Time To Dust

Wow, this place is a bit out-of-date, huh? I kind of want to do a bit more writing, so it’s time to tidy it up a bit, I guess…

I can’t update with everything I’ve played since the last update, (as if I could even remember it all), but I can cover some of the major highlights:

  • I cancelled my WoW subscription, mainly over the reveal of the sexual harassment by high-ranking employees and the poor treatment of the workers in general. I thought that I’d return once they’d cleaned up their act, but it’s been several years now and…I don’t really feel an urge to return? I was just kind of spinning my wheels in it, just doing solo activities and tedious grinding, and I don’t really want to return to just doing that.

    That also means giving up Diablo IV, but I’ve been kind of curious about trying out Path of Exile instead. PoE2’s still in early access though, and I’d prefer to wait until it’s ‘done’.
  • I played a fair bit of modded Minecraft, in particular the Omnifactory and GTNH modpacks. Part of my Omnifactory journey was documented on Twitter, which I no longer use and I’m kind of loathe to link now due to…reasons, but if you’re curious, it starts here: https://x.com/halibutbarn/status/1413289134869737476

    I still play some GTNH now and then, but progress in it is a lot slower and it’s harder to find time for it.
  • I’ve done a bit of streaming on Twitch, but only something like 5 or 6 times now, mainly of No Man’s Sky and Minecraft. It’s kind of a weird feeling, though; I watch a whole lot of Twitch streams of other people, but I’m also kind of reluctant to stream myself because it feels invasive. Having other people spending their precious time on Earth watching you sets a certain amount of pressure on me to not waste that time, and makes me wonder if I’m up to the task. But it feels like something I should do just for the act of reaching out, like it would help to just talk and force me to articulate myself even if there’s almost nobody listening.

    I’d like to do more, but it’s surprisingly hard to find a block of time to specifically dedicate to it, with a plan of what to do, prepare the necessary tools, etc. If anyone’s curious, I can be found at: https://www.twitch.tv/halibutbarn/
  • The only new console I’ve gotten is a Switch, which I used to play a ton of Animal Crossing New Horizons, and…not much else. I haven’t really done much with the PS4 either, besides God of War and Disgaea, and I haven’t really been interested in a PS5 since there’s not much left that’s exclusive to it. I’m still a 99% PC gamer, really. Speaking of which…
  • My PC sucks now. The CPU is like 10 years old and the GPU is 6 years old, and I’ve had a couple of hard drive failures that have forced me to smaller and smaller drives so I’m now running off of an ’emergency install’ on an old 1TB spinning disk. I’ve been putting off buying a new system for too long, and now I’m tempted to delay it even further with the mess that the release of the new Nvidia 50×0 card has been, and the AMD cards aren’t out yet and…

    I normally assemble my own systems, but I’m tempted to just grab a prebuilt and call it a day, except when I look through the listings I always find some kind of problem. “Not enough RAM.” “Too many LEDs.” “Not enough VRAM.” “That part’s a generation too old.” I know, I’m too picky…

If I can think of anything else I’ll put it in a new post, but for now, it’s essentially a fresh start, I guess!

You Can’t Go Hearthstone Again

I hadn’t played WoW in quite a while, but I wound up buying Legion in the recent Black Friday sale and have been working my way through Pandaria with my shadow priest (with xp disabled once I hit 90 so I don’t overlevel too much), and it’s been fun in that comfortably-scratches-an-old-itch sense, but I’m still feeling kind of unsatisfied overall.

I think that’s more on me than the game, though. For a while now I thought I’d just been temporarily “burned out” on MMOs and would eventually come back to them refreshed and ready to go again, much like other gaming genres at various times, but it just hasn’t happened. I think I just don’t have room in my life anymore for the social and time commitments for raiding and regular grouping, and past that, sure there are some new sights to see and new mechanics to play with here and there, but an awful lot of what’s left is just more bear ass collection and faction grinding.

And I could apply that equally well to Guild Wars 2, LOTRO, EQ2, etc. Sorry MMOs, you were fun while it lasted!

(Wish I’d realized that before buying expansions for some of these that I never even reached. :P )

The MMO Mashup

WoW: The big news here of course is Cataclysm, which came while this site was idle…and went. I made it through all of the zone content fairly quickly, usually only taking a couple days per zone. It was fun enough, but it’s awfully railroaded, with almost no choice in how to go about working your way through things.

