Everything Old Is New Again

Tonight we ran through and did all of the quests in Ragefire Chasm. I remember doing them once before, but that was ages ago, so I’d forgotten most of the details. Hopefully it won’t be too long before we’re ready for Wailing Caverns, where the good loot starts to show up.

And now that I’ve chosen my professions, I’ve been doing so much mining that my character probably has copper poisoning now. There’s still a long way to go, though… I’m tempted to just sell the ore/bars and build up some cash, but then that just keeps me from building up my own skills.

I also hit level 16 and gained yet another new type of attack that I have to cram into my hotkeys somewhere. This one should be a fairly useful one though, as it guarantees I’ll grab aggro for at least six seconds. Hopefully that’ll help keep things off the healers, which I’ve been doing a miserable job of so far.

Smelting The Night Away

On the WoW front, I finally decided to take blacksmithing as my secondary profession, since as another group member pointed out, there are plenty of specialization possibilities down the road so it doesn’t really matter if multiple people have it.

And I finally got level 14 and got two more new skills, as if I wasn’t already running out of hotkeys as it is… I’m finding it difficult to care much about the skills with conditions like “can only be used after the opponent dodges” though, since there’s plenty enough occupying my attention already.

The Quest For No Quests

My warrior hit level 13 tonight, as I was running around cleaning up old newbie quests. Or at least trying to clean them up — for every quest I completed, it seemed like there were two more new ones to take on. Augh! I think I’m close to exhausting the ones in the Mulgore area though, and hopefully we’ll soon be grouping up and working on common quests more often.

I’ve also discovered that warriors have a lot more different attacks than I expected, and I’ve already run out of spaces on my main hotkey bar. They’re all useful in different situations, so I want them all available, but there just isn’t room. I think for now I’ll stick with a two-handed weapon though, so I won’t need to use the shield bash attack right away. I’ll probably have to switch back to it later on though, as a more reliable way of interrupting casting.

Conan I Ain’t

A bit more progress in the new WoW group tonight, finally hitting level 10 and opening up the all-important talent trees. Though I just realized that I actually forgot to spend my first point before logging off…

I don’t really know much about warriors other than that in general you choose between trading off DPS and damage absorption, so I’ll have to start studying the skill trees more closely. Since we’ll mostly be helping each other out, damage absorption isn’t as important at these low levels when there’s healing around, so it’ll probably be best to go flat-out DPS for now.

It’s still hard to get into the flow of how a warrior should act when I’m still gaining completely new skills, but I’m sure that’ll come soon enough. For now all I can really do is charge to start the fight, use the taunt-generating attack whenever I have the rage for it, and stun to try and interrupt spells. I keep forgetting to refresh the battle shout buff though, so I’ll have to try and focus on that some more.

I do wonder though, if this other warrior guy becomes a regular member, having two warriors might be a bit redundant. Perhaps a mage would be a better choice to complement the group…

You Can Never Escape

Like trying to quit the mafia, WoW sank its claws back into me tonight as a group of us decided to try starting over again on a new server. The hardest part of the early game isn’t surviving though, it’s just getting everyone together in the same place…

I’m trying a warrior for the first time, though it’s too early to tell if I really like it or not. The power curve flattened out really quickly though, and by level 7 or 8 I was already having trouble with monsters only one level above me. Maybe I just need a better weapon, though.