We skipped the usual EQ2 night on Thursday since people were tired, so we moved it to Sunday instead.

We quickly finished off the Flowing Black Silk Sash heritage quest and although the item isn’t useful for me, that bumped the guild to level 24. We then headed off to the Splitpaw Saga content, which involved working our way through a couple of dungeons until we reached a quest hub. We only had time to do one of the quests though, and apparently we need to do three before we get the item that’ll let us teleport back there.

The entry dungeon was at least a bit more interesting in most in that getting through it involved some simple physics puzzles and blowing up cracked walls, rather than the usual old ‘kill N gnolls’…

But In The Meantime…

We had our usual Thursday EQ2 group, and wound up finishing off a handful of the longer quest series in the Everfrost zone. We’ve still got the final step to go in one of them though, since it requires clearing an area until a named goblin spawns, and it was getting late and we knew it could take a while and be rather boring. Maybe next time.

And I also picked up a little indie game called Eversion on Steam, based on the word-of-mouth on some forums. It’s a Mario-esque platformer, but the twist is that you can trigger certain ‘eversion’ points on the map to alter the atmosphere of the level, which affects how the enemies behave, which barriers become passable or impassible, and how you need to go about collecting gems on the level. It’s really short and I already got the basic and third endings for it, but it was a decent amount of fun for the cost. There’s a second ‘good’ ending if you collect all the gems, and I’m at something like 201/240, but some of them are tricky enough that I don’t really feel like spending a lot of time trying for them.


Wow, there’s a whole bunch of new stuff to catch up on.

I picked up Blur for the 360, since it looked interesting and I’m winding down on Forza 3. It’s basically like a Mario Kart-style racer, with powerups you pick up and fire at other racers, but on realistic cars and tracks. You can also use powerups to block incoming attacks instead. So far I’ve found the single-player game a bit frustrating since it seems like so much depends on random luck; I can come in second place one race, and then 18th the next, and I can imagine it getting frustrating trying to hit the specific advancement requirements.

In online multiplayer though, Blur is a blast. It doesn’t even really matter where you eventually wind up placing, with 20 players in total there’s plenty of action going on no matter where you are. There’s a level-based progression system that unlocks new cars and ‘mods’ that affect the rules slightly, and I’m up to level 13 (of 50) so far.

While picking up Blur, I noticed that Picross 3D was out. I played the hell out of the original DS Picross, so I had to pick this one up. It’s the same basic idea, expose the image within a grid by carving out unwanted blocks, but this time it’s a sculpture in a 3D block. The information you use is fairly different though, as you’re only told the total number of blocks to keep in a given row, how many groups the blocks are broken into, and not all rows are numbered. There’s a fairly lengthy tutorial that explains it all though, and I’ve perfected the Easy puzzles and just started in on the Normal difficulty.

And it’s not so new, but a fair bit of stuff has happened in EQ2 as well. I played my illusionist around the Everfrost area for a while last weekend, getting him 5 levels and burning up all the saved-up vitality xp. My mystic cleared out a bunch of the monster-farming quests in his log and then in the weekly group we went and finished off the Golden Efreeti Boots quest. Or the rest of the group did, anyway — I screwed up and missed a turn-in when we were in the Temple of Sol Ro, and then got wiped out by a level 70 dragon while trying to get back to it. I didn’t want to waste their time, so I told them to forget it and I’ll finish it myself at some later point, when everything’s lower-level.

Junkie No More

I just got around to changing my Xbox Live gamertag and shall now be known as HalibutBarn instead. MS has been rather oversensitive lately about ‘inappropriate’ names, so I figured I’d better change it before I suddenly wind up suspended for being a drug reference or something.

I finally started Bioshock 2 a little while ago, and this time I’m playing on Hard and going for the achievement for not using any Vita-chambers. So far the main struggle has just been to avoid running out of ammo and money, which are in scarce supply. Otherwise, it’s still a pretty familiar-feeling game and that’s perfectly fine considering how good the first one was. I’ve only made it to Pauper’s Drop so far, but I’ve fought one each of a Big Daddy and Big Sister, and the fights were fairly tense. The Big Sisters in particular are going to be tough, being as quick as they are.

