I played Trackmania on and off a bit today. The ‘problem’ I’m running into now though, is that my rank is high enough that I don’t really belong on the highly-populated main servers, and the suggested servers with people closer to my rank are much less populated. I like to get lost in the crowd, I guess…
Author Archives: heide
Simple Songs
I finally got around to trying out the latest Rock Band DLC tracks, and overall it’s a fairly average group. “Call Me” (Blondie) is a bit tougher thanks to a lot of chords, “Message In A Bottle” (The Police) is pretty much the same as the Guitar Hero version as far as I can tell, and “Simple Man” (Lynyrd Skynyrd) is, well, pretty simple.
The one novelty this week was the Motley Crue track “Saints Of Los Angeles”, which debuted in Rock Band before even on the radio. I wouldn’t call myself a Crue fan, and the song itself wasn’t all that special, but the guitar note chart for it is actually fairly fun.
Maybe There’s Too Much Dust In The Engine
And tonight was more TrackMania, of course. I managed to find a server with a decent mix of mid-level difficulty tracks, though there were only 29 people on it instead of the 150+ I’ve seen on others. There still aren’t very many servers running with the full set of United environments, though. About the only interesting part is that I finally managed to crack the 10,000 rank mark, ending the night at something like 9982.
I also finished off a bunch of the solo mode tracks, including the new ‘white’ level ones. I was unable to get gold medals in any of the desert tracks though; the handling on that car is just really odd, and it’s hard to take tight turns without going on two wheels and slowing down a bit.
HalibutBarn Has A Posse
It was another Trackmania night, and tonight I started off on a highly-populated custom server, but gave up on it after a while. The big problem with a lot of the user-made maps is that you need to practice on them a bit since people love to throw all sorts of twists and crazy stunt jumps and blind corners and such at you, so you need a while to learn the track. You only get around five minutes per track when you’re playing online though, which often isn’t enough.
So, I switched over to one of the official Nadeo servers, running the ‘blue’ B-series tracks. I did a lot better there, but I did start to bore of them as I wrapped up for the day, so tomorrow I’ll probably have to see if there’s a C-series server.
I think the highest I placed all evening was 4th, but my overall world rank is still a little below 10,000 (out of 150,000 or so globally). And at one point, I had a few more spectators following my car than expected…
The Mania Spreads
As expected, more Trackmania servers popped up tonight, so I spent most of the evening racing around on them. They’ve apparently bumped up the server capacity a lot, as the first server I was on often had 130-140 people on it, and I’ve heard reports of others with 200+. Though there’s no collisions between players, races can still become confusing with that many people around and blocking your view. Fortunately there’s an option to shut off other players’ cars entirely, so you just see the chat and final scores at the end of the round.
With that many players around, many of whom were fairly experienced, I didn’t come anywhere close to winning, but I was usually in the upper quartile. I think the highest I ever placed was 7th.
The popular servers were just the Stadium environment though, since that’s the only one available to users of the free client. I’ll probably get sick of that before too long and then I’ll have to seek out United servers with the other settings. Hopefully there’ll be a decent number of them…
Traffic seems a bit heavy today…
…resulting in a bit of road rage.
Hopefully Forever Won’t Be Too Short
The ‘Forever’ patch for Trackmania United was released today, at a surprising size of 900 megs. It does change a fair bit though, with a new menu interface, revamped graphics in a few of the environments, new tracks, and some new track builder pieces. And perhaps best of all, it removes the CD check and Starforce, so I don’t need to keep the disc around for whenever I get the whim to play.
I did a bunch of the new tracks, but they were mainly easier ones, meant as tutorials for new players. Looking ahead to the tougher tracks though, the unlocking requirements get pretty steep, requiring things like getting all golds on all previous tracks. I’m not sure I’ll ever reach that point…
Not many servers are up yet, but it was just released, so it’ll take time for people to get it and start up more servers. Hopefully…
Time To Flee
I resumed Suikoden V in the ‘town’ of Raftfleet, where I upgraded my armour, met the admiral that ran the town (who turned out to be another friend of Sialeeds’), and turned over the troublemakers.
