An Awfully Strange Place To Do Business

I finished off the night with some quest grinding in Hellgate: London. I hadn’t really intended to do much in it, but I discovered that the path to Broker was fairly short and easy on this run, so I figured I may as well finish off as many of his quests as possible. Normally doing them is a pain because he’s in the middle of a zone two zones away from a station, so you can’t get to him quickly, and by the time you’re ready to return to complete the quest, there’s often respawn.

Maybe I’ll Find Wayne Newton Here

Today was mainly a cleanup day in Paper Mario: TTYD, as I went exploring and found a bunch more star pieces around town and in the nearby areas, especially now that I have the stomp attack that shakes some loose.

I also found the Trouble Centre, where a bunch of odd jobs were posted, and did all of those. They were mostly fetch and delivery quests, but there were a few interesting ones like the one that sent me to rescue someone on level 18 of the Pit of Trials. In the end I got a bunch of coins, some new badges, and unlocked a couple of minigames in the parlour.

To get to the next town I had to do the local mob boss a favour by finding his daughter, who was trying to elope. That was easy enough, and I headed off to Glitzville, which is every bit as tacky as the name suggests.

They’re Certainly No X-Men

I managed to do all of Chapter 2 in Paper Mario: TTYD today, after doing some more exploring in town and finding some better shops, a minigame room, train and blimp rides, and another section of the sewers with more people, a cola bar, and an even better shop.

The next star was in the Boggly Woods area, a kind of snowy forest though it never said it was actually snow at any point. A small creature (called a puni) there took me to their Great Tree, but it was locked, and we went to get help from someone named Flurrie, but she wouldn’t help us until we recovered her necklace. It turned out to have been taken by the three Shadow Sirens we saw earlier on, and after beating them I got the necklace back, returned it to Flurrie, and she joined our party, adding some wind-based abilities.

We got into the Great Tree via a secret entrance and discovered X-Nauts like the ones that kidnapped Peach there, and had to find a couple keys to rescue the rest of the punis that were locked up. This involved having to drag a group of them around, getting over some spots by using Flurrie to blow them across, and fighting some mosquito-like critters that had also invaded. There was also a simple puzzle that earned me the spin jump boots, which lets me smash through boards on the floor.

I found the crystal star, but Lord Crump (leader of the X-Nauts here) stole it from me and set off a bomb timer. I had to escape, dragging all 101 punis along behind me, and it was frustrating and caused me to fail the first time since the framerate suffered a lot and that made me keep failing jumps at a couple points. I caught up with him at the exit though, he stopped the timer (maybe I didn’t need to drag those damn punis back with me after all), and a boss fight ensued that wasn’t really too difficult, and I got the star back from him.

This ended the Chapter and I got another Peach scene, where the computer ‘observing’ her wanted her to teach it to dance, with a hologram of herself as a partner. Yes, computers can be creepy… And there was also a Bowser scene that played out just like the original Super Mario Bros for a short stage, except with Bowser in control.

Back in town I explored a bit more with Flurrie, since she could blow away certain torn pieces of walls, and found the Pit of 100 Trials, though I don’t think I’ll be doing that anytime soon. And I popped back to the door and discovered that the next star is in a place in the sky called Glitzville, and I’ll need to ask the mob boss for a ticket for the blimp to get there.

I’m Calling My Band “The Hovercrafts”

Today was also a catch-up-on-Rock-Band day, and I wound up picking up Hier Kommt Alex, and Hysteria (by Muse) from the Euro release, and the full The Cars album. Hier Kommt Alex is pretty much like the GH3 version as far as I remember, and is busy but not too difficult. Hysteria is also pretty good, but a bit tougher. And The Cars album is great overall, with a pretty good variety within the songs’ notecharts, and keeps up a fairly challenging difficulty. I was only able to 100% one of them (My Best Friend’s Girl), even though I’m still at Medium and should be doing better (I would have 100%ed Moving In Stereo as well, but for a couple of GB chords out of nowhere).

Somebody’s Muscling In On Bowser’s Racket

I finished off Hooktail’s castle in Paper Mario: TTYD tonight, and it consisted mostly of switch puzzles where I had to use Koops to trigger them from a distance. And I also got ‘cursed’ again, this time with the ability to turn myself sideways so I can fit between vertical bars, which lets me into a few more areas.

Hooktail himself was a bit of a challenge the first time I met him, and I just barely defeated him, only to run into a second stage of the battle where he healed himself up to half, and by that time I was spent. There was a hint about defeating him easily that implied ‘cricket’ was important, and then I realized that I’d picked up a badge along the way that says it changed Mario’s attack sound. I equipped it, and sure enough, his attacks now sounded like crickets, and Hooktail was much easier to beat the second time around as he took more damage and dished out less. I got the Crystal Star and gained a new ability, though I haven’t tried it out yet.

This ended the first chapter and I also got to play short segments as Peach, now kidnapped by some “X-Nauts” and being watched by a computer that wants to learn about love, and as Bowser, now heading off after us since he’s the only one allowed to kidnap Peach, of course.

