Yes, That’s Why I’ve Been Hanging Out At Graveyards

As I suspected, I could not resist Diablo II’s clutches for long, and now I’m trying a ‘skelemancer’, focusing on amassing an army of skeletons. I’m also playing it on hardcore mode, where death is permanent, for a bit of extra spice. It does really affect the way you play, since now you have to focus on survival above all else, but the necro is a pretty easy class for that to begin with. Still, one careless moment is all it could take…

I’m up to about halfway through Act 2 Normal so far, at level 20, and I’ve managed to find three uniques so far. I’m only actually using one of them, an amulet that adds a lot of fire resist. One other was a sabre that isn’t useful to me, and the third was a voulge that my merc could use, but won’t, because it has the annoying make-enemies-flee effect on it. I’m going to have to start making mule characters soon…

Good Thing I’m Not A Deity

I only played Diablo II for a little bit tonight, getting to the inner cloister, before realizing that I don’t really like playing a javazon that much. I could always go for one of the reliable old standbys, like a summoning necro, but I probably shouldn’t be wasting too much time on such an old game anyway…

I also killed some time with the newly released Spore Creature Creator. My designs are fairly crude so far though, compared to a lot of others:

More after the cut.
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The Neighbours Haven’t Started Pounding The Floor Yet

I also rounded out the night with another catch-up session in Rock Band, where I picked up the recent MTV pack. None of the songs were really all that notable on their own, but they did have a bit of variety to the note charts. They were really short and fairly easy though, and I hit 100% on all three of them.

I also took another stab at GG&HT, improving my score on it by about 15k or so, though there’s still plenty of room for improvement. It’s one of those songs where I have a tendency to break note streaks as I’m trying to activate overdrive, actually making things worse for myself.

Stay A While, And Listen

Despite all of the new (and even not-so-new) games I still have yet to finish, tonight I slipped back into the clutches of an old friend: Diablo II.

A new ladder season started yesterday, so it was a fresh start for everyone, taking some of the sting out of having forgotten to refresh my characters and losing them. I’m trying a javelin-based Amazon this time, since it’s one of the builds I haven’t tried yet, though I’m not actually using javelins yet since I have a pretty spiffy mace and haven’t put too many points into the javelin skills yet.

I ended this first day at the outer cloister of the monastery in Act 1, at level 13. There are already people in the 80s on the leaderboards, but I’m guessing they haven’t exactly gotten a lot of sleep lately…

Fetch Me A Wrench

Today was mainly a maintenance day, as I patched Diablo II and set it up to take advantage of the CD check removal, replaced Stardock with Impulse, upgraded Firefox, and tried to clear out some space on the C: drive.

Impulse is nice, but it looks like they won’t be accepting tokens (of which I still have 7 left) for new games from here on, so I’m going to have to find something to spend them on out of the old catalog.

At Least The Capitalization’s Consistent This Time

Having enjoyed DiRT a lot, I bought GRID on Steam a few days ago, but haven’t really had a chance to do much with it besides set up the controls and other options. I’m liking what I’m seeing so far though, as there’s a broader variety of racing than I initially expected, including some open wheel cars, the Sarthe circuit and a Le Mans event, and various LM prototype cars.

The demo had made me a bit hesitant, since the physics seemed a bit weak and the AI acted like psychos in some corners, but I can overlook that if there’s enough breadth to the game and a decent career mode. The latter sounds much improved over previous games in the ToCA series, with a more sensible progression, team dynamics, earning money through a goal-based sponsorship system…

Catching Up

I was out of town for a while, so I only got a little bit of gaming done, almost entirely on the DS even though I had my laptop along with me:

I finished off Professor Layton and the Curious Village, managing to find and solve all 120 main puzzles, though I did need to use the hints on a handful of the later ones, and got too frustrated or impatient with a couple and looked up their solutions. There are still a bunch of extra and downloaded puzzles for me to finish off, though.

