Not as much progress in Two Worlds tonight, though after reading up a bit more on some forums I learned how to make the horse more useful than I thought it was — it has its own inventory I can transfer loot to, and I forgot that I can hit ‘h’ to call it back to me, getting it unstuck as well.
I also learned about how to use alchemy to make permanent stat increase potions, and spent the first chunk of time just making and drinking a bunch of them. Mostly for the elemental resists and willpower and dexterity stats for now; I have to save up more ingredients for strength and vitality potions.
After that I completed a couple more minor sidequests and wandered around a bit, eventually ending up at the excavations. After talking to a few people and being able to free an imprisoned woman there, I found that this was where I was essentially forced to choose sides between the clans. Karga seems like the less evil of the two, so I helped the woman and became kill-on-sight to the other and had to fight my way out of the excavation.
Now I should be able to get into that camp that refused me entry earlier, at least.