The XNA community and sample games were revealed today, so I had to give some of them a whirl. JellyCar is a weird little game, where you have to ‘drive’ a car forwards and backwards over various obstacles to reach the finish. The twist is that the physics are extremely rubbery — your car bounces around easily, and can be easily crushed, squished, and stretched by the obstacles, making it a fight just to keep it under control.
The other one I tried was The Dishwasher, which is a really well done side-scrolling fighter with a fairly distinctive style. It’s not really my preferred genre though, and I think I beat the sample level only because I had it on easy.
Today was also the release day for N+, which is the 360 port of a free Flash game (which you can get here). The graphics are only slightly improved, but the important part is that the gameplay is perfectly intact and the controls are still smooth with the analog stick. There are also all-new levels, some new multiplayer modes, and a level editor that’ll let you share your levels.
I did the first ten single-player episodes (of 45) tonight without too much trouble, with only a small handful that I had to repeat more than once. I’m sure it’ll get a lot tougher though, as the original game was infamous for its brutal difficulty in the later levels.