Pow, Straight To The Moon

I got back to Paper Mario: TTYD today and finished off Chapters 5 and 6 in one shot. The most notable bit of this stretch was a segment where you solve a few mysteries on a train ride, right out of the old detective novels. Well, with less murder, this is a Mario game after all… It did turn into the usual bit of exploration and combat at the end, but at least it didn’t make me backtrack a half-dozen times like other chapters have.

I must be pretty close to the end now, as there’s only one more star to collect. For that, I apparently need to convince a village of Russian-like bob-ombs to shoot me out of their cannon…

Haven’t Seen Any Ghosts Yet Though

Since I’m a sucker for SRPGs, I picked up Spectral Force 3 today. It’s kind of a mixed bag, though. The story may as well have been ripped straight out of Generic Fantasy Anime #83, right down to the cutscenes, mediocre voice acting, dialogue full of overwrought melodrama, etc.

It looks like there might be some decent depth to the combat system, though. Nowhere near, say, Disgaea’s crazy array of options, but there’s an emphasis on setting things up for combo attacks in different ways: assists, where you can get a nearby teammate to join in mid-attack; teamwork attacks, which seems to give another teammate an extra turn for the round; and battle formations, where the entire team attacks. The different levels of attacks (light, medium, heavy) can have different effects tied to them, so for example the medium attack might do elemental damage and the heavy attack might knock the enemy back two squares.

There’s a bit of a strategic part to it in that there are multiple kingdoms fighting each other over territories on a world map, and you have a friendship rating with each one and can help them attack other kingdoms or just hunt monsters in their lands. I’m not sure if there’s any real effect or long-term aspect to it other than just determining which areas of the map you can hunt in, though. You can even work for the ‘bad guys’ if you want, but again I’m not sure if there’s any real consequence to it.

The most annoying things so far are that exp is awarded mainly for kills, so you wind up with certain characters that leap ahead of the others (some exp is awarded for healing and buffing, and there’s a bonus exp pool to spend freely, but not nearly as much), and the healer you start out with is a bit tricky to use. Get him close enough to the others to cast, and he often winds up getting swarmed, and he has to stay alive for the combo attacks to work.

It’d probably satisfy you if you’re just itching for an SRPG, but it’s kind of pricey at the full $60. It just doesn’t feel polished enough to sit at that price point unless you’re a fanatic.

Simulating The Future

I played around a bit more with rFactor today, seeing if I could simulate tomorrow’s GP race ahead of time. There were a couple problems, though:

1) FSOne 2007 is one of the best mods available for it, but it only has the 2007 teams, of course. I managed to hack together a slightly modified version that put the drivers on the right teams for this year, even if the bodywork and liveries are wrong, but close enough.

2) Finding the right settings. I increased the aggressiveness and AI level, but that just wound up creating pileups like the one I posted yesterday, so I toned it back a bit. I also had to turn mechanical failures off, or the entire field would eventually fall prey to engine or gearbox problems, even at the ‘normal’ setting.

So, with those solved, who does rFactor say is going to win tomorrow at the Hungaroring? The first run came up with Raikkonen first, Hamilton in third, and in second is…Kaz Nakajima? That seemed a bit off, and I discovered I’d forgotten to create a driver profile file for him, so it must have been using some high-skill default settings. After creating one and doing a second run, the top five were Massa, Hamilton, Raikkonen, Kubica, and Kovalainen. I guess I’ll find out how accurate it is tomorrow…

(Update: Well, at the halfway mark the first two places were right, but a couple of mechanical failures mixed things up and in the end the only right call was Raikkonen in third.)

You Would Have To Be Crazy To Drive One

I experimented a bit with rFactor tonight, trying an all-AI race with the AI skill and aggressiveness cranked up quite a bit. Unfortunately, that tends to end badly in the first corner… I had to reduce the aggressiveness to 75% in order for them to start the race properly, but then two more pileups 10 laps later knocked everyone else out of the race and left me alone on the track.

(Plus: bonus Ferrari vs. tire action.)

Next Up: Mother Goose

No gaming yesterday, as my arms were still a bit sore, so there was a bit of catching up today.

The first episode of American McGee’s Grimm was released today, for free within the first 24 hours. It’s a good thing too, since I certainly wouldn’t pay for it. It claims to go for a more ‘mature’ retelling of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales, but it comes off as taking the juvenile interpretation rather than an adult one; fart jokes abound. The gameplay is a slightly different take on the Katamari games, where you spread filth and taint the objects around you in an ever-growing sphere, gaining the ability to taint larger and larger objects the more you’ve already touched. It gets rather repetitive and is trivially easy, though.

