Some other miscellaneous notes about the PS3 that I forgot last time:
Folding@Home: Ooh, pretty. The interface to it is definitely impressive, but then I thought about the power draw, and after running the numbers, I realized that it would cost me around $15 a month extra to run it 24 hours a day (200W @ $0.102/kWh). Nuts to that.
PS2 Saves: Copying saves around is easy enough, including to and from USB drives, but… I was hoping I’d be able to use the memory card backup saves I made with AR Max, but it looks like the PS3 only accepts a new .psv format that’s digitally signed, so nothing can convert to it yet aside from Sony’s own memory card adapter. I guess I’ll have to pick one up after all.
Blu-Ray: And I almost forgot about this offer for five free Blu-ray titles, and the selection is a bit better than the junk I would have expected to find in these kinds of offers. People keep recommending the Planet Earth discs, too. I won’t really get much benefit out of it until I get a new display, but at least I can start building a collection now.