
Continuing on with the Great Dungeon Cleanup, I finished off Uldaman tonight. There was really only a single quest left, but it was annoying since it required entering the instance twice and flying all over the place in between. At least the instance part is fairly short. I also took the opportunity to knock off a handful of other overlooked quests while traveling around, as well.

Next up, Sunken Temple. That’s probably as high as I’ll be able to go by myself until I gain more levels.

Gnomes Are Confusing

I didn’t really feel like starting anything new, so I wound up back in WoW last night, and I took the opportunity to finish off the Blackfathom Deeps and Gnomeregan dungeons and prepared for Uldaman by finishing off the quests that could be done just outside the instance.

It was actually the first time I’d been to Gnomeregan, and the layout of it is a bit confusing at first. I managed to stumble into the end boss earlier than expected, skipping a big chunk of the dungeon, but it seems to be meant mainly for Alliance players anyway. I’m still missing one quest for there, since a ring I need didn’t drop, so I’ll have to come back at some point


And since I still had some time to kill this evening, I popped back into WoW just to take care of the Zul’Farrak quests I had queued up. They were, unsurprisingly, fairly easy at my way-too-high-for-it level, though the pyramid fight did get a bit hectic just due to the constant stream of enemies.

That completed seven quests in my log, and I only picked up three new ones as chained quests, so I’ve freed up four quests slots, at least.


And of course, right after I say I’m taking a break from WoW, I go and spend all day today in it… It was the start of the Lunar Festival event though, and these quests are only available for a limited time, so I had to do them soon anyway. I wound up getting all but two of the achievements for the event, and those will have to wait until I’m level 80 anyway since they involve Northrend.

And along the way I wound up picking up a couple pieces I needed for the quests in Zul’Farrak, so I’ll probably head there first whenever I return in earnest. I’ve still got a half-dozen or so quests to finish up there, that have been in my quest log for ages now, and it should be easily soloable.

They’d Better Be Reinforcing Those Saddles

WoW has been nothing but yet more clearing out of low-level quests, and a couple days ago I finally hit Stranglethorn Vale. It took two full days, but I finally cleared all of the quests there, including the damn Nesingwary ones. I still need to do the ones in Outland, though…

But more importantly, through all of these quests, I managed to squeak out the last little bits of faction needed to become ‘exalted’ with Silvermoon City. That got me an achievement, my first title (Ambassador), and I’ll be able to buy a chickenhawkstrider from them when the next patch goes live. I’ll probably just get the cheapo one though, since it’s just for show and I’ll prefer the wolf for actual riding.

(And I also got a few other achievements along the way, like one for hitting 1500 quests, completing a few instances, etc.)

There are still a bunch of other low-level quests to finish off, including some I’ve picked up for Zul’Farrak, but now it’s time to take a bit of a break, I think. I feel the same kind of burnout coming on as when I abandoned WoW after BC came out.

My Insurance Rates Are Horrible

The only really major news in WoW lately is that I finally bought my flying mount, and can now knock off the rest of the exploration achievements in Outland the next time I’m over there. For now though, I’ve been spending a lot of time finishing off low-level quests in the old world and gaining faction. I have all of the home cities except Silvermoon up to exalted now, and it’s going to be a pain since I’ve done all of the newbie and Ghostland quests for it and I’m still 3500 points short. I guess I’ll have to work on other quests and see how many ‘bonus’ points I can get towards it before I have to resort to farming runecloth.

And Paul and I finally got back to Halo 3 tonight, getting through chapters 6 and 7 of the co-op campaign. I don’t think he’s letting me drive any more, though…

Still Finishing

And it wound up not taking very long at all to finish off the Blade’s Edge quests tonight, so I also worked on blacksmithing a bit (up to 346), finished off a couple quest lines I’d forgotten about in Terrokar, and bought the riding skill level that lets me use flying mounts.

Now I just need the money to buy a flying mount. And I won’t be able to use it in Northrend for quite a while anyway…

Finishing Up

There’s not really much new to report on the WoW front, other than hitting level 71; I’ve been working through the quests in Blade’s Edge without too much notable happening (I’m already a bit overlevelled and overequipped for it, and probably should have done Blade’s Edge before Shadowmoon Valley), and made a brief detour to Hellfire Peninsula to finish off some of the leftover quests there. It shouldn’t take much longer to wrap up in Blade’s Edge and then there’s just Netherstorm to go as far as Burning Crusade content goes.

I’ve been feeling my interest in WoW starting to wane a bit again, though. I’ve reached new (to me) content, but I’m still going it alone all the time, all my friends are already busy off doing their own things in worlds far removed from mine, and I still don’t really feel prepared to act as a tank. I really should be grouping up and practicing, but dealing with the constant parade of morons spamming me with guild invites or “want 2 tank DTK plz?” has made me rather wary of pickup groups. It feels like I’m just going through the grinding motions, much like it did when I quit shortly after BC first came out.

Maybe I’ll just finish off the BC content and then take a bit of a break and work on some of the single-player games that have been languishing lately before coming back for the WotLK content.

Blacksmithing Sucks

As usual, it was an eventful weekend in WoW. As expected, the starting area of Northrend paid off in terms of equipment upgrades, and before long I’d replaced those ugly old shoulders and acquired a new sword that was a huge DPS jump over the old one — my measured DPS jumped from around 280 to 340.

After that it was time to get back to blacksmithing in earnest, and I scoured Silithus for thorium ore for a while and eventually got enough to raise it to 300, at which point I could start using all the fel iron ore I’d saved up. That quickly got it up to 330 before I ran out, though now I’ll just work on it as I go.

I stopped in Zangarmarsh for a bit and finished off a few old quests and got up to Honored with the Cenarion Expedition. That gets me the heroic dungeon key and a couple blacksmithing plans that should be useful. Well, once I hit 350 and can learn them… And then it was off to Blade’s Edge, where I’ll be questing for a bit. I also stuck my nose into Netherstorm to finish a couple quests that ended there and grabbed a couple flight points.