After that, the expansion felt kind of empty. There wasn’t really any reason to revisit the zones, I didn’t feel like grinding instances over and over for equipment I didn’t really need for anything, the faction grinding rewards seemed kind of weak, archaeology was fun for a while but now it’s down to tediously grinding for Uldum sites… Cataclysm is probably the expansion I lost interest in the quickest. About the only thing I really ought to do is work some more on my Worgen druid and see what the revamped lower level zones are like, but it’s a low priority.

EQ2: I can’t remember where I left off, but our group has pretty much finished with The Bonemire, and…we haven’t really done anything lately. Scheduling problems meant we couldn’t get the group together for a few weeks, and with that loss of momentum, we haven’t even bothered trying to regroup in a couple months now.

I’ve still been playing a fair bit by myself, though. I got my mystic up to level 90 alchemy and took him through all of the tradeskill quest lines in the Odus and Velious expansions, netting a flying mount in the process and unlocking some faction gear I can’t wear yet. I’ve also been leveling my illusionist alt, getting him to 72 and taking him through the Kunark zones right now and working on his tradeskill as well.

Vanguard: And I finally gave Vanguard a shot, along with a handful of other forum members who got caught by the curiosity bug around the same time. I’m only level 14, having gone through the tutorial island and a small handful of quests on the mainland, so it’s still early yet, but it seems like a pretty decent game. It has some of that old-school EverQuest feel, but with a more interesting combat system, unique crafting and diplomacy systems, and a lot to see and do.

Champions Online: And oh yeah, I tried this too, but the tutorial section didn’t really grab me, so I never bothered going back to it, even though it’s now free-to-play.

I’d like to get back and play more EQ2 and Vanguard still, but, well, there’s still that whole SOE-is-down-for-who-knows-how-long thing…

More MMO Mania

Things have been picking up again in the MMO worlds.

WoW finally released its 4.0.1 patch, pretty much completely redoing how skills and talent trees and stats work and forcing everyone to redo their talent selections. I’ve caught up on the main trees for my priest, warrior, and mage, and so far the differences aren’t huge, but it might require more play to really tell. My mage seems to have completely lost some buffs he used to have, though. The actual Cataclysm changes are still a ways away, but hopefully I’ll get my Loremaster achievement finished before then.

In EQ2, we finally got a full group together for a couple of weeks, so we’ve worked on the heritage quest for Rahotep’s staff and some faction grinding for the Maj’Dul quests. Unfortunately we aren’t quite strong enough for Rahotep’s final step yet — we gave it a try, but he’s an EpicX2 monster, and we just couldn’t damage him quickly enough. Maybe with a handful of more levels; we’ve managed to defeat an EpicX2 before with just the four of us, but it was on the verge of turning grey to us.

EQ2 also launched the Hallowe’en event, and today I took my mystic through the major quests that are part of it. One of them involved a hedge maze where I kept getting stronger and stronger as I defeated more enemies, and at the end I took on an EpicX2 boss all by myself and won. I’ll have to redo that one a few times, both just for fun and for other rewards like collectibles and a quest that only opens up on the second attempt. A couple of the other quests also have rewards for repeated attempts that I’ll have to try for.

And I finally got around to canceling my subscription to Asheron’s Call. I’d resubscribed earlier this year with the intent of revisiting it, seeing what was new, checking out the old stomping grounds, etc., but…it’s just not going to happen, at this rate. Sayonara, AC.

Just When I Thought I Was Out…

I’ve been dabbling in another miscellaneous pile of stuff lately:

Right after I finished the Mafia 2 main story, they released the first DLC pack, Jimmy’s Vendetta, which adds a bunch of free-roam missions like you’d expect from a GTA-ish game. It’s unfortunate that they’ve chopped the game up like this, but I’m invested this far into it, may as well get a little bit more fun out of it…

I’m about halfway through it now, and most of the missions haven’t been very difficult, but Paddy Wagon must have taken me 20+ attempts before I could finally beat it. You get mobbed by so many enemies, many with machine guns, that just surviving the fights is difficult, especially with enemies approaching from multiple directions. I eventually beat it by luring a cop car along with me to the final fight, and they helped thin out the enemies.

