Getting back to regular gaming, I figured I may as well finish off what I started over the holiday weekend first. I only had time to do the Receiver level in Darwinia tonight, but it was fairly straightforward; I just had to clear enemies off of a bunch of islands and then guide some Darwinians over to them to operate the soul-catchers. The only real catch was that one island had those annoying ants, but I hit the goals before even reaching it, and there was a new big-headed snake enemy. It ate up a bunch of squads before I decided to try an Armour unit against it, and after getting one set up as a turret they went down quickly.
There’s at least three more levels to go (Pattern Buffer, Biosphere, and Escort), so it’ll probably take a few more days to finish it off. These later levels take longer just to do all of the guiding necessary.