There’s been a bit of a resurgence of interest in Borderlands lately as a couple of friends have picked it up as well. We spent a bit of time helping them level up, and I finished off a couple of older quests on my own and got to level 29, but we haven’t really started progressing into new areas yet.
One thing they did show me though was that there’s an easily-reached red weapons crate in the Knoxx starting area of T-Bone Junction, so I spent some time (a little too much time…) farming it. The stuff from it is too high-level for me now, but they’re worth a lot of money and I’m now maxed out on cash.
And although we’re still too low-level for Knoxx yet, we did figure out how to unlock the new Monster vehicle there and can now roam the roads freely — even if we do get squished almost right away…