There hasn’t been much to say about WoW lately since I’ve mostly just been doing the Hallow’s End dailies. I’m still missing a lot of masks and the squashling pet on my warrior, but it’s really a matter of pure luck. I also got my mage up to 32 just finishing off the quests around the Hillsbrad area, but I think I’m going to leave him there for now because…
…I’m getting sucked back into EverQuest 2. A bunch of us from a forum are going to try to get a regular weekly group going, so last night I spent some time creating a new character (another kitty enchanter) and getting him to the Timorous Deep newbie area. We haven’t really decided on roles yet though, so maybe I’ll try a cleric instead. Someone else in the group also wants to be an enchanter, and I don’t really want to do a melee class after so much time on my warrior in WoW. It doesn’t officially start until next week anyway.