A Whirling Cloud Of Fine Steel

Though I’ve just been grinding AAs in EQ lately, I made two big discoveries recently.

First, the anniversary quests aren’t gone yet, even though the event has ended. This means I can keep doing at least the fishing one, for a pretty good amount of cash and a couple AAs for an hour or so’s work. I’m not sure if this is intentional or if it’s just because the servers haven’t been rebooted yet, so I’ll have to do it whenever possible in case it vanishes soon.

And I also remembered that I can give charmed pets weapons to make them dual-wield. This resulted in a huge increase in DPS when I tried it out on the fire goblins in Buried Sea, and now I can make 4-5 AAs per Lesson period instead of 3. It’s also riskier when charm breaks, of course, so I also have to be a lot more careful.

And speaking of AAs, I’ve bought up all of the ranks of Jewelcraft Mastery and Salvage, and one rank of the research mastery AA as well. I think I’ll finish off that one (15 more AAs to get the next two ranks), just so the important tradeskill AAs are completely over and done with, and then get back to leveling.

Panty Raid!

I did more exploring around the Buried Sea area today, as there’s a bit more to it than I thought. There was a camp of fire goblins on Suncrest Isle that was pretty good xp, where I’ll probably spend my double-xp periods from now on, and I found some chests along the beach on another island, in which I found:

It also turned out that I could enter the city of Katta Castrum by jumping into the big whirlpool at the center of the zone. It’s an enormous city, divided into outer areas under siege by elementals and Shissar and the inner area where the old Combine empire lives, but it’s largely empty.

I picked up a handful of tasks and did a few of them that I could do right within the city itself, but none of them were all that important. Katta Castrum has its own separate currency, but to pick up any of those it looks like I have to do the harder, group quests. I doubt there’s anything I really want to earn here though, since it would probably be quickly obsoleted once I reach the Seeds of Destruction areas.

Back To The Coast

I figured I’d try somewhere new in EQ today, so I headed to the areas of the Buried Sea expansion. Unfortunately it’s a lot smaller than I expected — there are two main zones, but then the rest of them seem to be LDoN-ish mission areas that need a group.

Oh well. I picked up a bunch of tasks in the Barren Coast zone and worked on them for a bit, though they were fairly simple ones that only awarded xp, cash, and faction. A few of them took me into the Buried Sea zone and I hunted there for a while to work on one of them, though the xp wasn’t all that great. I did pick up a bunch of miscellaneous items that might be good for twinks, though.

Best of all though, I managed to see a level 76 named basilisk spawn twice, and just barely beat him both times (first time with my animation, second time with a charmed basilisk), and got both of his drops, including a rather nice 33% haste belt with decent stats. My monk will love that when/if he hits level 68.

Damn Kids

The seasonal events in WoW rolled right into each other as Children’s Week started up today. It’s a much smaller event though, basically escorting kids around to certain locations, and getting some pets as the final reward. There are some achievements relating to having them around with you when you do certain things, but I probably won’t bother with the PvP ones.

And it was the same old AA grinding in EQ tonight, though I’ve started putting ranks into the Jewelcraft Mastery skill, since I should probably resume raising it at some point. The fewer failures I have, the less it’ll cost me.


As I’d hoped, I finished off the Noblegarden achievements in WoW tonight, though it took a bit longer than expected. I ran around to various spots looking for a female dwarf, the rarest combination of all in the game, but had no luck for a long stretch. They were probably all in Dalaran, but I still don’t have access to there yet. But I did run across one by pure chance in Ratchet, and finished off that achievement.

The last achievement was just to eat a bunch of chocolates from the eggs, but it turned out to be a multi-tiered achievement and I needed a total of 100 instead of just the 25 I thought it was. Fortunately competition for the eggs was a bit lighter tonight.

