Ruins Are More Boring Than You Might Think

It was back to Suikoden V tonight, and I discovered to my dismay that I’d done the Big Hole run for grinding the wrong way, as I hadn’t yet had the trigger that opens up a new area occur yet. Oh well. I figured I’d go ahead and do the western ruins first anyway, so I can ditch Zweig and Lorelai since they’re forced into my party right now and I don’t really want them in my core party.

Twilight Forest was along the way, and it’s really annoying since it’s easy to get lost in it and it’s full of irritating Creeper enemies who’ll poison you fairly often, requiring me to burn through a lot of antitoxins. I eventually caved in and used an online map to get through it, but at least I earned a lot of cash and skill points in the process. The ruins themselves and the Ancient Creeper boss were actually fairly easy, and Leknaat popped up to show off how cryptic she can be again. Thanks for nothing. But I did get a new spell attached to my Dawn Rune, and with that I was able to go back and heal Lyon. I also befriended Killey along the way, though he’s a rather big jerk.

Unfortunately, now the Armes army has allied with the Godwins and is invading, and now I have to go fetch the Dragon Cavalry and hold them to their promise to defend us from foreign invaders. And although I could remove Zweig and Lorelai, now I’m forced to take Lun and Logg, the petty gold thieves from earlier… At least they’re pretty decent party members, have a good co-op attack, and I’ve used them a lot before.

How Many Times Have I Bought Kool Thing Now?

It’s been a while since I last fired up Rock Band, so I checked out the latest new songs via the store previews. A lot of them didn’t really interest me, but in the end I did wind up picking up Kool Thing (Sonic Youth), Zero (Smashing Pumpkins), and Song With A Mission (cover of The Sounds).

Kool Thing seems to be different than I remember from the Guitar Hero version, and a bit harder. There are a lot of spots where it’s really obvious where notes are missing on the lower difficulty charts, making it feel like it doesn’t quite match up, so it’ll probably be better at the higher difficulties. If I ever get there… Song With A Mission is pretty short and easy, but fun. And Zero is also pretty short, but much trickier with rapid shifts all the way across the frets.

There’s already rumours of a Rock Band 2, but if so, they’d better let us use the songs we’ve already downloaded in it. I’m already up to something like 50 or so downloaded songs…

I Got Your Damn Elven Chorus, Now Play ‘Freebird’!

It was another brief Suikoden V session last night, as I headed off for the Twilight Forest, and there I finally got the last stupid DoReMi elf for Cornelio, the orchestra leader. They don’t count as Stars of Destiny, so getting them is completely optional, but getting them all allows you to go to Cornelio and ask for any part of the game’s soundtrack to be played.

I then bought a whole bunch of new equipment for my primary party members (myself, Miakis, Belcoot, Zerase, Viki, and Kyle right now) and headed off for The Big Hole again. There’s a character I can recruit there, a powerful mage, but…I’m not going to. There’s one Star of Destiny that’s shared between two people, so if I get her, I can’t get someone else later on, and I think I’ll wait and get that other person instead. That other person isn’t even usable in combat, but I’ve got plenty of mages already and it should be more satisfying from a story perspective.

Instead I was primarily heading there to do a bit of grinding, as it’s supposed to be a good leveling spot. I think I was already too high level though, and wasn’t getting much benefit out of it, so I didn’t stay too long and I’ll just head straight to the ruins next time.

Damn Fence-Sitters

It was only a brief dip into Suikoden V tonight as I did some more recruitment before heading off to the ruins. I stopped by Lunas and picked up the Oracle and her elven entourage, and then headed to Port Spinacks to recruit a couple more. This was one of the more annoying recruitments, because in order to get one of them (Hazuki), you can’t have a certain person in your party when you go to the port or you’ll lose the chance forever, but there’s no clue given ahead of time that this will happen. Fortunately I had a save not too far back… Things like that are why you pretty much *need* a walkthrough in order to recruit everybody possible.

After that I popped over to Sauronix Castle, fairly close by, to talk to the Dragon Cavalry. They won’t ally with me since their duty is to be neutral to internal politics, but their commander did assure me that they were ready to handle foreign powers that the Godwins might try to drag into the war.

