Crazy Cat Tauren

I took a bit of a break from the usual daily routine today and went around collecting some pets, picking up a couple cats, a couple of wyrmlings from the Blood Elf newbie areas, a worg from a quest in LBRS, and a giant frog from the Darkmoon Faire (though the egg for that one won’t hatch for a week). I’m still about three pets short of having 50 total though, which would get me a skunk pet as a reward.

And since I was fooling around in LBRS anyway, I picked up the pieces of the attunement quest for UBRS and finished it off as well. There were other quests I could have done in there along the way, but I didn’t really have room in my quest log. Oh well, it’s an easy enough area at this point, so I’m sure I’ll be back later.


Still not much exciting happening lately, but I did at least eventually get a full set of Brewfest clothing and the second-last achievement for the event. I’m still missing the last one since I never got around to doing the fight with Coren Darkbrew, but there’s always next year. The Darkmoon Faire is starting up and I got the two frog pets from it, but I’m not sure if there’s really anything worthwhile that I can buy with tickets anymore.

Other than that, I picked up a nifty little game called Windosill on Steam. It’s really just a Flash game that’s a series of 10 puzzles, but they’re really well-done and it only cost $3.


Things remain calm in WoW, with the recent highlights being more work on collecting Brewfest tokens (I’ve picked up the pink elephant pet as well), and working on some old zones and quests.

I’ve picked up the achievements for completing quests in Netherstorm, Terokkar, and Dragonblight now, but a few quests still elude me in other zones. In Zul’Drak I think I’ll need to do the Amphitheatre of Anguish fights, which will need a full group; I have a long quest chain I still need to finish off in Nagrand, which should get me close to completion there; in Blade’s Edge it looks like I’ll need to do some tough miniboss fights; and Ironcrown still has a bunch of tougher group ones I need to do.

And I’ve also been working on miscellaneous other achievements, like picking up mounts and pets, cooking recipes, etc. I’m getting close to finishing off the cooking and fishing achievements as well.


Today in WoW was all about beer, as Brewfest began. Most of the achievements were acquired pretty quickly, but a few others will have to wait until I gain enough tokens for completing the dailies, and one was a bit too tough to solo (I wandered down to Blackrock Depths to face an opponent only to discover he had over 300k health…).

Here Questy, Questy…

In WoW today, I popped back into some of the older zones, looking for quests around the Terrokar and Nagrand areas. I found a few of them, including a couple treks into Auchindon, but I’m still one short of the achievement in Terrokar, as most of them just didn’t count towards that. Tracking down these last few quests is getting to be a pain…

I also killed some time with a bit of fishing, getting another achievement there and working on cooking along with it.

Questing For Quests

Nothing too exciting has been going on in WoW lately. I’ve just been doing a few dailies and finishing off the odd quest here and there as I work towards the loremaster achievements, with Howling Fjord and Grizzly Hills now complete.

I did finally make a tempered titansteel helm though, which also got me to 450 blacksmithing. I could make boots as well, but my current boots seem to be almost just as good, so I should probably save my titanium for something else. I’d need to find new recipes though, as I’ve already made the store-bought ones.

Aw, Nobody Missed Me *sniff*

I hardly got any gaming done last week thanks to a business trip. About the only thing I did do was play a brief introductory session to Crusader Kings. It’s another one of Paradox’s history-based games, but with an emphasis on specific leaders and their personal traits, their relationships with others, establishing a bloodline, random events that happen to you personally, managing the people in the royal court, etc.

My games haven’t gone too well so far, though. In one, I was immediately given a demand to either let another person take over my province (which is an instant game-over since you no longer have a leader controlling anything) or go to war, and the war is almost impossible to win with your starting military. In another, I was doing pretty well for about 10 years (the total length the game covers is around 400 years), but made a choice that wound up getting me excommunicated by the pope and everything spiralled downwards from there. In another nearly everyone close to me wound up getting sick or dying, and my wife went insane. And in yet another, nothing interesting is really happening, as the duchy I chose was just too small and irrelevant. I have yet to get a really good, stable game going, and it doesn’t help that it crashes every once in a while.

I did also get back to WoW tonight, finishing off a handful of more quests in Icecrown, and I think the main remaining non-daily quests are ones I need a group for. I also started doing the initial quests for the tournament area in the north-east corner of Icecrown, including things like jousting. I might be able to earn some better equipment there.

They Like Me Too, I Guess

I didn’t spent much time in WoW today, but I did manage to get the Oracles in Sholazar basin to exalted. Nothing really useful for doing so though, as I could already buy the pet-hatching eggs before, but it’s an achievement.

And I did a few more Icecrown quests and got to Honored with the Knights of the Ebon Blade, which let me buy a nice pair of defense boots. I might not need the titansteel boots after all…