Much Bigger Than Spinal Tap’s Version

Today was the big day for the first major content release in Hellgate: London, with a patch that added several new zones, quests, and loot for subscribers only, centered around Stonehenge.

After first zoning in, the difference is rather striking — the Stonehenge hub area is a big, open, bright area, in stark contrast to all of the other cloudy, dreary, and underground zones that make up the rest of the game. The actual combat zones beyond that darken things up again, with a forest valley atmosphere. It’s a refreshing change, at least.

The main new quest line here is to kill the demon Moloch, after first taking out his generals, and to get to them you have to collect essences before you can get into their zones. I didn’t get very far, since lag is fairly bad tonight, so I’m not yet sure if there are any new enemies or terrain beyond that first combat zone.

There’s also one zone that pretty much requires a group of six or more players if you want to survive at all. I stuck my nose in for a few minutes, but remained pinned down at the entrance by a constant barrage of explosive projectiles.

I found some nice new helms, including one much better than my current one, but the stat requirements on it are fairly steep. I need something like 25 more stamina before it’ll let me wear it. It’s also subscriber-only, so if I ever stop paying, I wouldn’t be able to use it anymore. That’s how they get their hooks in you…

It’s kinda nifty so far, but I still need to explore it further, and it might still become uninteresting before too long. I just need to wait for the lag to die down a bit…

Nice Pseudodoggie

Now that Two Worlds is done, I don’t want to delve straight into another RPG, so next up on the list is STALKER (I am not going to continue putting the stupid dots in), which has some RPGish elements like variable equipment and stat modifiers, but is mostly a free-roaming shooter.

The intro doesn’t tell you much, just that you’ve lost your memory and want to kill some guy named Strelok for some reason, and there are various missions available from the local trader.

The first mission was to accompany some other stalkers to assault a nearby car park and rescue a guy there, and that went off fairly smoothly. The guy we rescued gave me another mission to retrieve a suit of armour for him, and that was fairly easily found a bit further to the east. People often recommend keeping the armour since it’s really good this early in the game, but I guess I’d rather improve my reputation for now.

I had also picked up a mission from the trader to find a pseudodog tail, and there was one defending the armour, but he didn’t drop a tail. They’re apparently a bit rare, and I reloaded numerous times to get another chance at it, but it still didn’t drop. Either it’s *really* rare or the pseudodog’s loot was already determined at spawn time, not loot time. Oh well. The only annoying part is that it’s a timed mission, but I think I can pick it up again later on if I fail it.

After that I picked up a couple more missions, including a ‘special’ mission that’s probably storyline-related, and they all sent me northwards to an area called The Garbage. Along the way I helped fend off some bandit raids on a camp and the building where my contact was waiting, and finished off one of the missions by killing two bandits on the other side of The Garbage.

Then I headed west towards the research centre for the next part of the special mission, and upon arriving there was already a big firefight in progress. I helped thin the ranks a bit, met my contact there, and then went underground to find a stash of information. While down there, I ran across a zombie-like enemy that took quite a few rounds to take down, and near the end there was another mutant enemy that blasted me with psychic attacks that did a lot of damage and gave me double vision. I wound up killing it with the knife since it didn’t seem to attack as much when I was up close. When I came out, I was inside the nearby military base, where I picked up the documents needed., though it took quite a few reloads because of the huge number of soldiers in there.

The other quests’ timers were starting to run out though, so I rushed back to the trader to turn them in, got a new quest to kill a rookie stalker, and headed back to The Garbage. I bumped the rookie off there, cleared out another bandit camp, and then headed north to the Bar, where I stopped for the day.

Aw, Now I Need A New Place To Sell My Stuff

Back to Two Worlds again, and I last left off in a cave mowing down skeletons, but after loading the save today, it kept crashing after fighting a couple more rooms of them. I proceeded a bit more slowly, quicksaving more often, and managed to finish them off without any more crashes. Only to discover that there wasn’t anything interesting in that part of the cave anyway. Oh well.

I explored a bit more of the map, finding the eastern army camp and doing a handful of side quests there, including one where I had to steal the camp commander’s underpants. After that and a couple more side quests I had left over, the only other ones left were ones that seemed to be bugged or were impossible to finish for other reasons.

So, needing new things to do, I crossed the river via the bridge south of Qudinar and started exploring the southern part of the map. I made it to the town of Ashos on the western side of the map, where there were yet more side quests to do. This time they were necessary though, in order to get the key that would let me into their temple. In there, I found the water stone I needed for the relic. Two down, two more to go.

Upon leaving the temple though, the entire town had been slaughtered by orcs, which I had to fight through to make it back to my horse. At that point there was only one thing I could do — break into all of the houses and loot all of their containers. Hey, they don’t need it anymore, and it’ll help me wreak, uh, vengeance, or something.

I’ve got a ton of alchemy components on me now, especially after clearing out the town, so the first thing I’m going to have to do next time is whip up some more permanent stat potions.

I’m also level 52 now, so there obviously isn’t a level cap at 50. Item level requirements are capped at 50 according to the patch notes though, so I might now be at the limit of how powerful equipment will get. I’ve also started trying to collect matching suits of armour, since apparently wearing an entire set of the same set number gives you a *huge* defense boost, and there are still monsters that can kill me in only one or two hits.

I Suppose I Should Rescue Her Someday…

It was yet another day of screwing around in Two Worlds. I first finished off the duplicate mage quest, though the solution didn’t really please either of them. I popped up to the Karga camp and easily got the relic frame for the main quest since they’re now pleased with me after wiping out their enemies. I also stopped by the nearby Karga cave and found “The Cure” there. No, not the band, but a barrel-like container. Unless they’re inside it… In any case, I don’t even know what it’s for yet.