And next, I’ll finally be off to the ruins. (51 hours in now and still in Chapter 10 of 14.)

The Sun God Turns Out Not To Be Such A Fun God

It was another productive day in Suikoden V, as our group decided to invade the fortress of Doraat in order to lower enemy morale.

That led to another war battle, of course, which was supposed to be tough but turned out to be rather easy in the end. The enemies don’t attack until you get close enough, so you can take it at your own pace, and I used my ships to gain naval superiority first, used their Barrage points to soften up the squads on land, and then cleaned them up with my land troops. I only got a regular victory instead of a victory+ though, despite low losses on my side, so maybe time was part of the evaluation (I took it fairly slow, as I was at a severe numerical disadvantage and had to use slowly self-healing ships and strategic retreats a lot).

After the war battle we fought through the town, faced the Queen’s Knight Alenia (now possessing the Twilight Rune) and beat her, though she got away afterwards. I also had to duel Miakis, my sister’s old bodyguard, and actually lost the first time. It’s a damn good thing it let me retry the duel, since there hadn’t been any save points for quite a while and I would have had to redo the whole war battle and town crawl. Miakis then revealed that Georg had killed the Queen (though it had been heavily hinted at in previous cutscenes anyway) during the coup, and Georg left the castle.

After that was a bunch more recruiting, including finally getting a magic trainer. I also finally got the Tablet of Stars, which let me double-check that I hadn’t missed any of the recruitable characters so far.

The tactician then came up with a plan to ‘kidnap’ the princess and end the war that way, since Godwin would lose any legitimacy then, and I had to build three groups for three different tasks. This was hyped up as being the final battle, but I knew it wasn’t. (How? Well I’m still only on Chapter 10 of 14…) There was also an ominous cutscene where Sialeeds encountered one of the Nether Gate assassins, but was not entirely surprised by him…

My newly-crowned sister was now leading the front-line troops and sending them our way, so another war battle occurred before I could get close enough to rescue her. I got sloppy and lost a squad the first time, so I had to restart it, which was annoying because it required going back through numerous cutscenes and reassigning the squads again. It was fairly easy on the next try, though.

The three squads held their separate battles against the Queen’s bodyguards, and won with only a little difficulty (not all of them were my best, most well-equipped fighters). I was then reunited with my sister, but only briefly, as then my bodyguard was stabbed by an assassin and Sialeeds betrayed us and kidnapped my sister herself, vanishing into thin air. Damn.

Lyon was partially healed by the Dawn rune, but still needs to recuperate a lot, so Miakis is acting as my bodyguard now. Galleon, one of the more honorable bodyguards we fought, has now joined us as well, and he clarified further exactly what happened when Georg had to kill the Queen. She had used the Sun rune to fight off assassins, but it made her loopy again, she lashed out and killed the King, became completely crazed, and Georg had to kill her before she used the rune to destroy the whole country.

Now, the next plan is to investigate some ruins in the west for more information that might help cure Lyon, with a detour to check out a keep.

It Was Getting Kinda Crowded

It was another fairly busy night in Suikoden V, as news arrived that Rainwall had fallen to the Godwin armies, but we decided to just leave it for now, for political reasons. A cutscene showed that the princess was being prepared for her coronation, though she was none too happy about it. And before proceeding, I recruited Isabel and Mathias, foiling another of Euram Barows’ traps in the process, and also finally found and recruited Linfa.

The Godwins are apparently going to use the coronation ceremony to cement alliances with other groups, including the Island Nations, and the tactician recommended that we reach them first, so I set sail for a lighthouse island where we found an admiral of their fleet. While there, pirates barricaded themselves inside the lighthouse, but were fairly easily beaten. The admiral turned out to be sympathetic to our plight already, but had to officially maintain a neutral stance, so he couldn’t ally with us. He did send his daughter along to assist us, though.

Upon returning, the princess’s coronation cutscene happened, and I discovered that my headquarters had grown as the falling water levels revealed more rooms on the lower levels. This was also a good time to do more recruiting, so I spent a few hours on that, most notably picking up a chef and bathhouse operator, and getting Babbage to repair the elevator in the castle.

