I need to start clearing out some of the stuff I bought in the big Steam Xmas sale, so today I played Clickolding. It’s more of an ‘interactive experience’ than a game, where a strange man in a hotel room insists on watching you click a tally counter, occasionally interrupting to dictate how you should click it, other tasks you should do in the room, or to reveal little bits of his personal history and needs, and…yeah, it’s an allegory for sex work. It’s creepy and uncomfortable and goes some unexpected places (it gets a bit metatextual too, though that seems like more of a bonus), but it’s worth experiencing.
I also got around to starting the newest Titan expedition in No Man’s Sky. This one’s mainly about experiencing the new features added in the new world generation, like the gas giant in the system you start out in. I still haven’t left that first system yet because I got hung up on trying to complete the fauna scanning on several moons, but got stymied by rare underwater creatures that I just could not get to show up. It doesn’t help that the gas giant moons tend to have very shallow water, making it harder to get underwater creatures to show up at all.