That’s An Awfully Big Book

The Disgaea 3 powerlevelling continues apace, as I got Mao all the way up to over 3000 tonight. I’ve done HoO4 over 600 times now, but it’s a really quick map to do, as each run probably only takes 15 or 20 seconds. Unfortunately I discovered that my ninja can’t actually use the Big Bang skill, even though she knows it via reincarnation, so I won’t be powerlevelling her for now (edit: oh wait, you actually have to select which abilities are usable in combat, once you’ve collected more than 16 total…).

Still, with two higher-level characters it’s now actually practical for me to pass bills by force, so I used that to pass some difficult ones like getting the biggest classroom. I also unlocked more of the extra maps and did them to recruit Prism Red and Asagi.

Now I need some pirates and higher-rank items in order to start unlocking the really high-end maps, so I delved into the item world within a legendary Testament. I haven’t seen any pirates yet, but I’m only down to level 30 of 100 inside it, so there’s a long way to go…

Somebody Else’s Turn

In tonight’s Disgaea 3 session, I decided to narrow my levelling focus onto my female ninja and Mao for now, so I reincarnated her and got her the healing and Big Bang skills, and took Mao through Class World twice to get them for him.

I also leveled up the fist weapon I’d been using via Item World so that it does some extra damage, and finally collected the full 100 professionals, and started farming HoO4 with Mao instead. By the end of the evening I’d gotten him up to around level 1800 (my main is around 3300 now), and the female ninja into her sixth and final class tier.

Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting

I delved again into the item world in Disgaea 3 to pick up a few more professionals, but it gets tedious rather quickly, since you only find them in small amounts. I’ve only collected 60 levels total of them so far, and ideally you want 100 for a 100% critical rate.

So, to break up the tedium, I’ve also started working on raising up some other characters, since if there’s one thing better than having an ultra-powerful character, it’s having an army of ultra-powerful characters… The Big Bang skill is the best for powerlevelling due to the layout of the farming levels, so I’m working on fist users first, including Adell (one of the Disgaea 2 DLC characters), my druid, and my female ninja. I’ll have to use the Class World to transfer it to some of them though, since they can’t learn it on their own. I also put Adell through the standard five reincarnations for story characters, just to get it out of the way.

(Edit: Actually, reincarnating them into martial artists would probably be cheaper and quicker, for the non-story characters, especially since I have to do it anyway since they haven’t reached their maximum tiers yet. I could do it again for cleric skills too, like I did for my own character. The reincarnation costs go up, but mana is pretty easy to generate right now. I’ll still have to use Class World for Adell and Mao though.)

(Edit edit: And I still had some time to kill, so I went back and finished unlocking the rest of the DLC characters. The fights were no problem, though they reused the basic classroom map a bit too much. Looks like they all have unique skills and evilities that might come in useful, though. Kogure’s fight was a bit different in that it went into a completely different style for a little while, too.)

Poor Puppy…

Continuing on in the Disgaea 3 post-game, I delved into the item world, where I collected a bunch of professionals (increases critical hit chance) and managers (increases mana gained per kill). I transferred them into my main’s weapon, and continued leveling up, eventually getting to the point where I could clear HoO4 by myself in one hit.

I continued farming that level for a while, occasionally increasing the enemy strength, but eventually got bored and started checking out the other available maps. I went through the Diez Gentlemen fights, just barely scraping by due to the ‘stronger enemies’ bills still in effect, but I eventually succeeded and got the Puppy Paw Stick, which will come in useful later on. I also unlocked and did the areas that let me recruit Master Big StarBigster and Salvatore, and there are still more maps to go in that series.

I continued farming HoO4 for a while longer, and now I’m around level 2500 and have more money than I know what to do with (over 10 billion HL), since there isn’t really anything stronger available in the shops anymore.

There’s still more to do, though…

Exponential Growth

As expected, I finished off Disgaea 3’s story today, wherein the big enemy was defeated and Mao was reconciled with his dad and all that garbage. That’s not really all that important, because now the “real” game has started…

I can unlock the DLC characters now, and did so for Adell and Rozalin from Disgaea 2, and Priere from La Pucelle, but I’ll need a bigger classroom before I can unlock too many more. There’s not really too much to them — there’s a short scene to introduce them, you fight them, and they then join you at level 100 after you defeat them. I’ll have to look more closely and see if there’s anything interesting like unique skills.

I can also unlock some extra maps, and did so for something involving Master Big Star , though I haven’t started it yet. Instead I started powerleveling via the 7-3 map, as described in the Gamefaqs guide. The details of powerleveling get tedious, but in the end I’d used the honor student and robber clubs to put characters through enough reincarnations to unlock at least their third or fourth class tier, put the story characters through their five reincarnations to get maximum stat growth, and got Mao and my personal character up to around level 400-500, with most others around 60-100. (Mao was up over 700 at one point before I had to reincarnate him.)

I also got the rest of the healing spells for my character and then reincarnated him into a martial artist. With his ultra-high SPD stat, he should be able to survive fairly well, which has always been the problem I’ve had with healers, and he can dish out some pretty good AE damage, too.

