Some Casual Heresy For The Weekend

So, what’s next? Definitely not another RPG, since I’m kind of burned out on them after blazing through Suikoden V. Instead, I want to shoot stuff, so I picked up where I left off in Heretic. Yes, the 14-year old fantasy shooter based on the Doom engine. I picked it up as part of the Steam id megapack, since it’s one of those shareware games I played a bit when it first came out but never got the full version, and it still holds up decently well. I’m playing it using the ZDoom engine though, so I can use mouselook and set a higher resolution.

I left off partway through the first episode, so I finished that off, managing to find the secret level by accident. The only really notable thing was the two iron liches at the end of the episode, and killing them unleashed a huge flood of wizards that took me a couple attempts to survive.

The second episode has already added a few new things, like a new enemy that looks like an alien/scorpion/man hybrid and shoots fire, and a new bellstaff weapon. I ended for the night at the start of the third level here, but they’re fairly quick levels (usually a half hour each at most), so it shouldn’t take too long to finish it off. There are five episodes total, though only the first three are Heretic proper and the other two are an expansion pack.

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