I Just Wanted The Light To Go Away

The drive on my Wii lit up blue a little while ago, letting me know there was some kind of news available. Upon booting it up, I was a bit disappointed to discover that it was just a Check Mii Out update.

While I had it on I figured I’d check out the store for any recent updates. None of the recent VC titles mentioned on news sites had really piqued my interest, but looking through the list I saw StarTropics, and vaguely remembered it being recommended as a sleeper classic. So, of course, the poor impulse control part of my brain took over and bought it.

It’s kind of Zelda-ish, with an overworld map you move around on to get from place to place, towns to enter, and dungeons that take you to another overhead view where you fight enemies (a yo-yo being your main weapon) and navigate puzzles. Unlike Zelda though it’s pretty linear so far, since the overworld areas are somewhat limited.

I made it through the first dungeon without too much trouble. The dragon near the end killed me once until I figured out the trick to beating him (stay one square below where you’d attack him from, and jump up towards him only when he shoots fire at you, hit him a few times, jump back, and repeat).

That got me a submarine that took me to another area where I got a quest to find a missing dolphin, found a message in a bottle on the beach, discovered a secret path to a heart powerup, and entered the dungeon there. There were a couple new enemies here, including an annoying pufferfish-like thing that shot hard-to-dodge projectiles at me when I couldn’t get at him, but I still made it through to the end boss. This boss is a bit tougher and I lost the rest of my lives, so I’ll have to start the dungeon over again next time, but I know his trick now (he only comes close enough to be attacked very briefly, but you pick up a couple items that can freeze time for a while in the previous room, so you have to use them while he’s close enough).

It’s not particularly deep, but it’s still a nifty little game.

Ow, My Thumb

Rez HD came out on Xbox Live Arcade today, and having heard a lot about the now-impossible-to-find PS2 version, I couldn’t resist picking it up. It’s a regular rail shooter in a lot of ways, but its appeal is in its trippy cyberpunk atmosphere and soundtrack.

It’s a pretty short game and I made it through the first four areas without too much trouble and unlocked the fifth one. The ‘minibosses’ in the fifth area kicked my butt though, so I’m going to need to attempt it again sometime. Part of it is just needing to learn the patterns, so you know when waves of missiles will be incoming soon so you have enough time to get them all.

There’s also a score attack mode, but I’m not sure how the scoring works yet. I went through the first area in it, and thought I did really well and performed well on the analysis/shot down/item stats, but still only got half the total score of other people on my friends list. Maybe I need to deliberately drag out the boss fight and just rack up points ‘wasting’ shots on the shields and such…

The Cold Cannot Stop The Rock

I also managed to sneak in a quick Rock Band session tonight, just to check out the new songs for today. I wasn’t familiar with “Siva” or “Ten Speed (God’s Blood And Burial)”, but they’re pretty fun to play on guitar and I even managed to nail a 100% full combo run on “Siva” (albeit on medium, still). “Ten Speed” is a cover, but I’d never heard the original, so it doesn’t really make a difference to me.

“Working Man” is also a cover, but the vocalist isn’t that bad and there’s not really a lot of singing in it anyway, relatively speaking. It’s a looooong song, with lots of complex guitar solos, so it’s not one you want popping up in the world tour too often, but it’s awesome to play when you’re in the mood.

Aren’t There Any Cars In The Zone?

I managed to get in some time in STALKER tonight before being forced to retreat to a bundle of blankets in the living room (damn you winter!), though nothing too interesting happened.

I had previously made it to The Bar, but still had to go back to Sidorovich to turn in a couple of missions, so I grabbed a couple more missions that were along the way and headed back. One of them was to take out a camp of bandits, who I found attacking the stalker camp I’d defended before, and they were fairly easy to dispatch. The other was to kill a deserter, and I had to head west to the research station map to find him. While I was there I also finished off a few guards that were still around the military base, and restocked on machine gun ammo from them.

Upon getting back to Cordon, I figured I’d finally meet up with the military squad guarding the bridge underpass, and they want money in order to let you pass. Feeling a bit cockier than I did the previous time I’d been this way, thanks to being more heavily armed, I poked my AK74/2 in his face instead and a bit of a firefight broke out. They wound up being easier than I expected, and although their machine guns weren’t any better than my own, one of them did have a better pistol than I had.

And now, having turned in the former quests, I have to trudge all the way back to The Bar and turn in the ones I did along the way… I think some of these missions are randomly generated, so I might have to focus on getting back to the storyline missions instead of constantly being distracted by these minor ones. I should probably get the mod that tells you what the quest reward is so I at least know which ones are actually worth doing.

I Should Have Gotten More Souvenirs

It was back to Hellgate: London yet again last night, and after a bit more grinding in some of the previous zones, I managed to scrape together the final essences I needed to get to the last two generals in Stonehenge. The third one was a really annoying fight — it was one of the new flying creatures that’s fairly tough to keep firing at since it likes to dip, swerve, and fly away quickly a lot, and it had a ton of health. The fourth one looked like it might be annoying at first, since it could summon bruisers that can do a lot of damage, but it went down fairly quickly.

