
I figured I’d take another shot at trying to get that sludge I need in EQ for the researcher trophy, and after a few hours in Kod’Taz, it finally dropped. I turned it in to get two samples of purified sludge, which I then had to combine to create the two powders I needed for the trophy.

And with a skill at around 50 points past the trivial point of the combine, I still failed one of them. ARGH. I’ve spent too much time on this to give up now, so I went back and hunted for more sludge for a couple more hours, but with no luck.

It wasn’t a complete loss though, as I made 5 AAs and spent them on fairly fluffy stuff like Innate Metabolism.

A Breather

I finished off the level and hit 76 in EQ today, though this level was fairly slow and all of the basilisks and drakes I was fighting in Sunderock have turned light blue now. The new spells at this level aren’t too exciting, except for an animation that’s supposed to be a huge improvement over the previous one (haven’t tested it yet) and an xp-increasing aura. And I also bought the group perfect invis and charm-strengthening AAs, putting me back at 0 AA points.

With a stronger charm, I think now’s the time to take a bit of a break and work a bit more on AAs, exploration, and questing for a bit. There’s still plenty of older content that I haven’t seen yet and AAs to strengthen some more.

And just out of curiosity, I popped back into HoH for a bit, and was surprised to see that the guards there are still light blue and haven’t gone green yet. They’re only worth 4-5% of an AA per kill now though, whereas I was getting a good 12-13% in Sunderock. I just need to find a good spot with monsters around the level 72-74 range for even better xp rates.

The Zs Have It

I played a bit of EQ tonight, but just enough to use up the daily double xp period. I really need to find a new place to hunt…

Afterward, I played a bit of Zen of Sudoku while waiting for an update, and it’s kind of a mixed bag. The interface for marking potential numbers works well, but when the screen gets full of them, telling them all apart can get a bit difficult. There’s also not much tracking of stats, just a bunch of trophies for hitting certain milestones, and not even basic stuff like timing how long the puzzle took, or saving one for later. It does at least randomly generate them though, so I don’t run out of them like with the DS Brain Age games.

And then I tried out Zeno Clash, a brawler game with with a rather unique art style that was released today. It’s based on the HL2 engine, and you do get some guns, but it’s primarily focused on melee combat with punches, kicks, blocks, throws, etc. I’m only a few fights into it so far, but even on ‘normal’ difficulty (which is actually the lowest it goes) I’m not very good at it and succumb to the temptation to just mash buttons too often. It is nifty, though.

Full Speed Ahead

I decided that levels were more important for now in EQ, so I went ahead and hit level 74 on Friday. The only really good new spell was a new colour stun, though, and I don’t even use those as much as I did before now that I have the banishment AA.

Saturday I decided to start working on research a bit, starting with the trophy quest. The research system was overhauled a couple of times while I was gone, and involves more combines of expensive ingredients now, but most of the pieces I needed I could get just running around PoK.

Except for one… I needed a ‘sludge sample’, and the only place I could find the kind I needed was deep in the Gates of Discord areas, deeper than I had gone previously. Unfortunately, I discovered upon arriving there that absolutely everything was immune to charm. I had to resort to root-n-nuke, died a handful of times, and I spent nearly all day there without it dropping. Ugh, I’ll come back and try again later, when I have more powerful nukes…

And then yesterday I spent a lot of time back in Sunderock again, where I finally got Slave Driver Azza to spawn and drop a piece for the Charm of Lore. The stats on it are good enough now that I moved the Wanderlust Lodestone over to it and use it instead of the Silverwing charm. The main stats on it are actually slightly lower, and it has lower mana regen, but I’m capped on those already and it has higher HP/mana.

I did some more xping there as well, eventually getting into a group (though the xp actually wasn’t as good as soloing) and hitting level 75. I immediately bought Perfected Levitation, another rank in Clinging Root, and the 10th spell slot AAs, and I still have 11 left over to save for the next level. 75 is also a really nice spell level, with a new charm and group versions of clarity and haste.

Our group then went to Riftseeker’s Sanctum, an OoW-era zone I’d never been to before, and although nothing nice dropped, the xp was pretty good and I’m around a quarter of the way into 75 already.

Drakes Everywhere

Nothing really new to report in EQ — I’ve just been doing the same drake camp the last few days, both for xp and the webbing drops. I’m up to 30 banked AAs and 82% towards level 74 though, so I’m soon going to have to choose between whether I want to finish the level or keep grinding more AAs. There’s still a ton of AA skills to buy, but I don’t want to be stuck here much longer either…

I also have to look into working on tradeskills a bit, to get rid of the piles of components I’ve been collecting if nothing else.

I Told You To Be Rooting

I started the night in EQ by working on the Charm of Lore a bit more, turning in a dozen items from the easier-to-get spots, and getting nearly a full AA’s worth of xp. The stats on it aren’t better than my Silverwing charm yet, though (mana/hp are slightly higher, but everything else is lower).

