I Don’t Like (Ghost) Kids

I only did a couple more levels in Prey tonight, but did get to see some new stuff. I soon had to use the spirit walk to proceed, and it turns out there are symbols marking the spots where you’d need it, which takes a bit of the fun of discovery out of it.

I also picked up a new weapon that has different effects depending on what you charge it with at certain stations, like a freezing gas cloud or a spread of red orbs, which I’ve found most useful so far. There were also pads that change the gravity of the level when you shoot them, leading to a couple simple puzzles involving changing the gravity in the right way.

At a couple points I finally got killed and saw the infamous spirit world that lets you recover from the death. This is what really breaks the game, since you’re essentially immortal and dying just leads to a short diversion before you’re right back to where you left off. Later on I ran across fragments of the bar I started out in, now absorbed into the alien ship, and some ghostly kids altered by the aliens somehow. And right at the end, a bunch of them ganged up on me in what was essentially a miniboss battle.

And the graphics remain fairly good, often flowing naturally between gooey, biomechanical organics and cold, steely architecture. At one point there was an elevator ride with a good view of the ship’s “cityscape”:

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