And as usual, I popped into EQ for the daily xp period and got yet another rank of the mana regen AA. It might seem unnecessary with the boosted out-of-combat regen rate they added, but when I’m charm soloing I’m usually in combat mode 99% of the time, and my regen rate determines whether I can sustain the charming or if my mana will slowly dwindle towards zero…

Another Day, Another 50 Eggs

The Easter event continued on in WoW tonight, and I picked up a new set of Spring Robes and a handful of achievements related to the event. I only need two more achievements to complete the whole event set, which would be the first time I’ve ever done so, and they should be fairly easy ones to get.

And in EQ I put another rank into the mana regen AA. Yay.


I haven’t done much in EQ the last couple days except use up the daily double xp period (gaining enough AAs for the Persistent Minion skill), but I did get sucked back into WoW for yet another special event, this time for Easter.

It centers mainly around finding eggs hidden around some of the starting areas, and turning in the chocolates inside for rewards or finding other random rewards in the eggs. So far I have the full tuxedo suit (pictured below), an elegant dress, two equippable flower bouquets, and a new pet Spring Rabbit. The rabbit is especially cute in how it does a big leap to catch up to you if it wanders too far away.

Almost Forgot The Fableds

I finished off a couple of the Blackfeather Roost quests first in EQ today, just to get them out of the task list. Then I redid the anniversary fishing quest, since it’s fairly easy and profitable (nearly 4k plat and 2 AAs for only an hour or two of work).

Then I remembered that today’s the last day for the anniversary stuff, so I figured I should at least look into some of the fabled monsters. I don’t have a good group to help with the high-end stuff, so I consulted a list to see which ones would be soloable and drop stuff that’s actually interesting.

In the end I wound up doing the fabled versions of Tserrina (Tower of Frozen Shadow) and the spider queen (Crystal Caverns) for their robes, the warlords in Shadeweaver’s Thicket and the evil eye in Lower Guk for weight-reducing bags, and a handful of others that I ran across along the way (foreman and life leech in Crystal Caverns, the Ry’gorr oracle and chief in Eastern Wastes).

While I was in Lower Guk, there was only one other person around, so I made a tour of the various named spots and wound up getting a few items from them too, including a Shiny Metallic Robe (one of the first uber items!), and a few other pieces of junk.

And then I rounded out the evening by working on baking a bit. I had a ton of Hero Parts banked away, so I made Hero Sandwiches, which required more preparation than I expected. I only succeeded on about a quarter of the combines, since it’s a high-skill recipe, but I did gain four points of baking skill. Though I’m not sure four points is enough to justify the AAs I spent on allowing it to break 200…

I’m Going To Need A Trophy Shelf

I took yet another shot at getting the sludge in EQ this morning, and it took about five or six hours, but in the end I actually wound up with two sludge samples. The quest for the research trophy was easily completed, leaving me the spare to sell, and hopefully its rarity makes it somewhat valuable.

I figured I’d also try for the jewelcrafting trophy, and it was much easier. The hardest part of it is making grandmaster spyglasses, and I’d already done that long ago and it let me use my existing one rather than having to make a new one. The rest was just a bunch of simple combines, except for a few that needed a reinforced jewelry kit. I didn’t have one and had to do a little quest to make one, but it didn’t take too long, and before long the trophy was mine.

That’s it for crafting trophies for now though, since those are the only two I really intend to focus on anyway. And along the way I picked up enough AAs to buy both ranks of Suspended Minion. Now that my animation is actually fairly strong, getting those and Persistent Minion will let me pop it out prebuffed whenever I need it.


I figured I’d take another shot at trying to get that sludge I need in EQ for the researcher trophy, and after a few hours in Kod’Taz, it finally dropped. I turned it in to get two samples of purified sludge, which I then had to combine to create the two powders I needed for the trophy.

And with a skill at around 50 points past the trivial point of the combine, I still failed one of them. ARGH. I’ve spent too much time on this to give up now, so I went back and hunted for more sludge for a couple more hours, but with no luck.

It wasn’t a complete loss though, as I made 5 AAs and spent them on fairly fluffy stuff like Innate Metabolism.