So, having beaten all four, it was off to fight Moloch himself. The first zone on the way to him wasn’t very notable, but the second was a bit different in that it had a huge number of stairways upwards, and criss-crossed over the same large open room several times as you went higher and higher. The odd part was that the portal I needed to go through was near the bottom though, and I didn’t need to go up all those stairs after all (but I did anyway out of curiosity). Yay for randomly generated maps.

And then it was time to face Moloch himself. It again looked like there might be trouble as he could summon a large number of gargoyle-type creatures, and his health wasn’t going down very quickly at first, but after retreating and regrouping after the first wave of summons, I noticed that his health had gone down a big chunk. Something was damaging him pretty well (the molotov bomb bots, perhaps), so I just kept going and it didn’t take too long to beat him.

The reward for all of this? A pile of loot, of course, though most of it wasn’t all that useful. The one piece I did keep was a unique helm of a type that must be new to Stonehenge. I was a bit wary of giving up my old helm, which added quite a bit of elemental protection, but this new one adds a lot of damage and accuracy bonuses.

And that’s it for Stonehenge for me, since I doubt I’ll have a chance to do the grouping part easily. The Moloch quest can actually be redone, but I don’t think I’ll bother until I naturally collect enough essences rather than grinding for them. If they can keep the new content coming like this every few months, then the subscription plan might not be so bad after all.

Bonus Points If A Fistfight Breaks Out Mid-Song

I also got back to Rock Band for a bit today, mainly since I wanted to check out the latest DLC. I wasn’t really a huge Oasis fan back in their day, but the DLC was recommended and the guitar parts are actually pretty fun to play.

I then cleared a couple more tiers of the solo guitar career on Hard. I’m still only getting three or four stars at best on them, and not scoring any higher than I did on medium yet, but I’m not really getting consistent practice at it either at this rate.

It’s Not As Groovy As The Druids Claimed

And yes, it was more Hellgate: London today. I entered the one zone I had the essences to unlock, and it had the same underground hallway tileset as some of the ‘passageway’ zones, but with central chambers added. Not really much of interest there though, as the actual general was yet one more zone away. That zone had the same ‘hell plains’ setting as the final boss fight, and I found the general way down in the SE corner. I actually died once to him as he does a ton of damage with a teleporting attack, but otherwise I was able to gradually wear him down and keep myself just barely healed up.

After a bit more farming I had enough essences for another general, and it went much the same way, except that the general’s zone used the Mind of 314/Exospecter tileset. He was a pushover though; unlike the giant first general this one was normal sized and mixed in with a bunch of other monsters and I didn’t even realize I’d beaten him until finding his head in the middle of the pile of loot.

I still need three or four more of each of the remaining essences though, so they’re not being dropped at an equal rate. I did a couple more Temple Station quests, but the enemies are getting way too high level too quickly, so more grinding is going to be needed. I guess I can get back to farming Shulgoth for the achievement, at least…

I also started a Marksman and played him until level 7. It’s not really a lot different than the engineer in the early game though, so I’m not sure if I’ll bother with him much further.

Lemme In!

Today was just yet more Hellgate: London. I had finally made it to Stonehenge yesterday, but I still didn’t have enough essences to get into the generals’ areas. After a sweep of the connecting zone I still didn’t have enough, so I just continued on with Temple Station quests. By the time I took down the Exospector I finally had five essences, but by then it was fairly late, so Stonehenge will have to wait another day.

I’m also tempted to just keep going until I get five of all of the types of essences, but I’m also progressing more and more slowly as the enemies get farther and farther above me in levels, so if I have to grind out some levels, I may as well do it in the new area.

Slouching Towards Stonehenge

I spent a bit more time in Hellgate: London tonight working my way towards Stonehenge in nightmare mode, and it took a bit longer than expected. Despite being only one station away and having done most of the quests there yesterday, I forgot that I still had a squad control mission and Mind of 314 to go through before I could go to the next one.

The squad mission turned out to be a real pain. Although I had infinite squad members to restart with if they all died, running them all back down to the final boss was annoying, and he could summon groups of monsters that would rapidly kill off the squad. It was a matter of continually restarting with a new squad, running down to the end, trying to get in an airstrike or two on the boss to wear him down a bit before the squad died, and repeating until finally finishing him off.

Mind of 314 wasn’t too bad though, and perhaps even slightly easier than when I did it on normal difficulty. It just took a while since I kept choosing the wrong path to follow at each branch.

And so I finally arrived at Temple Station and can go to Stonehenge. I don’t have enough essences to unlock the generals’ gates yet though, so I’m leaving it there for tonight and will start the farming some other time.

A Bit Farther Away Than It Looked

There was a hotfix today for Hellgate: London that supposedly fixed the lag I was seeing last night, so I hopped on and selected my engineer. I realized too late that I’d forgotten to uncheck the ‘nightmare difficulty’ box though, and he wasn’t far enough along in that difficulty to enter Stonehenge yet.

Oh well, I was only one station away, so I figured I’d just keep on going and quickly try to get to that point. Except then my compulsiveness kicked in and there were still a ton of quests left to at the station I was in, so of course I had to start clearing them all… By the end of the night I still hadn’t unlocked the path to the next station, so no Stonehenge for me tonight.

The lag did seem to be largely cleared up though, aside from an occasional hitch.