I also put some more time into Etrian Odyssey, getting my party from level 6 to level 9, uncovering most of the second level map, and even beating one FOE. It took a bunch of hours just to do that though, including having to grind for cash for resurrections and to replace consumables. It’s still a decent “old-school” RPG in the mechanics, but it takes an awfully long time to make relatively small amounts of progress. I’m not sure if I’ll bother finishing this one off.

And I polished off the odd sudoku and picross puzzle here and there, via the Brain Age and Picross DS games, to kill off some idle moments.

Been A While Since I Last Set Foot In The Store

I popped into EQ again tonight, but only to do a bit of shopping. Most of the good items in the bazaar were well out of my price range, since I haven’t exactly been earning much money lately, but there were a few lucky bargains. For just over 1000 plat out of the 8000 total I had, I managed to replace four of my weakest pieces of armour, for a net increase of 350 HP (a 13% increase), 282 mana, 21 AC, 15 INT, and 20 charisma. Unfortunately I’m capped on INT at the moment and will need to earn some more AA points before I can unlock a higher cap and actually use those extra points…

I Can’t Seem To Quit You

There’s a promotion going on now where returning EQ and EQ2 players can play for free for the next couple months (and trial accounts too, from the sounds of it), and I figured I may as well pop back into it for a bit.

I sold off some junk I was carrying around, and decided I may as well finally get around to processing the claimable items and veteran rewards I’d been accumulating. You get them for purchasing expansions or subscribing for a certain number of years, but I’d never gotten around to actually assigning them to a character, since I wasn’t sure if maybe I’d want them on an alt or something. I finally just stuck the major ones on my main enchanter, though of all of them, the only really important one is a self-resurrect ability. It’s only usable once a week, but it still means having to go begging for a res less often.

I also got a taste of just how out-of-date my gear is. Compare my current gloves on the left with the pair on the right that were being offered in trade chat (click for big):

I visited a few old places, and Qeynos was the same as ever and I was the only person there. I went on over to Erud’s Crossing, where I discovered that the Kerrans on the island there had somehow shrunk over the years…

Firiona Vie and Karnor’s Castle were also the same, though I was a bit surprised to find some people actually in Karnor’s. Freeport is a radically different city now, having been redone a few years back, but I don’t think it’s for the better. It’s too big and twisty now, and the graphics aren’t really *that* much better, with way too many perfectly flat surfaces and angles still (the rock texture looks really fake when you get closer).

And just for kicks, I took the boat to the Ocean of Tears, which has apparently also been redone. The boat’s a lot faster now, too.

I missed most of the later expansions, so I’m sure a lot of new zones have been added. Looking at the atlas, I can see the Buried Sea zones off of Toxx Forest, a bunch of new ones in Northern Antonica, off of Crescent Reach, a bunch off of the Lavastorm Mountains, a small handful in Faydwer, a couple in the southeast of Antonica, off the desert, and a bunch of new Planes, which will almost certainly be too high level for me.

Maybe I’ll get around to checking out some of those new zones, as soon as I figure out which ones are within my level range. And maybe I’ll go revisit a bunch of the older zones and put together a little travelogue of nostalgia…

Sudden Career Change

Paper Mario: TTYD has taken a bit of a twist, as Mario has now become…a wrestler? Apparently wrestling is the big thing in Glitzville, and the champion’s belt looks like it’s the Crystal Star, so I need to fight my way to the top. There are 20 rankings to fight through, divided into the big leagues and little leagues, and each match has a random special condition attached to it, like not switching partners, or appealing to the crowd at least once.

The first 10 rankings were pretty easy, and I got an egg that hatched into a Yoshi that I needed to beat the 10th rank team since I can’t harm them any other way. Unfortunately I got screwed on that battle the first time around because you have to use Yoshi’s special attack to harm them, but the random condition for the match was that no special attacks were allowed…

It was then discovered that the star in the belt was a fake, and upon reaching rank 8 I got a strange delivery from a Mr. X of a hammer that I can use to break certain obstacles, and directions to use it in the minor league locker room. Unfortunately to get back in there I’ll have to let myself drop in rank a few places, and I’ll do that later.