Bounty Hunter Not Included

I hit level 50 in WoW last night, after gaining three in a single day. I’m still nowhere near caught up to where my priest is, but it’s at least closer to being able to go to the BC areas.

I don’t really have much else to say though, since it’s largely the same old areas and quests that I’ve done before. I’ve found and done a handful of new quests, either ones I missed before or couldn’t complete with my priest, but nothing particularly special. There are so many quests that it’s not really worth detailing them all.

The main difference this time around is in how I play, since the warrior is of course fairly different from the priest. He can’t really pull singles out of groups, but he’s tough enough that he can tank two to four (depending on level) enemies at a time. He doesn’t have movement-restricting abilities or ultra-high damage finishers to deal with runners, but a well-time Concussive Blow can prevent them from getting too far. Unlike the priest, who had to just let enemy casters do their thing, the warrior can interrupt their spells, so I have to keep an eye on what they’re casting. When taking on singles, I can often just charge right into the next battle with no downtime, whereas the priest was often waiting just to recover health and mana after each fight. And of course, I have to worry a lot more about equipment, since all of my damage and defense comes from it.

I also finally got my mount yesterday, and it’ll be well worth it, though it took every last gold piece I had. It’s too bad Tauren can only ride kodos this early, though; one of the goals I had for my priest was to get enough faction in Orgrimmar to ride a wolf instead of the usual undead horse.

Although QuestHelper was nice, I switched over to Carbonite and I think I’ll stick with it. QH’s problem was that it got too confused by things like tradeskill quests, constantly telling me that the first thing I should do is leave the zone and go to some merchant, even though it wouldn’t really help with the quest, and messed up the pathing of the others. Carbonite seems to be much saner about things like that, and has a few other nifty features as well, like making it clearer which areas in a zone you still haven’t mapped yet. It replaces the world map though, which is sometimes nicer for things like seeing Carbonite’s info, but sometimes I want to old world map back.

And now that I’ve hit level 50, I think I’m going to take it a bit easier, and take some time to work on some lower level quests (for faction and achievements, if nothing else), map exploration, blacksmithing, etc.

A Week Already?

I hit level 46 in WoW tonight, for a total of 10 levels in one week. That’s just a little faster than expected, though I’ll probably have to slow down a bit; I can’t keep spending every spare moment in it!

I explored the rest of Feralas and did bunch of quests there, but nothing too exciting. Then it was off to Tanaris with an old buddy, to do some more quests there. I still have plenty more to do in that zone, but I then wandered around a bit to clean up some other loose ends like getting artisan cooking, mageweave and runecloth bandage skills, a few miscellaneous dangling quests along the way, etc.

And now I have yet another series of blacksmithing quests to do, this time needing a ton of iron…

No Quest Left Unturned

WoW marches on, with the completion of some more of the Badlands quests. I also amassed a fair bit of iron ore and worked on blacksmithing for a while, getting it up to 213 and the artisan training level. That leaves me a bit broke again, though…

I took a small detour to Stranglethorn Vale to finish off a couple quick quests there. I’ve been trying to avoid Stranglethorn since it was always a horrible place to level when I originally played. Maybe it’s not so bad now with fewer people around. I also did a bit of wandering around for some copper for another quest item, and got the achievements for exploring Tirisfal Glades and the Badlands.

I seem to be running out of quests in the Badlands area though, so I’ll probably head off to Feralas next.

Weekend of WoW

Unsurprisingly, I’ve spent the last few days in WoW doing a bit of catching up. I’m already up to level 42; six levels in three days isn’t too bad… I’ll probably take it at a bit more leisurely pace from here on, though.

I finished off the blacksmithing quests in Orgrimmar that had been bugging me for a while. I had to collect a lot of tin for them though, since I couldn’t afford to buy it. Tin seems rather difficult to find, but I had fairly good luck in Thousand Needles. And I also finished off some other miscellaneous quests to try and get rid of some items that had been clogging up the bank, though in my hunger for quests I seem to have found a few more…

I eventually decided to go with a standard protection build, and switched over to using a shield and a single-handed sword. Though fights do take slightly longer now, I can definitely survive a lot better as well, often only losing a small bit of health and being able to charge right into the next fight.

I gained a lot of my levels doing all of the quests that I could in the Arathi Highlands and Dustwallow Marsh, and now I’m working on them in the Badlands area. As usual, I had to run through some Alliance zones in order to get there, but I made sure to explore them along the way so that I could get the achievements. I will have that Explorer title one day…

Also Back…Sort Of

Alright, fine. Tonight I reinstalled World of Warcraft, reactivated my account, and upgraded to WotLK.

The curiosity about the new expansion finally got the better of me, and it looks like I won’t be spending any more time in Tabula Rasa after all, so what the hell. I don’t make any guarantees about long-term longevity or such, though. Hell, it might take me another year just to finish off the Burning Crusade areas.