Some New Furry Friends

It was time to head to the town of Sable in Suikoden V and finally deal with this bandit leader. He was fairly easily found in a nearby mountain, and after a quick duel, it was revealed that he was just wearing a wig. There was more to it, of course, and it turned out to be part of a Barows plot to discredit me. After exposing Euram’s role behind it, Sable is now allied with us and the bandits have joined our cause.

Upon returning to the castle and resting, I was awoken by news that the Beaver Lodge was under attack and had been set on fire. I ran over there and fought through some assassins in order to reach the elder, where there was a Nether Gate assassin that my bodyguard knew (long story), and whom we had previously encountered during the Godwin coup. After beating him, the fires were put out, and I gained some more recruits and the beavers as allies.

I also picked up the Silver Hammer along the way, which let me finally recruit the dwarven blacksmith for my castle, and also recruited an Armes soldier in Sable. I still need to get Linfa though, as she hasn’t resurfaced yet. Chapter-wise, I’m now halfway through the game, but the chapters seem to be proceeding a lot quicker now too.

Vampires and Werewolves and Nazis, Oh My

I also got around to trying out a couple demos from XBox Live today (there was also the PS3 Haze demo, but it’s still downloading…).

First up was Operation Darkness, which looks like a fairly traditional SRPG in terms of its mechanics. The twist is that it’s set in WWII and you control soldiers with the usual assortment of vintage weaponry in famous battle locales, but with supernatural elements introduced. The Nazis are apparently tapping the power of the undead, and some of the members of your team can turn into werewolves.

It looks intriguing and I’m tempted, but the demo froze on me before I could actually get too far into the battle. Sigh. Oh well, I’ll wait and see what the word-of-mouth is like when it comes out.

Next up was GRID, the spiritual successor to the ToCA racing series. It looks gorgeous, but I’m disappointed by a few things like the lack of improvement in the physics model (I’m now more used to something more Forza-like), the crazy AI (in the road-raging side-ramming sense), and the reduction in different types of racing available. I’ll probably give this one a pass.

With Every Fifth Recruit I Get A Free Toaster

Back in Suikoden V, I discovered that there was some “bandit prince” apparently impersonating me in the town of Sable, so I next have to go investigate and set things right before my reputation there gets too sullied.

First though, it was time to recruit more people, including the infamously lightly-dressed Jeane (a staple of the series), which required a lengthy detour to investigate a dungeon and farm some orb parts, and also the gladiator I’d run into back at the Sacred Games and in Lelcar, after beating her in a duel. I have to remember to go back and finish recruiting Linfa though, since she has to be done in stages and the next one might not occur for a little while.


After recruiting a bunch of characters last time, it was time to get back to the main plot in Suikoden V. I got sent off to a town called Lelcar in order to help it, but it was in enemy territory, so I had to travel there incognito. The town was officially supporting Godwin, but many of the residents were unhappy with that.

While there, we discovered that some young men had been forcibly recruited into the Godwin army, so we set off to rescue them, resulting in a fight against a gladiator that I had seen back at the Sacred Games, now hired by the local leader. She was rather easily beaten, but then the Godwin army attacked the town upon discovering that I was there, leading to another war battle.

This was by far the toughest war battle so far, since it had both naval and ground troops in different parts of the map, requiring a lot of rushing back and forth between them. The battlefield for the ground troops was also rather cramped, making it difficult to get the right squad in the right place at the right time, and I often had to make do with suboptimal matches between squads. I managed to avoid completely losing any squads (which would have resulted in the permanent death of allies and making it impossible to get all 108 stars), but it was awfully close in some cases. In the end, I still managed to somehow eek out a Victory+ condition, and got the bonus loot.

I discovered that the local leader wasn’t so bad after all, helping clean up the now heavily-damaged town, and recruited him and the other two islet leaders as friends, and Lelcar is now an ally to us. And, on the way out, I recruited the local armour dealer who lost his shop in the battle, and now have him as a shop back at my castle.

Next up is more recruitment, it looks like.