Just more exping in EQ tonight, with the slight twist that the named goblin spawned at the camp and I realized I could use my new charm spell on him. Named critters usually aren’t good for charming since they’re often unrootable or can summon you, which makes charm breaks a pain, but this guy doesn’t have either ability. Hasted and dual-wielding, he puts out a lot more damage than the normal goblins around there (max damage of 908 versus 639), and fights went much more quickly and I could clear the entire camp instead of having to leave a few untouched each spawn cycle.
Of course, charm breaks were also more dangerous since he hits so much harder, so I had to be extra careful about keeping him away from me and watching the remaining charm duration, but I haven’t died to him yet. In fact, I’m surprised I haven’t died at all at the goblin camp yet, even though I did a handful of times at the safer Sunderock camps.