Another Blast From The Past

I know, I have too many games going already, but tonight I couldn’t help but reinstall Wizardry 8, spurred on by a whole bunch of discussion on a forum. I’ve always wondered how far I could get with a solo character before hitting a roadblock or losing interest, and after a few hours so far, I have a faerie ninja up to 91 stealth off the starting crabs. That gives her a base AC of 11, which is going to be rather critical since there’s barely any armour she can wear.

It’s getting pretty tedious to raise it at this point though, so I’m not sure if I should soldier on to 100 or make do with one less AC point and let the rest build up naturally as I go along. Once you hit around 60 stealth, the crabs start retreating from you, which actually helps since you can now heal up without using up potions, but chasing them down and getting them to resume attacking you gets really annoying.

The short term goal for now will be to make it to Arnika, switch to bishop, and grind the hell out of the magic schools, with the eventual goal of switching back to ninja with a (near) full set of spells and the Cane of Corpus.

Clean Those Pitts

It was an RPG-themed day as I first dropped into Persona 4, where I finished off the first dungeon and rescued another classmate that joined our group, fused some more personae, and raised a few s-links and stats, as usual. The number of choices about what I can do in my spare time is opening up a lot more, with clubs, part-time jobs, and other hobbies now.

And later on I finally got back to Fallout 3, where I still have to catch up on some DLC. I started heading northwards to where the starting point of The Pitt section is, but got distracted by a few map markers on the way, including Fort Constantine and some antenna array. I did finally reach the Pitt contact, so I’ll kick that part off next time.

Population: Tiiiiiiire

I played the first chapter of the Strong Bad adventure games, Homestar Ruiner, and it maintains the style of the original fairly well. It’s an adventure game just like the Sam & Max ones, but it has a few more minigames to it (another hallmark of Homestar Runner), and the solutions to the puzzles are a bit more obtuse (also somewhat appropriate).

Particularly nice is the ability to look at the map and move between locations quickly, and I hope they merge that feature back into any other Sam & Max games they do.

Anyway, it was a decent little time-waster, even if I did need a bit of help finishing some puzzles.

Rock On

I’m trying to catch up in Rock Band, since for some reason I kept buying a few song downloads here and there but didn’t play them right away, and now I’ve accumulated a bunch of them.

I can’t even remember which ones they were though, so I’m going through the whole list of downloaded songs and playing any that don’t have scores against them. It’s odd though, since I know I’ve played some songs that don’t have scores already, and I’m not sure why it didn’t get recorded, and it just makes it harder to tell which ones are really new.

Oh well, I’ll get through them all eventually, and I’m up to Foo Fighters so far.

No Suicide This Time

Whoops, I’ve been falling a bit behind on updates, so these are going to be quick ones…

I finally got around to starting Persona 4, and I think it’ll be my main RPG for now (Drakensang just hasn’t really hooked me enough). It’s a lot like Persona 3, except that you enter the shadow realm through a TV and use cards to summon your personae instead of shooting yourself in the head. Once inside, there are multiple dungeons instead of one large tower, you can control the other party members directly, and they don’t end your run by getting fatigued. Instead, you’re limited by your spell points running out, since they no longer fill up when you return to the entrance.

The random card game at the end of fights is also different, and I think it’s a lot more annoying now, and it’s much harder to get the card you really want. It’s also much harder to sneak up on shadows and get in a first strike.

I’m not too far into the story yet — people are getting sucked into the TV world and then dying on foggy days, and the first few bosses I’ve faced have been the shadow halves of people I then recruited into my group. I’ve fused a few personae, including a Lilim with three elemental attacks, but there’s still a lot of experimenting to go.

Deadly Rooms Of Redundancy

I finished off a few more quests in Howling Fjord in WoW last night, but nothing too exciting. I think I’m close to finishing off the HF area, so maybe I’ll at least get to go somewhere more interesting soon. I’ve also started to make more room in my packs for a second set of equipment, now that the recently patched-in equipment managed makes it easier to switch back and forth between tanking and DPS gear.

But I spent most of my time in another game I just bought, called DROD: The City Beneath. Despite the fantasy-like trappings, it’s actually a turn-based puzzle game, where you have to make sure you fight monsters, flip switches, use potions, etc. at just the right time and in the right order in order to get past each room. I’ve made it through the tutorial and a handful of rooms in the city’s library so far, none of which were very hard, but the game has a reputation for really cranking up the difficulty later on…

I also caved in to another bargain and bought the Alien Shooter collection on Steam. I only had time to try one of the games, Zombie Shooter, and it’s a kind-of-fun three-quarters shooter with RPG-ish upgrade options, kind of like a blend of Crusader and Shadowgrounds.

My Love For You Is Like A Truck

Last night I took a bit of a break from EQ by playing…EQ. I’ve been saving up bits of equipment picked up along the way for some of my alt characters, and I figured I’d get away from spell-slinging for a while and played my kitty Berserker.

Unfortunately he’s only level 10 so far, and melee is still fairly boring at the low levels, since there aren’t very many special attacks yet. I took a healer merc, but he doesn’t need all that much healing even against yellow opponents, so I should probably switch over to a tank merc just for the extra DPS, to make leveling faster.

I’m not sure how much I’ll actually play him, or if I might switch over to my SK or mage instead, but it’ll be a nice diversion once in a while.

Another Late Arrival

After a bunch of questing in Howling Fjord today, mainly around the walrus guys and pirates in the south, I hit level 74. Nothing too exciting skill-wise, but it was still a momentous occasion, for it meant that I could finally enter the city of Dalaran.

And damn, it’s a crowded place. Shattrath is a ghost town compared to how busy Dalaran is. I set my hearthstone there, wandered around a bit, and did a couple simple daily quests, but I still have to look into things like what the progression and faction options are.

Anyone got a spare 20,000 gold so I can buy a mammoth?

A Little Late To The Party

After EQ, I actually spent most of the day in WoW, though. I finished off most of the quests in Netherstorm, a couple I’d left hanging in Blade’s Edge, and finally headed off to start the Wrath of the Lich King zones in earnest. I’ll focus on Howling Fjord first, where I’m cleaning up some quests around Angmar, but haven’t decided where to go after that.

I was a bit surprised at how much money I made, going from something like 350 gold at the start of the day to nearly 700 at the end. I’m going to need at least 2000 sometime in the near future, for the dual specialization and cold weather flying abilities.

Master Of Illusion

Today in EQ, I remembered that there are a few spells I hadn’t gotten yet, so I first went and got the Drakkin illusion spell from a fairly quick, simple quest. Upon evaluating the others though, I opted to skip them, since there’ll be higher-level versions coming up fairly quickly.

I went and explored the Prophecy of Ro zones for a little bit, but there wasn’t really much to explore. They’re pretty, but boring, from another one of the expansions that focuses mainly on group instance missions and little else. I then went and checked out the Loping Plains zone from the Secrets of Faydwer expansion. There’s a lot more potential there, with a bunch of potentially-soloable quests and blue-con critters to kill, though I’ll have to do some more testing.