I’ve mentioned before about having troubles with a RAID array in one of my test systems, named ‘bailey.’ (The convention around the office is to name new systems after brands of alcohol.) Well, the fun never stops…
It continues to generate errors from the RAID controller, though there are no apparent failing drives. According to our infrastructure manager, the RAID controller in bailey is known not to work very well with dual CPU systems, and guess what bailey is… So, I’ve had to pull the second CPU out.
It’s also giving me random timeout errors on the external SCSI bus that’s connected to the tape library and drives. It wasn’t doing this up until yesterday, but now it’s decided to be cranky, so now I’m swapping around cables and terminators and such trying to get it to behave.
And the software I’m testing on it, an HSM package for automatic disk/tape data migration, keeps giving me “NetBIOS session number out of range” errors. What does that mean? Damned if I know. All these other errors are potentially corrupting all the data I’m generating, too.
If I ever get these tests successfully completed, I’m going to melt bailey down into scrap metal and use it for a doorstop…