I spent my double-xp period working on leveling, but I died thanks to bad luck on a charm break (I thought the enemy was rooted, but it wasn’t), and wound up wasting half the period running back and waiting for rez sickness to wear off. Oh well. The rest of the evening was just spent on more AAs (9 banked now) and farming drake webbing, which I’ll eventually need to raise the research skill.

The Pre-Lunch Grind

Today in EQ it was mostly grinding AAs, making something like 20 of them overall (I lost count), and 8 of them were even before lunch. I spent them mainly on raising my mana regen and item mana regen cap, though I did also buy the hotkeyable Gate so it’s always available (it’s saved my bacon a few times already, when I tried some ‘experiments’…), and the crit ability for DoTs. I’m already running out of must-haves to spend it on, so perhaps next I’ll just bank a bunch of AAs for later and get back to leveling.

I wandered around the Dragons of Norrath and Depths of Darkhollow areas for a bit, but didn’t find anything worthwhile. Even though one area was a hotzone, the xp still wasn’t as good as Sunderock.

I’ve also started the quest for the Charm of Lore in Crescent Reach. This one grows in strength with the number of items off this list you turn in, but some of them are raid and instance drops, so I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to reach the maximum stats on it. Seems kind of a shame to replace my Silverwing charm so soon, but this one does have better hp/mana on it…


And as mentioned, I spent a bit of today on some of the other smaller games I have lined up:

And Yet It Moves: It’s a platformer, but the twist here is that everything looks like it’s made out of paper (which doesn’t really affect anything), and that you can rotate the world, affecting the gravity of you and everything around you. Puzzles usually involve having to use that rotation to move things out of the way or into certain spots, chasing enemies away by luring others around, jumping onto ledges you wouldn’t be able to get to directly, etc. I only did the first few levels today.

The Maw: You’re an alien and you lead a blob-like creature around as he eats a whole bunch of stuff. But there are puzzles as well and your creature gains certain abilities from eating some enemies and uses them to get through and so on. And it’s always growing as you eat all these enemies, and he gets rather large. Cute, but fairly short and not all that difficult. I finished it in about 5 hours, DLC levels included, and only had to redo one level to get 100% completion.

Braid: I already beat the 360 version, but I picked it up for PC as well just to have an ‘archival’ copy.

Best Level Ever

I finished off a small handful of other quests involving Crescent Reach and nearby areas today in EQ, but I figured it was time to take a bit of a break and explore some other games I’ve recently bought. But then later on it was right back into EQ, of course…

I did some more charm soloing in Sunderock Springs, and hit level 73 after a couple of hours, breaking 10k mana in the process. With the new spells, I had upgrades for my nuke (with a new max crit of 4230 so far), single-target clarity, a DoT, spell damage mitigation (too situational, usually not worth the peridot it costs to cast), and a point-blank AE mez.

Those were nice, but the real benefits came when I finally spent those AAs I’d been saving up. I put a rank in Clinging Root and it’s already noticeable how much less often roots get broken by nukes, I bought a rank to raise the mana regen cap from items, and I got Perfected Invisibility just for kicks. But the big one was Beguiler’s Directed Banishment, which will make it much safer to deal with charm breaks from now on. It casts quickly, and knocks the enemy back a ways and keeps them rooted long enough for me to reapply tash and charm. Ideally, I shouldn’t get hit at all during the recharm if I notice the break in time.

My mercenary also got a nice upgrade with a new healing spell that seems to be much more efficient. Before I hit 73, she would gradually fall down towards being out of mana, but now she stays nearly full in the same situations.

Now that I’ve gotten used to higher-level charm soloing, I’m tempted to pause the leveling a bit and grind out some more AAs. There’s still plenty of stuff to buy additional ranks in…

Always Be Rooting

I started off my new era of charm soloing in Sunderock Springs, where there were some level 70 drakes and basilisks that were quite charmable. I quickly learned to get back into the habit of keeping the target rooted whenever possible, though; I’d been able to get away with not doing so back in HoH, but these monsters hit for over 800 damage, so I don’t want two of them on me at once. I got chased away a few times and died once, before getting the hang of it.

I also did some quests in the zone, involving killing some catapults and their operators and some drakes by a geyser. After I got a little tired of hanging around here, I went back and did some more of the Wanderlust exploration quests (my Wanderlust aug has fairly decent stats now, with 11 to each stat), and finished off a couple loose end quests in Blackfeather Roost, from some previous time I’d revisited EQ.

The xp per kill is definitely better now that I can kill higher-level monsters again, though it takes longer to kill each one, too. I can get about 14% of a level in the daily double-xp period, which isn’t really that great, but I can fight in a lot more new places now, to keep things interesting.