In EQ2, we’ve mainly just romped around Everfrost some more for the last couple weeks, finally reaching the NE and NW corners and finishing a handful of quests, including the HQ for Tobrin’s Mystical Eyepatch. I also did a bit of soloing on my own to clean out some of the simpler quests and pick up collection items.

The city of New Halas was also finally released, and I immediately moved my shaman there to be with his barbarian brethren. It’s a really nice city too, with almost everything within fairly easy reach (the dock is a bit farther away though) and the tradeskills all clustered near the bank. The housing is really nice, and I finally upgraded from the starting apartment to a five-room house, which feels a bit sparse even with 160+ items in it now. I also started up a new dwarven warlock character, but haven’t gotten very far into the Halas newbie zone with him yet.

And I’ve played a bit more of Forza 3, but I’m not as enthusiastic about it as I was before, as now I’m pretty much just trying to grind credits and fill out the event chart. Maybe I’ll look at something like Blur next…

Two To Go

A bit more progress in WoW lately as I managed to finish off the zone achievements for Nagrand and Blade’s Edge with a friend’s help. That got me the Loremaster of Outland achievement, and now I just have Zul’Drak and Icecrown to go for the big one. For Zul’Drak I just need to do a run through Gundrak, which will eventually happen in a random, but for Icecrown I’ll need some group help.

This morning I also managed to nab three of the Argent Tournament minipets from the AH for only 300 gold each. That’s about the price at which I’d prefer to just pay gold for them rather than having to grind Champion Seals for them; that’s 120 seals total, or about two weeks of doing dailies, but less than a week’s worth of gold farming.

And in EQ2 last night we went and checked out a new dungeon, The Obelisk of Lost Souls. It’s extremely maze-like but fortunately one of the group members had the map. Some rooms were pretty tough fights since even the monsters down below would aggro and swarm us, but there was only one death for the whole evening. We eventually gained access to the inner area and an inner instance called the Vestibule, but that’s as far as we can go until we complete an access quest (and only one member has it so far since you need a drop to start it).

We also wandered over to the Temple of Cazic-Thule in Feerrott to farm a wraith for the start of the Screaming Mace quest. With the long respawn time, we could only get three of the four drops needed though, so I’ll have to get mine later.

That Lasted Longer Than Expected

Our Tuesday night EQ1 group has kind of petered out, but it did actually last a decent amount of time for such an old game. The problem is that without mentoring and/or AA xp control at the lower levels, it’s hard for someone who misses out on a day to catch up. Once people start falling behind, it kind of snowballs and more and more people drop out.

Ah well, it was a surprisingly good day in WoW at least. My warrior finally got the fourth crocodile from the Shattrath fishing daily, and my priest managed to finish off a few more Zul’Drak quests that I had thought I’d need a group for. I only need three more to complete that zone, and I’ll be able to do it the next time I do the Gundrak instance. I’m also now only 30 quests total away from the Loremaster title.

And in Dragon Age I finished off the Lothering quests aside from the ones I have to travel for. Next up I’ll probably try out some of the DLC content, now that I can freely move on the world map.

They’re Going To Have To Rewrite The History Books

Not much has been happening in WoW lately, just the usual dailies, though tomorrow I’ll be guaranteed to be able to purchase the Chef’s Hat, at least.

In EQ2, our weekly group was postponed until tomorrow due to one member being sick. I worked on tradeskills a bit more, provisioning and woodworking in particular. They’re about the only useful ones since it’s hard to keep up with our class levels now so equipment and spells aren’t much use, but any food or water is better than none, and the woodworking stuff is all unique. I also used my ebon cluster to resume the Bone Bladed Claymore quest and now I have to kill 1000 sentient monsters. That’ll probably take a while…

I got back to Forza 3 for a bit, starting the R3 championship and doing a few other series in the meantime. I find I have to turn on traction control and bump the AI down to easy for the R3 races though, as they’re hard to control otherwise. I’m kind of unenthusiastic about it at the moment though.

