Bad Taters

Just had my first failure of trying to resuscitate the freezer-burned old food I had stashed away, with a Stouffer’s Balsamic Chicken entree. It came out with one strip of really tough freezer-burned potatoes, and a cold spot at the bottom of the potatoes, which led to one edge of the chicken patty being cooler than it should have been.

I suspect the problem is that this one had it really bad for moisture having crystallized out onto the plastic film, and I cooked this one in microwave mode instead of oven mode. The water just escaped as steam, and then the potatoes were too dry to pick up enough microwave energy. (The tough strip was probably unsalvageable, though.)

I suspect it would have turned out better if I’d cooked it in oven mode, giving heat more time to penetrate and maybe reabsorb some of the lost moisture. I’ll have to stick to that for the rest of them.

Size Problems

I mentioned before that I needed new cookware for my new oven, and while I was at the Safeway I noticed they sold some little baking pans that were only $8, so I grabbed one. It wasn’t until I got home and could peel the label off that I could read on the back of it that it’s only rated to 415°F. So that’s why it was cheap. I cannot be trusted to remember to put pants on in the morning, let alone remember what the temperature threshold for a random piece of cookware is, and it’s not stamped on the pan itself.

So today I picked up a different set, this time a bundled package of a baking dish, baking pan, and broiling grill, rated to 450°F, which is the highest this oven can do anyway. It’s technically a “toaster oven” set (and, amusingly, it says not to use the broiling grill with a broiler), but whatever, that’s still about the right size that I want.

Except not quite. The baking pan is a bit bigger than the others, and you can put it in the oven, but this beast does something that toaster ovens don’t do: it still turns the turntable in oven mode, and then the pan jams up against the edges. Fortunately there’s a mode setting to disable the turntable, but now that’s another thing I’ll have to remember to set. I foresee a bunch of “*clunk* Oh dangit,” in my future…


I finally got a chance to give my new toy a test in its oven mode, instead of as a microwave. Some notes:

  • Some wisps of smoke started to come out of the back while it was preheating, and I panicked and shut it off. After a bit more research, it turns out this is common when using a new oven for the first time, as it burns off various oils and greases and such on the internals from when it was assembled. I guess I’ve never been the first person to ever use a brand-new oven before! It cleared up before too long, but I still kept an eye on it during its first run just in case it burst into flames…
  • The area around it gets pretty warm. Well duh, it’s an oven, but I’m not used to having that warmth up on the kitchen countertop. I think I might need to get a separate shelving unit or something for it, to free up some counter space, maybe get it better ventilation, and keep its vents away from potentially getting splashed by the sink.
  • I’m going to need some new cookware, since the baking sheets and pans and such that I have are mostly sized for a regular oven. Plus an anti-spatter cover for microwave mode.
  • It does an automatic preheat cycle after you set the temperature and timer, but one annoying quirk is that once preheat finishes, it lets you know with a chime, but then immediately starts counting down the timer before you’ve had a chance to actually put the food in. Maybe I’ll just have to set the timer to a minute longer than needed.
  • It’s a bit noisy, as it keeps a fan running continuously while operating. About as loud as it is in microwave mode, but in oven mode you’ll be running it for longer.

For its first test, I dug out some frozen stuffed chicken cutlets that have apparently been in the freezer for, uh, six years. They turned out to be a little tough along some of the breading, where moisture had been lost, but were still perfectly edible. As far as being an oven goes, it successfully heated stuff.

There’s still a grilling/air frying mode to test as well, though.

Fry, Baby, Fry

I haven’t had a microwave for a long time. The one I previously had broke probably 15-20 years ago, and I just never bothered to replace it, and I got used to cooking or reheating things on the stove instead.

However, my oven also broke a little while ago, and I’m kind of sick of prepared meals and recipes that increasingly assume you have a microwave, so as my xmas gift to myself, I went and got one of those fancy-shmancy combo air fryer/convection oven/microwave units.

One of the reasons I didn’t replace my old microwave was a lack of space, and unfortunately, with it hogging the right side of the counter, and the dish rack on the left side of the counter, I’m left with this as my meal prep area:

I bought it locally ($250 cheaper than it would have been through Amazon!), and getting it home was also ‘fun’. Carrying it to the cashier didn’t feel so bad, and it’s a fairly short trip to and from the train so I felt pretty confident, but on that last block before home, I probably had to stop and rest my arms four or five times. I’m sure they’ll feel like limp noodles tomorrow.

