I’ve also played a handful of other games lately, though not spending too much time in each.
I bought Need For Speed: Shift a few days ago, and played a few races into it. The NFS series kind of lost its appeal for me over the last few entries, but this one is a reinvention of the series along more realistic lines. The handling seemed a bit odd at first, but after adjusting the controller sensitivity with some settings recommended in a few forums, the control feels much better now. I’m still not really far enough into it to get a good feel for the game, though.
I put a few hours into Trackmania United today, first trying to get gold on a problematic solo track (Bay C3), and although I improved my time, I still didn’t get gold in the end. I also played multiplayer for a while, getting my rank back up into more respectable territory (started at around 660,000th, and ended around 350,000th).
And I also picked up the Jedi Knight pack released on Steam recently, and played through the first level of the first Jedi Knight game. Unfortunately I died before reaching the end of the level and hadn’t saved. So far it’s a fairly traditional FPS, as I don’t have any Jedi powers yet. The rather ancient 3D graphics make it a bit hard to stick with this one, though…