Overall though, Jimmy’s Vendetta feels…soulless. The missions are fun, and it’s nice to have more to do, but there’s very little extra voicing (just some generic environmental responses), no mid-mission chatter, nobody ever comes along or helps you out, the mission intro is just a page of text… It just doesn’t feel right.

WoW surprised everyone by releasing a bit of pre-Cataclysm content with an event in Durotar about the trolls retaking the Echo Isles. No real challenge to it, but it was still interesting, and I did it on both of my 80s for the achievement (and my 40 mage, but he couldn’t do the final quest for the achievement).

I briefly played Puzzle Quest 2, but only long enough to get through the tutorials in the first town. Not a lot seems different so far, but it’s been so long since I played the first that I’m fuzzy about the minor details that might have changed anyway.

And tonight I took another shot at VVVVVV on my Mac and surprised myself by managing to collect the final two trinkets. One of them wasn’t really that bad — I just hadn’t bothered to spend the time on it before — but the other was the infamous Veni Vidi Vici one, and it must have taken me over 200 attempts tonight to get it, not including all of my previous failed attempts. You have to let yourself fall through a bunch of spike-riddled screens, bounce off a platform, and fall all the way back through them, and it took forever to finally get the timing right. Getting the timing right on one screen isn’t really that hard, but you have to chain those successes all in a row to get through them all. Oddly enough, the return trip seemed easier than expected; the problem was mainly getting past that bounce successfully and consistently.

And that’s probably all I’ll do in VVVVVV, since the things still left over like the time trials and gravitron are just crazy-difficult.

Come Back, Braking Line!

A couple days ago I felt like playing a driving game, but I’m still waiting on the next Jalopnik pack for Forza, so I fired up GRID instead. I’d never actually put much time into it past the initial day or two for some reason, and over a few hours I managed to complete all of the first-tier events in the American and European leagues, and a couple in the next tiers.

It’s a lot harder than I remember it being, though. Even on the easiest setting, AI cars would constantly be riding my tail right until the finish, making me vulnerable to small mistakes. And since I almost always start towards the back of the pack, working my way past all the AI cars inevitably feels like a game of bumper cars, only rarely emerging unscathed. It’s still fun, even if a bit more frustrating than I’d liked when I was hoping for a bit more of a relaxing cruise to victory…

I also popped into EQ2 for a bit. I’d almost forgotten that it was a double-xp weekend, and although I didn’t get any adventuring done, I did gain five tradeskill levels each on my provisioner and jewelcrafter. These bonus weekends are about the only time I work on tradeskills anymore, as it gets too grindy otherwise.

And speaking of MMOs, last night I loaded WoW for a little while, partly to test the RealID chat with a friend, to check the oracle eggs (nothing good yet again), and to do some new quests around Sen’Jin village related to the upcoming Cataclysm release. They weren’t particularly difficult, but they did grant some nice rewards like an illusion-granting token and a unique cloak graphic.

Getting My Mac Wet

It’s been a while since the last update, so there’s a bit to cover…

In WoW, I finally saved up enough Champion’s Seals to buy the Argent Hippogryph. I was initially thinking of going for the Sunreaver Dragonhawk, but then someone pointed out that it doesn’t actually land on the ground and that suddenly seemed disconcerting. I then started saving them up for the other minipets and mounts, but in the meantime I managed to find all of the Horde tournament minipets on the AH for fairly cheap (it’s easier to grind for 300 gold than it is for 40 seals), so I’m not sure what I’m going to save for next. The warhorse, perhaps…

I got my mage to level 40, enabling him to work on tradeskills again, and soon had JC maxed out at 300 and enchanting near-maxed at 296. It did cost about 700 gold in materials that I didn’t already have on hand, though.

And I found a few more soloable quests in Icecrown that must have been opened up by raised faction levels. I now only need 14 more to hit Loremaster.

Steam finally came out for the Mac, and I already have access to a handful of Mac versions of games I previously bought. For now I’ve only downloaded Toki Tori, Civ 4, and a few Popcap games like Peggle, though.

In EQ2, we did the Temple of Cazic-Thule last week. It’s kind of an annoying place since there’s plenty of roamers that lead to long strings of fights, and a lot of grindy quests, but we did manage to complete the heritage quest for the Screaming Mace in there and I picked up a couple of item upgrades. There’s also an inner instance, and we worked our way to the top of it only to get squashed by the boss in no time flat. It’s frustrating that you immediately get locked out of it for 18 hours after only a single attempt.