I went to the city of Qudinar for the first time to turn in a couple quests that needed me to go there, explored the city a bit, and picked up more side quests. I then spent some time running back and forth and around in Cathalon to complete some of the side quests there, too. None of which were really all that remarkable, and most just required finding and talking to the right people.

I then wandered around the map, exploring more roads and smaller areas that I’d skipped before. In one cave I discovered dead knights, an annoying new enemy that constantly kicks dirt in your face (this is not the beach!) which keeps you from attacking or defending yourself for a few seconds. I also revisited the old boar cave and the tower I had discovered early in the game, easily dispatching the monsters that I couldn’t scratch before. The cyclops at the tower had a couple of decent rings on him, at least.

Since I was wandering down that road anyway, I stopped at the second Thalmont Node and had another telepathic conversation with my sister, who went on and on about the relic and how it’s not just a myth and blah blah blah… Nothing all that important in the end, really. Just point at whoever needs their head lopped off.

I also found a cave on the western side of the map with even more new enemies, tuloks and demons, and they completely kicked my ass, usually killing me in one hit. Apparently I’ve still got some growing to do.

And I was finally let into the village of Gorelin, though there wasn’t really much there aside from a few shady merchants and one NPC for a quest I’d started at the excavation but have essentially abandoned anyway, since it was for the opposing faction. Oh well.

I’m level 47 now, so I should probably be focusing on wrapping up these side quests and getting back to the main quest again. There’s still a big chunk of the map to the south that hasn’t been explored yet, too.

I’m A Sucker For Extras

I briefly popped back into Rock Band tonight, after picking up this month’s OXM disc since it had a few bonus songs on it. The Freezepop (“Sprode”) and Bang Camaro (“Rock Rebellion”) ones are pretty decent (the built-in bonus Freezepop song turned out to be rather disappointing), but I didn’t really care for the Count Zero one (“Shake”). I’m also apparently falling a bit out of practice already, as I tried “My Iron Lung” again and scored 3/4 what I did the first time. Ugh.

My account is also finally linked up with the website, but it’s a bit underwhelming. I can’t really see much in the way of stats, and it mainly looks like a social network for organizing bands for now. Maybe they’ll add more stats as time goes on, and more might appear if I finally start doing the world tour.

What Loyalties? I’m A Mercenary…

Not as much progress in Two Worlds tonight, though after reading up a bit more on some forums I learned how to make the horse more useful than I thought it was — it has its own inventory I can transfer loot to, and I forgot that I can hit ‘h’ to call it back to me, getting it unstuck as well.

I also learned about how to use alchemy to make permanent stat increase potions, and spent the first chunk of time just making and drinking a bunch of them. Mostly for the elemental resists and willpower and dexterity stats for now; I have to save up more ingredients for strength and vitality potions.

After that I completed a couple more minor sidequests and wandered around a bit, eventually ending up at the excavations. After talking to a few people and being able to free an imprisoned woman there, I found that this was where I was essentially forced to choose sides between the clans. Karga seems like the less evil of the two, so I helped the woman and became kill-on-sight to the other and had to fight my way out of the excavation.

Now I should be able to get into that camp that refused me entry earlier, at least.

Villagers Pay Surprisingly Well

I continued on with Two Worlds today, though after picking up all the quests in the city I left and decided to work on stuff elsewhere instead.

I started out at Four Stones village, where I cleared out a nearby dark tower of necromancers. There was a teleporter to a balcony high up on the tower, but there didn’t seem to be any point to it. I did pick up a new horse there though, and this one’s a skeletal, undead one, kind of like the undead in WoW have.

After that I headed south to Windbreak village, and along the way I ran across orcs for the first time. They’re not all that tough; I’ve actually had more trouble with random bandits that I run across (which seem to be the only enemy type that the game matches to your level). Upon arriving there I did a handful of otherwise unremarkable side quests, including clearing out a couple orc camps, which were a bit tougher just because of a large number of archers, which are still a pain.

Then it was off to a fishing village on the west coast for another handful of side quests, including a rather pointless one that involved a huge amount of running back and forth. Oh well, it got me some xp and gold at least. After finishing up there, I then headed straight south to find the cave where an orc called White Head was hiding, for one of the earlier side quests. I also ran across one of the relic stones I need for the main quest in that same cave, conveniently enough.


Today it was back to Two Worlds again, and I got quite a bit of questing and leveling done, putting me at level 26 (of 50, I think) with pretty good equipment. I’ve still barely touched the main quest, but at this rate it should be pretty easy by the time I get around to it.

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Never Mind

I finished unlocking the bonus songs in Rock Band tonight (“Outside” by Tribe and the Bang Camaro songs are pretty good, and Honest Bob And The Factory-To-Dealer Incentives gets the award for best band name in the game). I was going to start the world tour after that, but then discovered that you really do need at least two players in order to do it. I had assumed you could do it alone since it let me get past the player join-in screen with just me, but then it stops you later on. Oh well.

I started the hard level of the solo guitar career, and was disappointed again to discover that the bonus songs are locked again and have to be unlocked per difficulty level, not just once. Oh well. I was able to go on and complete the first two tiers on hard. Only one song really gave me any trouble and pushed me deep down into the yellow, and I only got three or four stars on most of them, but I did manage to five-star “Orange Crush” at least.

I got used to shifting my hand down one fret on medium, but now I need to be able to shift down two frets to reach the orange note, and I frequently wind up losing my place if I have to shift quickly. There are also more notes that are difficult to hit, like triple chords and RO or GB chords. I’m still using three fingers for now and haven’t decided yet whether to switch back to using my pinky again. Hey, if Clapton can do it with just three… But then again, I’m no Clapton. ;)