Hmm, I feel like playing an RPG now, which ones do I need to finish off…
- Oblivion
- Persona 4
- Final Fantasy XII
- Gothic 1/2
- Drakensang
- Dragon Age
- Atelier Iris
- Final Fantasy Tactics
- Eternal Sonata
- Divine Divinity
- Neverwinter Nights
- Knights of the Old Republic 2
Yikes. And that’s not counting the ones that I haven’t even started yet, but I don’t want to make my problem even worse…
Time to do a bit of trimming. Eternal Sonata can go since I wasn’t really getting that into it. A unique setting and story, but the combat mechanics didn’t really ‘click’ for me. I may as well abandon Atelier Iris since I own a couple of the later games in the series so I may as well play them instead. I didn’t make it that far into Oblivion and I need to redo the research about mods for it, so I’d want to start over anyway. In NWN I was still in the main campaign and it’s widely criticized as a waste and that I should play the expansions instead, but then I’d basically be starting over. And FFT is on the PSP so I’ll probably keep it for when I’m on the road.
So, of the remaining ones, I think this will be my preferred ordering for finishing them:
- Final Fantasy XII (want to get it out of the way before FF13)
- Persona 4 (really good, want to see it through)
- Dragon Age (also really good)
- Drakensang (still near the start, curious about what’s next)
- Gothic 1/2 (good, but getting old)
- Knights of the Old Republic 2 (decent so far, but supposed to have a weak end)
- Divine Divinity (supposed to be worthwhile, but it is fairly old)
Getting through seven RPGs will still take a while, though, and I still really want to play some others like Mass Effect 2 so they might wind up sneaking into the list.