Upon returning to Sol-Falena, the queen got all gushy about how my sister and I were growing up, and then Gizel arrived and the betrothal party was held. After leaving the party, there was some more scheming by Gizel, and I found myself attacked by assassins. I then ran into Gizel’s gladiator from the Sacred Games and was forced into losing the fight against him, but another Knight and gladiator showed up to rescue me. However, I learned that the queen and king were now dead, and everyone thought it best to flee. A bunch of cutscenes showed that my sister was still safe, at least.
I made my way to Lunas and talked to the oracle there, but had to flee again as a search party was approaching. I headed to Haud Village, in the territory of the other house that had been competing for the princess, and it was a rather…gaudy town overrun with crazy artists. There I met an officer of the House of Barows who then took me the rest of the way to meet the Barows family.
The head of the Barows house and his son are still as slimy as they were when we first met them, but they’re at least friendly, and I was introduced to his lovely daughter, who is a likely love interest for the prince. We were once again followed and attacked by Gizel’s troops though, and I saved for the night just before the first strategy battle of the game.
I Still Haven’t Even Tried All The Cars Yet
I also got in a handful of Forza 2 races today with some other forum members. Results were mixed, with a couple wins, a couple last-places, and everything in between. I just wish I could do it more often since I don’t really know that many people with it.
In a break between sessions, I watched a bit of other races on Forza TV.
Classy! Fortunately, it was canceled out by an all-Countach league race around Silverstone for 50 laps. I was wondering what in the world was going on at first since they were just crawling around the track at barely even half-speed until I realized that duh, they were doing their own recon lap and rolling start…
Restoring Hell To Its Rightful Infernalness
I was stuck where I last left off in Sam & Max, but got unstuck today when I tried shooting Jurgen’s Monster and got things rolling again. That led to freeing Grampa Stinky, and then I was able to free Bosco and the Desoto, though I had to look up the nitrous puzzle solution (it wasn’t exactly intuitive). And finally I got the right combination on the toy, freeing Santa and his elf, and finishing off all of the dioramas.
Unfortunately, this got Sam sent to his own personal hell, with Peepers from the Soda Poppers replacing Max as his sidekick, causing much anguish. Getting out was fairly simple though, and after confronting Satan again, the big secret behind who really runs hell was revealed, and Satan gets fired.
We had to stop *them* now, as they tried to carry out their strange-but-nefarious plan in three different locations, involving a fiddling contest, seducing Sybil, and tempting Girl Stinky. Stopping them required breaking up a rather disturbing bachelor party for Lincoln’s Head, but was mostly just a matter of finding the right object for each spot.
Now that they were really mad, they banished both Sam and Max to a flaming lake, but here it crossed over with a previous episode again and they immediately escaped, since technically we already performed that escape in the other episode. That led to the final confrontation in a now-rather-frosty office of Hell, but this ending bit was fairly easy.
The wedding takes place, Satan gets his job back as head of Hell, and all is uh, well, I guess. OR IS IT? Well, probably not, whenever Sam & Max are involved.
This Isn’t What I Expected When They Said The Game Was About Dilemmas
There’s a new patch out for The Witcher. It’s not the huge one they promised that will rework the English dialogue and improve the engine though, this one just adds one new quest module, the editor, and some other minor fixes. But, according to the patch notes, they recommend that you restart the game due to expected glitches and other incompatibilities with current save games. Whoops.
I didn’t intend to apply this patch anyway since I’m waiting for the big one, but unfortunately the same thing will probably also apply to it. So, at this point, I have to decide whether to go on and finish the game as it is right now anyway, or to wait and get all the improvements but have to restart and redo the first three chapters all over again. Argh.