It’s Dragon Season

I resumed in Paper Mario: TTYD by meeting Goombella’s professor, who told us that we had to take the map I had to the Thousand Year Door, located in the sewers. Getting there wasn’t a problem, and it revealed the location of the first Crystal Star we need to collect. Along the way I also got ‘cursed’ by some evil spirit trapped in a chest, and the ‘curse’ allows me to turn into a paper airplane at certain spots to sail over large gaps. That’s an awfully useful ‘curse’…

So, I went off to the first area, Petal Meadows, which was fairly straightforward and led to a town. There, the mayor told us that the crystal was guarded by a dragon I saw fly by earlier, but I had to go get some keys from a fortress first. Reaching the fortress was fairly uneventful, but once there a guardian thwomp challenged me to a…game show? I had to answer five questions correctly, based on the events so far, and it wasn’t too much trouble. That let me get into the basement of the fortress, where I fought off some life-sucking fuzzies and got the two keys.

The two keys opened up a stone that turned into a pipe near the start of the Petal Meadows area, and that led to the dragon’s castle, and I ended there for the night. I also got a new party member, a koopa named Koops (sigh) with a different set of attacks and the ability to get switches and items from farther away.

I Hope It’s Not The Bathroom Door

For the next game I’m going a bit retro (but only a little bit) and doing Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door for the Gamecube. I actually have the original Paper Mario as well, for the Virtual Console, and haven’t finished it yet, but it’s not like continuity is important in this series anyway. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s kind of an odd action/platformer/RPG game in the Mario universe where the world is 3D, but the people in it are like 2D paper cutouts.

I didn’t have much time left today so I only really got through the introduction (the Princess is missing, and sent me a treasure map) and basic combat tutorial (kinda RPG-ish, with some action elements), met my first party member, a female goomba (how do you tell?) archaeologist named Goombella, and found a couple star pieces in the first few buildings (I can’t remember what they’re for).

Pow, Straight To The Moon

I started off today’s Beyond Good & Evil session with some more collection of animal photos, cash, and pearls, including another Alpha Section storehouse where I found three pearls. I also found Looter Cavern 3, which was another obstacle course like the first, but much more annoying. There was one turn that I had a bit of trouble with and missed the last door as a result, about four times in a row. And then when I finally completed it, the game crashed. Fortunately I was able to do it again the first time after reloading.

I did the third hovercraft race and took the partly-blocked exit in order to get in to the slaughterhouse, and the first part of it was a whole bunch of hovercraft obstacle courses, including evading various attacks from a giant robot and dodging or triggering mines with metal crates.

The main part of the slaughterhouse was split into three different parts that I could do in any order, each of which resulted in a photograph of how the kidnapped citizens were being loaded into unmarked shuttles and sent to the moon. There wasn’t much combat here, it was primarily sneaking around, avoiding guards, and triggering the right switches and doors. Luckily, I managed to avoid an infamous bug in this area that makes it impossible to proceed any further.

Upon returning to the resistance HQ, I was introduced to the governor that had been helping us with breaking door codes, and a radio call suddenly came in from Pey’j. It was revealed that he was also the secret leader of the resistance, and it was a surprise to everyone since they had been working in anonymous cells.

The governor gave me a key which opened up another Alpha Section storehouse area, which consisted entirely of sneaking around a fairly densely guarded area, and resulted in another 10 pearls. I was discovered by the leader of the Alpha Section at the end, and it kicked off a fairly cinematic escape sequence, with me controlling Jade as she ran like crazy, jumping from rooftop to rooftop and around tight corners while blaster fire was nipping at her heels, before being rescued by Double-H after one last, big leap.

I also went back to the lighthouse and discovered that it had been destroyed and the kids had been kidnapped, leading to the requisite emotional scene and stirring speech by Double-H, and a bit of combat with some flying Alpha Section troops that I had to knock down with the disc launcher. I also unlocked the area leading to the Beluga, Pey’j’s space ship, using the codes that turned out to be printed on the bottom of Pey’j’s jet shoes that I had picked up earlier.

After fixing up the Beluga, I could then fly up to the volcano treasure on the north side of the map, and got 15 more pearls in the cave there. With those, I had enough pearls to buy the space engine needed to get to the moon, and no longer need any more, thank goodness. I’m not sure I could do the final looter’s cavern, fourth hovercraft race, or the shuffleboard game again…

And then to close out the day, I briefly popped into space to take the last animal photo, completing the collection. All I got for it was a disc that I can use to view the pictures I took again, though.

Even Stonehenge Gets Boring On The Umpteenth Visit

I also spent a bit of time in Hellgate: London today, hitting level 45 and beating a couple of the sub-bosses in Stonehenge again, but nothing particularly exciting otherwise.

My subscription’s still good for a little while yet, but I’m not sure if I’ll renew it yet. The upcoming changes in the 2.0 patch don’t really sound all that exciting, and I’m not much of a PvPer. It’s probably not worth continuing to pay for a game that I only play every once in a while as a distraction.