Our EQ1 group on Tuesday went and visited the Lake of Ill Omen for a daily quest and then popped into Mistmoore, where we got mobbed and wiped. We haven’t really been following ‘proper’ pulling and crowd control techniques, but they’re less important now and we’re just out to have fun anyway.

And finally, I messed around with Hearts of Iron 3 a bit. I played as Panama and turned off fog of war and just sat back to see how the rest of the war would unfold, and it didn’t quite go as expected. The USSR attacked Germany but got stomped, losing everything even way past Moscow; the US tried landing on the NW tip of France but failed to break through after years of fighting; Britain was barely involved in the European war and went around conquering Africa and South America instead; and Japan was stopped short by Nationalist China, so they never got around to taking over the rest of the Pacific.

HoI3 has a bit of a bad reputation among the strategy game purists, and I haven’t even delved into the mechanics properly yet, but it’s fun to goof around in it so far. I’m tempted to start a game where I try to turn Canada into a nuclear power before anyone else…

A Few Closer…

Back in WoW, a bunch of us from the guild went on a rampage through Auchindon. I’d been meaning to go there for a while now since I had a bunch of quests in the various wings there, and after we were finished, I managed to clear six spots in the quest log and am now much closer to finishing the Nagrand achievement.

And this is a bonus xp weekend in EQ2, so I played my illusionist alt for most of the day. I managed to gain five levels in both jewelcrafting (up to 48) and my class (up to 43) before the vitality ran out, mainly through questing and fighting in Feerrott. I also managed to find two ebon clusters, one of the rarer tradeskill components that had been eluding me for quite a while — I needed one for a quest for my shaman, and could only find one through a different quest up till now.

I Wanted A Pony And I Got It

Not much has been happening in WoW lately, as I’m mostly just doing the dailies. I did finally collect enough Champion’s Seals for the pony bridle, which now lets me access the bank, mailbox, and a vendor from anywhere (once every four hours, anyway) — never again will I be screwed when I go to turn in a quest only to realize that I forgot one of the pieces in the bank. And I also saved up enough cash for the next upgrade to the Kirin Tor ring, though the stat boost was fairly minor. One more upgrade to go now.

Yesterday, in EQ2, we delved in to Solusek’s Eye and completed all of the quests in there. It was kind of annoying in how you get mobbed in certain areas, and have to go really deep through some repetitive areas to get to the target for the final quest, but we were never really in any danger. Some familiar old enemies made a reappearance, like lava duct crawlers, but overall it’s a very different place than it was in EQ1.

And beforehand I managed to finish off a bunch of old quests in Steamfont and the Enchanted Lands, freeing up a fair bit of quest log space.

MMO Mania

Before I fall behind yet again…

EQ: The Tuesday group just whomped some rats and snakes in Blightfire Moors and then headed off to do another LDoN instance, this time from the Commonlands camp. We managed to complete a hard one fairly easily, no doubt thanks to the mercenaries. I hit level 27, and I’m making some decent cash, so maintaining the mercenary shouldn’t be a problem.

EQ2: This week was called off since two members were unavailable, so I mostly just worked on finishing off old quests. That included the Polished Granite Tomahawk, which I’d left unfinished for quite a while. I finally actually have some breathing room in my quest log.

WoW: I finally hit exalted with the Kirin Tor and could buy the robe from them, and I’d accumulated enough money to buy one of the Kirin Tor rings and one upgrade to it (I still need more gold for the remaining two upgrades). I also got new boots from hitting exalted with the Wyrmrest Accord, a Brimstone Igniter from emblems of triumph, and a few drops from running instances, for a fairly significant gear upgrade over the last little while.

I finally got my Venomhide Ravasaur mount after running the 20 dailies for it, though I’m not sure I’ll use it as a primary mount. Like the hawkstriders, it’s too tall and gets blocked in some arches and doorways.

And finally, I worked on quests a fair bit over the weekend and got the achievements for Netherstorm and Shadowmoon Valley. I think I only have four other zones to finish off now, and only something like 40 quests total. I’ll just need some help with the dungeon and group bits…