Fortunately, it was canceled out by Geometry Wars 2, which is fantastic. It has six different modes now, all of which play very differently: in Deadline you have infinite lives, but have to score as highly as possible within a three minute time limit; in King you can only shoot from within protective bubbles which fade away after you enter them, forcing you to try and clear paths between them and run for it; Evolved is largely the same as the original game, with a few new enemy types and other minor differences; Pacifism takes your guns away and has you killing enemies indirectly with the explosion of passing through gates; Waves throws, well, waves of lined-up enemies at you, forcing you to blast holes in them to avoid getting overrun; and Sequence takes you through a series of battles set up in specific patterns. They have to be unlocked in order, but it didn’t take very long.

The other major difference is that the multiplier increases by picking up ‘geoms’ left behind by destroyed enemies, which makes you keep moving to pick them up, and the multiplier doesn’t reset when you die, so scores are higher overall than they were in the original. The achievements are somewhat saner now too, and I’ve actually managed to get a bunch of them already. And there’s a four-player multiplayer mode, though it’s local-only.

I may not be very good at it yet, but it’s a big improvement over the original and well worth it.

Didn’t Need To Study After All

Since I’d done one of the five tests, I figured I’d finish off the rest of them in Hellgate today, and they were actually easier in Nightmare than I remember them being on the normal difficulty. Since I knocked them off fairly quickly, I also made my way to St. Paul station and parked there for the night. Now I just have to kill Sydonai, though he’s supposed to be nigh-impossible to kill solo in NM.

I also popped into rFactor to try a bit of karting on the Calgary track, since that’s what I’ll be doing in real life tomorrow as a company “team-building exercise.” Turns out that the Calgary track available for rFactor isn’t the one we’ll actually be going to, though. Oh well.

And I also played Audiosurf for a bit, since it had been a while and various improvements had been released in the meantime. The major ones were a built-in ‘radio station’ for downloading new music tracks to try, some tweaks to how tracks were generated (seems to be more side-to-side curves now), and the ability to customize the gameplay by embedding certain tags into the MP3. I didn’t get a chance to try the custom tags, but I did become the top ranked player on various songs. Of course, they were obscure enough ones that I was the *only* ranked player…

An Explosive Development

I also kicked off Chapter 5 in Paper Mario: TTYD tonight, this time with a seafaring theme. Of course, our group was almost immediately shipwrecked and split up… It didn’t take long to find the others though, and after rescuing Bobbery, the Bob-omb navigator, he joined our party. As a bomb, I can now use him to open up cracked areas that I’d seen in other spots before, and he’ll undoubtedly be necessary for the rest of this chapter.

Now I have to figure out how to get into a cave where the alleged treasure is hidden…

Tests? Oh No, I Didn’t Study…

Since I didn’t get around to it yesterday, I did the Necropolis in Hellgate: London today. It’s an annoying place because you have to go through two zones to get to it and it’s five levels deep, a longer stretch of zones than anywhere else in the game. And after completing it you get a quest to come back to one of the earlier levels. And it didn’t help that my first time through, way back in normal, the game was still unstable and crashing all the time.

But I knocked it off today and proceeded on to the ‘tests’ off of the Finsbury Square zone. I did the first test since it’s an easy one — grab a book before the ‘dark’ team and take it to the other side of the zone, easy when you have a large movement bonus on your equipment. The other tests might be a bit more annoying though, from what I remember of the first time I did them…

Still No Sign Of Druids

And as if I hadn’t played enough of it this weekend, I popped into Hellgate: London to kill some time before bed. I wasn’t sure I’d have enough time to do the Necropolis, since it’s fairly long, so I just did the usual rounds in Stonehenge, which was a bit overdue anyway since I had a pile of essences saved up.

It turned out to be rather profitable, as I got a head from each of the four sections, hit level 50, gained three expertise ranks, and found four uniques. Not very useful uniques, but maybe the twinks will like them… I also redid the mods on my Voodoo Rifle, and it should kick even larger amounts of butt now, with higher damage, elemental attack ratings, a bigger splash area, and some phase attack strength.

Wait, Cars Can’t Drive On Ladders…

While sorting some CDs away, I stumbled upon the Trackmania United disc and couldn’t resist firing it up for a bit of online play. My ladder ranking had fallen a lot since I hadn’t played in a while, but with the way the rankings work, I was gaining hundreds of ladder points per track. If I had kept playing, it wouldn’t have taken long to crack the 100,000 rank mark again. (That might not sound impressive until you note that there are now well over a million players on the rankings…)

And then it was back to Paper Mario: TTYD, where I did Chapter 4 all in one go. This one took place in Twilight Town, with the expected spooky theme and Boos all over the destination. Though I wasn’t expecting to see villagers being turned into pigs… Unfortunately not only do they make you run back and forth between the town and a steeple numerous times, but the plot twist (Mario’s name and body is stolen) essentially has you redoing everything you just did in the chapter all over again after the chapter has supposedly ended. Clever, perhaps, but annoying.

One interesting thing it did was that in order to get Mario’s name back, you had to guess the enemy’s name. But in order to prevent people from just plugging it in from a walkthrough, the enemy had also stolen a letter of the alphabet that you needed, so you had to go ‘rescue’ this letter before you could properly enter his name.