I then unlocked the House of Ordeals maps, which took a *lot* of bribing in Homeroom, and made it through a bunch of them with just Mao and myself. HoO3 was particularly annoying because it’s extremely long, and I had to abandon my first attempt because I accidentally destroyed a geoblock I absolutely needed to keep around, so I had to do it all over again.

HoO4 is where the next stretch of powerleveling will take place, but I’ll need to prepare for it a bit. It’s about time to start delving into Item World and collecting specialists.

A Short Trip

I briefly popped into EQ tonight and did a bit of charm soloing in Barundi, but it turned out to be another area where they’re immune to stuns and mitigate slows, and it wasn’t long before an unlucky charm break led to my demise again (I managed to earn 1 AA point, at least). I didn’t realize there was a zone line nearby that would have made things a lot safer, but I’m not sure I’d want to stick around there anyway.

I stuck my nose into the nearby Ferubi zone, but according to the map it was nothing but a huge series of corridors, and they could see through invis, so that place was right out. The other connected zone was Riwwi, which was another small hub of light blue monsters, and looped back around to Qinimi.

That’s really about it for how far into Gates of Discord I can get without a group or raid, and it’s just not a popular area anymore — it was the newest expansion area when I last played, but now it’s an “old” region that nobody goes to anymore. Barundi is about the only decent charm soloing spot in it, but it’s too much hassle for too little reward.

Next up will be the Omens of War areas, most likely. I’m not expecting any miracles though, since it’s really the other half of Gates of Discord.

Thanks For The Moral Lesson

I did all of chapter 7 in Disgaea 3 tonight, though there wasn’t really much notable about it. The story has devolved into some touchy-feely garbage about Mao’s true feelings, and character progression has been fairly straightforward.

There’s only something like four fights left to go, so I should be able to finish it off early tomorrow. Then I can start focusing on the real powerlevelling…

Same Old New Stuff

Today I finally set off to explore more in EQ, and I figured I’d pick up where I left off a long time ago, in the Gates of Discord areas. There’s supposed to be a giant ship you can take from the Nedaria’s Landing zone, but after waiting a while I guessed that the boats are broken yet again and used the Magus nearby to teleport to it instead.

On the ship I discovered some quests for unlocking some expansion-specific parts of tradeskills, and went through the necessary intro steps for blacksmithing and jewelcrafting, but left it at that since it gets pretty tedious. I did spend a little while working on raising jewelcrafting a bit further, as apparently the cap has been raised to 300 now (was 250 before), and managed to gain 8 points. That cost me about a thousand plat in materials though, and I decided to leave it at that. There were some progression quests as well, but I’ll have to leave those for now since they all pretty much require groups or raids.

Moving on, the zone of Natimbi was next, but it’s pretty plain and there was hardly anything my level, just a bunch of grey, green, and light-blue monsters. Boring.

After that was Qinimi, which was sort of a fairly small hub zone connecting to a few others. Again, not much here of real interest to me, just a bunch of light-blue monsters.

And then after that I stuck my nose into Barindu, which had a much more consistent mix of blues and light blues. There was an annoyingly long corridor at the entrance, but it eventually opened up on the garden area below, and I think I’ll try fighting a bit here the next time I’m on.

I’ll Axe You Again

I don’t want to let my time in EQ lead to neglecting other games again, so tonight it was back to Disgaea 3 for a while, and I managed to finish off Chapter 6. Nothing too notable along the way though, aside from a slight plot twist at the end involving the butler… This chapter also really ramped up the “you’ve got to rely on your friends to help you along” theme so common to JRPGS. Mao, of course, isn’t having any of that. Yet.

Once the chapter was done though, I checked the newly spawned chests in the ‘town’ area and one of them had an extremely kickass axe. It was 8 ranks ahead of the one my fighter already had, and was Legendary to boot, and in the end it over doubled his ATK. He’s going to be a force to reckon with from here on…

I also unlocked a couple more school clubs, including one that lets me choose which teacher is used in homeroom, and one that adds belts to the store. I created a new gunslinger character, but her only real purpose right now was so I could put her in the club (you need at least one person in it for the belts to show up) rather than one of my main characters.

No One Lives Forever

I only spent a little time in EQ tonight, but it was still enough to earn 4 more AAs, despite dying once when an unlucky break had three monsters beating on me. I’ve bought up three levels of the INT-cap-raising skill, getting me nearly 300 more mana, and should probably start looking at other skills to focus on as well.

But first, I should explore a bit. It’ll get boring rather quickly if I just sit in Plane of Storms and solo the same frogs over and over again, and I might be better off somewhere else anyway. Looking through the guides to each expansion tells me how to get to all of the new zones, and I’ll try and see as many of them as possible. I don’t know how much I’ll actually be able to do in a lot of those older zones, though. A lot of them have progression steps, and there might not be enough people around those old zones to make going through the progression practical. Especially when most of the loot is obsoleted by the newest couple of expansions anyway.

But I should at least drop in and say hi…