I worked my way through the rest of the tiers in Guitar Hero 2 today, completing the Medium difficulty. I didn’t fail any of the songs, but it was definitely getting tougher near the end, and my overall score (especially in terms of stars and multipliers) was much lower on those. I didn’t do as badly on Free Bird as I expected, but damn, that solo goes on forever…
Next up I think I’ll do the Medium campaign in GH3 before coming back and trying Hard in GH2. And then Hard in GH3, and so on.
And now that I’ve unlocked all of the songs, there’s less pressure to try and move on to the next one, so I can start taking things a bit more leisurely and focus on practicing specific songs for a while. I found that a lot of my trouble was simply not knowing the songs. Knowing the beat because you’ve heard the song before is about the only way I’ve found to keep up on those long, repeated note sequences.