I’ve still got a lot of catching up to do, though. All I’ve really done so far is installed a few mods and finished off a couple quests I was still in the middle of.

The Accidental Levellist

I had no intention of actually playing WoW tonight, and was just going to pop on to say hi to friends, but…you know how it goes. The Darkmoon Faire was in town and papa needed a new storage box.

It took a couple of hours to gather enough vibrant plumes to get the container, and in the process I managed to gain a level, even though I was hunting a bit below my level and wasn’t really watching my xp. Level 36 gets my warrior a couple more completely new skills, but these ones are specific to the berserker stance I picked up recently.

I’m going to have to sit down at some point and reevaluate both my hotkeys and look deeper into what skills go with which stance, as I haven’t used anything but the default stance so far and I’m not even sure what some of these newer ones really do.

The Winter Doldrums II

I haven’t had a lot of time for gaming the last few days, so there are only a few minor updates:

I haven’t started the Hard career in GH2 in earnest yet, but I have downloaded a few more of the new songs for GH3. The “We Three Kings” song is…different; it starts off as a recognizable interpretation of it, but then goes off into its own new thing. “Ernten Was Wir Säen” is kinda fun, and fairly long and dense with notes even at the Medium level.

Unfortunately, the star power activation on my guitar continues to get worse and worse, and now I have to tilt and shake it around a lot before it finally kicks in. When I have some free time after the holidays, I’m going to have to crack it open and see if it’s something that’s easy to fix.

There’s a new 0.7 patch for Hellgate: London, which finally fixes a lot of the more annoying minor bugs and adds a HoradrTransmogrifying Cube, and this is the condition in which they should have actually shipped the game. They’re falling behind on the new content though, and the December content looks like it’ll be delayed until January now. It better knock my socks off or I probably won’t bother to keep my subscription going any longer.

I also toyed around briefly with a Hardcore Elite character, which is the most difficult the game can get (larger numbers of more powerful monsters, and your character dies permanently). I took a Summoner so I would have a pet that would be able to tank for me and let me run away if things get too dangerous. It definitely changes the way you play, since you have to be a lot more cautious and aware of enemy abilities and special attributes, it shifts your equipment focus towards survivability rather than killing power, etc. He’s still only level 7 so far though.

And finally, I’m up to level 35 in WoW, finally got my Berserker stance (easier than expected since the challengers only attacked me one at a time, not in pairs like some comments said they would), and am working on some profession-related quests in order to advance further. I’ve got cooking components that I don’t want to mix because I’m already at the cap and wouldn’t gain any points until I finish this Gadgetzan quest. I also still need to do my Brutal Armor quest, though it needs pieces from places like RFK and by the time I get them I might not even need it anymore…

The Winter Doldrums

There hasn’t really been anything really meaty to report lately; work and other things have been distracting me enough that I’ve only gotten in scattered little bits of gaming here and there:

Arkadian Warriors and GripShift came out on XBLA this week. AW is kinda Diablo-ish, but simplified a lot, and I’ve already got a few other action RPGs to complete (the Champions of Norrath games, Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance 2, Sacred 2, etc.), so I’m not really interested in a stripped down version. I did buy GripShift though, even though I already have it on the PS3, since now I can play it on the LCD monitor and the XBLA version has a few more features (achievements, online multi).

I’ve completed a few more championships in PGR4, including a Major, but haven’t unlocked anything else yet. I’m saving up my Kudos for the Aston Martin car package right now, with just another 30,000 or so to go… The competition is getting a bit tougher, and I’ve had to restart some races multiple times now in cases where they got too far ahead and there was no chance of catching up. And I still hate the drift/star-collection events, since it’s something I still can’t pull off consistently.

I’ve also been picking away at WoW a bit, popping on briefly to complete a quest here and there, and gained a few more levels in the last couple weeks to take advantage of rest xp. I don’t really have the time to commit to it seriously right now though, so it’s pretty much something I just fall back on when I want to see some old friends and I’m too bored/lazy to arrange something else.

Mmmmm, Mystery Stew…

Tonight’s WoW session was pretty uneventful. I finished off the Stonetalon quests I had left and avoided the temptation to pick up the new ones that opened, just to clear out some quest log space. Then, I headed off to Desolace, and wound my way around to Shadowprey Village in order to pick up the book for training expert cooking.

With the cap raised, I was then able to jointly work on cooking and fishing a bit more, finally ending up around 215 cooking skill. The recipes are starting to get pretty expensive though, so I might have to avoid buying every one I run across and stick to the ones needed to skill up. The really good foods won’t come until later anyway.

Here Feeshy, Feeshy…

Not much of note today, as most of my time in WoW was spent working on raising my fishing skill, first by Ratchet and then over at Zoram Strand. I stopped once I hit 125 so I could use the Expert book I picked up in Booty Bay earlier.

I’ve heard that fishing is more profitable now, but my main goal at the moment is to use it to help raise my cooking skill, and with tonight’s catches I managed to get cooking from 70 up to 127.