
I was out of town for a few days and didn’t get much gaming done, but there are a few other things to catch up on:

EQ2: We continued questing in Lavastorm, finding some new quests and completing a few for the goblins there. Oddly enough, completing quests for them lowers a faction rating rather than raising it, and we can’t buy their rewards until we get our faction low enough.

EQ1: We met up in Crescent Reach and did some more of the gathering quests there. They’re kind of annoying since they require drops that everyone in the group needs to collect separately, which can take a while. Ah well, I got my beastlord to level 16 at least.

WoW: I worked on quests in Outland for a bit, getting the achievements for three of the zones, but there’s still a lot left to go in the others. I tried to solo Sethekk Halls, but it’s a lot tougher with my priest than it is with my warrior. Otherwise, I’ve just been doing the dailies, slowly getting towards crusader status with the tournament. I did finally get the polar bear from the frostmaiden daily, so that’s one less thing to worry about.

I also created a couple new characters, a druid and a hunter. I haven’t played the druid much, but I’ve gotten the hunter to level 13 and picked up Mazzranache as a pet. I think I’ll stick with using a scorpid for now though, as they’re tougher tanks.


After working through Uldaman, Dire Maul, a few other miscellaneous quests, and a whole bunch in Silithus that I’d previously missed, I’m down to five quests to go for the Loremaster of Kalimdor achievement. I’m still not sure where I’m going to find those five, though I know I could get four out of the centaur quests in Desolace. I’d prefer not to have to though, since that means a lot of faction grinding to reverse my current alliance…

And in Everquest news, another group of us from a forum have started a regular group in EQ1. On Sunday we made it through the tutorial (I took a Vah Shir beastlord), and today we did a bit of questing in Crescent Reach and then explored Blackburrow. I doubt I’ll stick with this one though, as I’ve got too damn many MMOs going already.

Blowing My Travel Budget

Today was yet more questing in WoW, of course. I finally got up to neutral with Timbermaw Hold, which let me complete a few more quests there. I found a few more in Razorfen Kraul and Razorfen Downs, even though I’d finished them before. Maraudon also had a few I’d missed, and then I wenyt to Feralas and Un’Goro to finish off a handful of zone quests, including the ‘Linken’ and ‘Larion and Muigin’ quests.

I’m down to 56 quests left for Kalimdor, though I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for them now. I still have to do Dire Maul, and I’m hoping there’s a bunch in Silithus and that some of the unfinished ones in EK will lead to steps in Kalimdor.

A Hot Time In The Old World

On Thursday our regular EQ2 group picked up a couple more HQs, though we couldn’t get very far into them, learned the Druzaic language, and then headed off to Lavastorm. It’s a much more impressive-looking but confusingly-laid-out zone compared to its EQ1 incarnation, and it took us a while to figure out how to get to an NPC we needed. We’ve started the quests there and we’ll surely be back.

And in WoW I’m now down to 102 quests left to go for the Loremaster of Kalimdor, after finishing off a bunch in Tanaris, Zul’Farrak, and Thousand Needles. Still a bunch left to go, though, and they only get harder to find…

Hunting Sucks

My quest for the Loremaster of Kalimdor achievement didn’t progress much yesterday, as I hit the Barrens and tried to scrounge up quests there. I found a few, but a couple of them involved tracking down rare monsters, and I spent quite a while running around and failing to find them. But, I did manage to find one of them when I logged on and checked just before work this morning, at least.

I also managed to get Chillmaw and the champion jousting in front of the Citadel done with some help from guildies, since there’s no way I was doing them on my own. That puts me at…about half the champion seals I need for a minipet…

I picked up quite a few quests for Zul’Farrak, so that’s probably what I’ll work on next.


After complaining about the difficulty in finding quests in Kalimdor yesterday, today they practically rained from the sky. I discovered that I’d left a fairly large chunk of Dustwallow Marsh unfinished, and by the time the evening was over, I’d done nearly 50 quests there. That puts me at just under 150 to go in Kalimdor now.

Hopefully some of the other zones there will have similarly pleasant surprises…


The rest of the weekend was spent mostly in WoW, where we finally got some dungeon runs going on Sunday. The heroic we tried was a bit messy, especially with the first boss, but we eventually got it sorted out and most of the rest of the place wasn’t as bad. I even got a new pair of shoes out of it.

I also worked on the Kalimdor quest achievement a bit, finding a few unfinished quests in Winterspring, Ashenvale, and Stonetalon Mountains. I’m going to need to find a lot more than that per zone in order to find the nearly 200 I’m still missing, though.

And I also spent some time in EQ2, working on the Brew Day events. Most of them were fairly forgettable, but I did get a nice little flying carpet as a reward from one of them. Even if it is actually a carpet of clover covered in mushrooms…

Being A Champion Sucks

I’m kind of getting tired already of the Argent Tournament quests in WoW. Of the dailies available at the champion level, the jousting gets rather tedious since they take so long, Chillmaw needs a group, and the commanders by the Citadel are just too much of a pain in the ass to bother with. I can earn two Champion’s Seals per day at best, which means it’s going to take a long while to get the 120 needed for the top-end mounts, or even for the minipets that cost 40.

And to unlock the best rewards, I need to redo the Valiant quests for the other four city factions, which means even more jousting…

Oh well, at least I completed the Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms achievement today, after finding a lot more quests in Eastern Plaguelands. I also finished off the Explorer achievements for the Eastern Kingdoms. Next up: Kalimdor…

We Are The Champions

I didn’t spend a lot of time in WoW last night since it was the regular EQ2 night, but I did manage to finish getting through the Valiant stage of the Argent Tournament and now I can collect champion seals for actual rewards. My strategy works just as well on the champion opponents; it just takes a bit longer since they start out with level 3 defense.

Then it was off to EQ2, where we managed to polish off three HQs in one evening, netting us the Bag of Sewn Evil Eye, the Serrated Bone Dirk, and the Stein of Moggok. Only the bag is really of any use to me, but the quests are still fun.