of the quests I could, stopping to do a handful of the easier ones that were along the way anyway and exploring the rest of the map for the achievement. Dragonblight turned out to be lower-level than I thought, so I really should have gone there before Sholazar or Grizzly Hills. Oh well.

And finally I did a bit more fishing in Dalaran, managing to get the remainder of the silver coins and the achievement for that. I still need three more each of the copper and gold ones, though.

So Long, Sholazar

Today I finished up in Sholazar Basin, finishing off pretty much every quest I could find and getting the achievement for it (usually I wind up a few short for these zone quest achievements). I sided with the fish-guy Oracles and unlocked their daily quests, with the help of a friend, and it shouldn’t take too long before I can buy the egg from them that can yield some new minipets.

I did a daily cooking quest in Dalaran and realized I could buy the Critter Bites recipe, so I went and did the achievement for charming 10 critters with them, and then the achievement for slaying 15 turkeys, since you can easily do them both in the same place (SE corner of Howling Fjord). And I also spent some time fishing in the fountain in Dalaran for the first time. I’ve actually caught most of the coins already, but with large collection quests like these, the tricky part is always that last coin…

Along the way I hit level 79, so pretty much all of Northrend is open to me at this point (aside from raids). I think I’ll head to either Dragonblight or Zul’Drak next though.

I will have to pop back in to Sholazar on a regular basis though, just to do the daily quests and farm saronite, at least.


WoW tonight was spent doing more quests in Sholazar, for both the fish guys and the Avatar of Freya. Nesingwary, of course, wants me to kill a zillion more animals yet again, but I’ll leave his quests for last.

As part of the Avatar’s quests, I got to control a big giant and beat up hordes of undead in one area of the map, and take on some really tough bosses. It took me multiple tries to kill each one, since each has a special attack that you have to watch out for.

And along the way I picked up a lot more saronite, though it was only enough to make three new pieces of equipment for myself (a shield, bracers, and a mace), though they are fairly nice upgrades.

Gleaming The, Uh, Wait

Today in WoW, I finished off the quests in Grizzly Hills, though there wasn’t really too much of interest. It only had half the number of quests as in Borean Tundra anyway.

Next I headed off to Sholazar Basin, where I discovered tons of saronite ore (helping me get to 410 blacksmithing skill), a couple of nodes of titanium ore, and that damnable Nesingwary fellow again. Oh well, before long I’d hit level 78, and gone through some faction quests with wolverine-like people, one of which included surfing a crocodile.

Surfing. A crocodile.

Trophies From School

I also revisited Disgaea 3 today, since a recent patch added trophy support to it.

Unfortunately none of the trophies were awarded retroactively, but it turns out that I wouldn’t have gotten very many anyway. A lot of them are for fairly rare or tricky things, and I spent a while working on them. I mainly worked through all 100 floors of an item world while in the Land of Carnage, which got me a trophy for doing so, a bunch of the pirate trophies, and a couple for mystery floors seen along the way.

I have around 1/3rd of the trophies so far. I’m not sure how much time I’ll spend on them, since some of them require just plain luck in tough spots.