Last weekend we then tried the Tower of the Drafling in Rivervale and cleared it out pretty easily, and also completed the Hierophant’s Crook and Bone Bladed Claymore HQs. And then this last Thursday we went and explored Permafrost for a while, discovering a bunch of quests and uncovering a fair chunk of the map, but there’s still a lot of stuff left partially-done and we haven’t seen any of the dungeons there yet.

And finally, I’m essentially “finished” Forza 3 for now after completing the R2 and R1 championships and getting the Season 6 achievement. There’s still plenty of races to do as I’m only around 28% completion according to the stats screen, but I’ll work on them occasionally on a more casual basis.

I also picked up the most recent exotic car pack, and the Mosler MT900S is extremely nice, and easily my favourite R2 car now. And I also discovered that the AI isn’t very good at oval races, with the R2 speedway series involving some rather impressive pileups…

One More

On Friday we had an impromptu last-minute gathering to do the Amphitheatre of Pain ring event in Zul’Drak, and that got me the last few quests I needed for the Zul’Drak quest achievement. That just leaves Icecrown to go now, though it’s going to be the hardest since it’s mainly group quests left, and as the highest-level outdoor zone in the game, they won’t be duoable like all the other zones.

I also played my mage a fair bit and got him up to level 39. I’m currently doing quests in Dustwallow Marsh, but it’s an annoying place for a mage since you get attacked by roaming crocs and spiders constantly, when as a mage I prefer to launch fights from afar.

I finally got FUEL installed and working now that they’ve added more serial keys on Steam, and spent a little while doing a few races, roaming around the open world, and playing online a bit with a friend. It was fun for a little while, but I can see how it could get a bit boring and repetitive. Fortunately it was only $4.

And speaking of racing games, I completed a handful of series in Forza 3 as well, putting me partway into the R2 championship and at driver level 40. I’ve also rediscovered the Impreza WRX STi as one of my favourite class C cars, as it made the Fujumi Kaido point-to-point races much easier.

Two To Go

A bit more progress in WoW lately as I managed to finish off the zone achievements for Nagrand and Blade’s Edge with a friend’s help. That got me the Loremaster of Outland achievement, and now I just have Zul’Drak and Icecrown to go for the big one. For Zul’Drak I just need to do a run through Gundrak, which will eventually happen in a random, but for Icecrown I’ll need some group help.

This morning I also managed to nab three of the Argent Tournament minipets from the AH for only 300 gold each. That’s about the price at which I’d prefer to just pay gold for them rather than having to grind Champion Seals for them; that’s 120 seals total, or about two weeks of doing dailies, but less than a week’s worth of gold farming.

And in EQ2 last night we went and checked out a new dungeon, The Obelisk of Lost Souls. It’s extremely maze-like but fortunately one of the group members had the map. Some rooms were pretty tough fights since even the monsters down below would aggro and swarm us, but there was only one death for the whole evening. We eventually gained access to the inner area and an inner instance called the Vestibule, but that’s as far as we can go until we complete an access quest (and only one member has it so far since you need a drop to start it).

We also wandered over to the Temple of Cazic-Thule in Feerrott to farm a wraith for the start of the Screaming Mace quest. With the long respawn time, we could only get three of the four drops needed though, so I’ll have to get mine later.

That Lasted Longer Than Expected

Our Tuesday night EQ1 group has kind of petered out, but it did actually last a decent amount of time for such an old game. The problem is that without mentoring and/or AA xp control at the lower levels, it’s hard for someone who misses out on a day to catch up. Once people start falling behind, it kind of snowballs and more and more people drop out.

Ah well, it was a surprisingly good day in WoW at least. My warrior finally got the fourth crocodile from the Shattrath fishing daily, and my priest managed to finish off a few more Zul’Drak quests that I had thought I’d need a group for. I only need three more to complete that zone, and I’ll be able to do it the next time I do the Gundrak instance. I’m also now only 30 quests total away from the Loremaster title.

And in Dragon Age I finished off the Lothering quests aside from the ones I have to travel for. Next up I’ll probably try out some of the DLC content, now that I can freely move on the world map.