Having finished a fairly short game, of course it’s now time for an extremely long one, and oh hey, there’s my Persona 3 FES case…
It starts out in a school setting, where you’re a new student and you meet a bunch of the other students, all of which have fairly well-fleshed-out personalities (for an RPG, anyway), like Yukuri the nervous worrywart and Junpei the boisterous, overly-friendly goofball. Time proceeds day-by-day in different phases of the day, including going to classes (where you have to pay attention and potentially answer questions), after-school activities, and hanging out in the dorms in the evening. There’s a one year time limit on the game, but there’s a lot to do each day, so it’s going to take a while.
It’s not just a school simulation game though; it’s not long before the other students are spying on me in my sleep and I learn about the Dark Hour, a period between days when regular people turn into coffins and creatures called Shadows prey on some, while others like us are unaffected. I also encounter the Velvet Room, an otherworldly place that becomes important later on. Suddenly, the students are attacked by Shadows, we’re cornered while escaping, and I summon a ‘persona’ and defeat them. That all takes place in cutscenes, but there is a brief and easy sample battle to mop up afterwards.
Back in the Velvet Room I got a tutorial on personas, learned how they’re tied to the strength of ‘social links’ with other people and that I have to develop those. Back in the real world, the students revealed that they’re part of a secret group fighting the Shadows and I agreed to join them. So, really, it’s kind of like a Japanese version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer…
After that we went to check out Tartarus, a tower that appears only during the Dark Hour, and explored the first level of it, getting basic combat tutorials along the way. Afterwards, I was finally able to choose my own after-school activities; up to this point, specific activities in the daily phases had been forced on me, but now I’m able to choose whether I want to study, join a club, spend time in the town, build relationships for the social links, etc.
To round out the night I went to Tartarus once again, and went up a couple more floors, gained a couple levels, found two new personas, and learned a bit more about how personas can be fused together to create new ones. Apparently I’m unique in my ability to have multiple personas, whereas everyone else is stuck with one specific one.
Unfortunately they don’t all look like this…