Today was spent mostly in Hellgate: London. Despite its current bugginess (and I did experience a number of crashes, hangs, network disconnects, and falling-through-the-floor bugs), I’ve been rather eager to press forward. Partly because, well, I caved in and got the subscription. The current subscriber-only Guy Fawkes event ends tomorrow, but the major quests that are part of it were in an area I hadn’t gotten to yet. After working my way through various other zones, I’m finally at the Templar base where the quest-giver is, and I’ll try and finish the quests off tomorrow.
Hopefully these event-specific quests will be worth it. So far, about the only direct differences the subscription has made is that my stash is twice as big (which is admittedly rather useful), and that various subscriber-only recipes and crafting components have been dropping. The problem with those is that I keep seeing the same few recipes over and over again, haven’t seen enough of the other pieces to even use very many of the recipes yet, and there’s no hint as to what the resulting foodstuffs even do. I’ll be kind of glad when the event is over just so I stop getting so much of that junk.
The combat zones are getting rather repetitive in style and layout now, but along the way to the Templar Base there were actually a couple unexpected twists that gave me a new area to play in for a while, and a chance to control another squad instead of myself. They were brief sequences, but it did help break up the monotony a bit.
I also only just realized tonight that my drone has attribute points to spend when he levels up along with me, and I’ve also added the skills that let it carry a weapon and bit of armour now, which has helped a lot. I’ve given it a sniper rifle for now, which is fairly powerful, but I’m starting to have second thoughts — the screen shakes whenever it fires the rifle, which gets annoying quickly. Especially when I sometimes switch over to my own sniper rifle, and the screen never stops shaking.