So far I’ve only used it to warm up some sandwiches and buns, and I still have to see how well it actually works as an oven. Time to see just how bad the freezer-burn is on some of the stuff I have but couldn’t cook anymore when the oven broke…

So This Is What A Popsicle Feels Like

Ugh, I know everyone and their dog’s been complaining, but still, it’s too dang cold (-31C right now, with a reported -44C windchill). Not just outside, it’s rather chilly in my apartment too (the thermostat reports 61F/16C, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s actually lower) since the heat in this old building is kinda…weak. With all of the units having their heat constantly turned on, of course, the boiler just can’t keep up, and if I touch the pipe in the heating register, it’s just lukewarm.

I tried having an element on the stove turned on low for a bit, but although it made the kitchen warmer, it didn’t really seem to have much effect on the rest of the place. And I can’t just leave it on all day or I’ll owe the electric company my firstborn. I should probably get a space heater someday so I can put it where I need it, but still, same problem.

At least the pipes won’t freeze, but I’m still going to be grumpy…


I’d always kind of wondered how “butt-dialing” could even happen, as it seemed extremely unlikely.

But, just now, I went to pick up my phone and fumbled it a bit, and when I turned it around the screen had switched to one of the swipe-to-the-side notification screens, and on that screen was a “Call <last person I called>” shortcut. So yeah, I could see how I you could accidentally reach that.

I put the phone in my pocket, and about a minute later, my mom called me, wondering what was going on. Turns out it had called her, without me even noticing.

Guess it’s easier than I thought!

Ho Ho Humbug

Bleh, I dunno why, but I’m just not feeling the holiday spirit this year, and I just kind of wish I could crawl into a hole and wait for the whole thing to blow over. I haven’t even done any holiday shopping yet.

I’ll be visiting my mom for a bit, and I kind of don’t want to? It’s not a problem with her, and it’ll be nice to see her, but I get a bit anxious about being away too long. I also kind of dread being forced to socialize, even with people I like. But I know that’s probably somewhat messed up and I shouldn’t stay isolated too much, and she does miss me and wants to see me more.

Can’t indulge in too many treats either, so I’m passing on the usual eggnog and chocolates.

Oh well, maybe 2023 will be The Year That Finally Doesn’t Suck…

I Hate Moving

I’ve restored all my data to the new drive, restored the previous backups to a new location, and reconciled what pieces of that to keep and what’s been replaced, so now I can set up backups to run again and everything’s back to normal. I just have to watch how much data I put on this drive since it’s an 8TB drive but I only have a 4TB backup drive for now.

But, since I’ve merged two drives into one, a lot of stuff has moved around, and in particular, a lot of games that were previously installed to D:\Games are now under C:\Games, not where they were originally installed. So, is this a problem? It depends on where they came from…

Steam and any games installed through it are actually pretty easy to move around. Move or restore the entire ‘Steam’ directory to its new location, go to there and run ‘steam.exe’ directly, and it’ll grind away for a while repairing things and then pop up and continue on as normal. Piece of cake, and this alone accounted for around half the games I had.

GOG Galaxy:
Games installed from GOG were a bit trickier. The launcher was already installed on C:\, but upon running it, the list of installed games was now empty. Fortunately you can tell it to scan folders for previously installed games, and after selecting the new C:\Games location, it churned away for a while and then most of the games suddenly reappeared in the list and worked fine. There were a couple quirks: We Happy Few didn’t initially get found, but rerunning the scan on just its folder then managed to find it. And Disco Elysium just could not be detected no matter where I tried to scan, so I’ll probably have to reinstall it.

Epic Games Launcher:
Dealing with the Epic launcher was also a bit tricky, but in a different way. The games disappeared from the install list, as expected, but there’s no way to scan for existing installs. Instead, what you have to do is set the default install directory to somewhere on the new drive, go to install a game, find the directory name that it would install to, and move your copy of the game’s files to that same location before starting the install. Then, start the install, and the launcher will recognize that ‘oh, there are some files already here’, and do a verify/repair on them instead of a full install from scratch.

Origin / EA App:
The Origin launcher has been replaced by some new ‘EA App’, and unfortunately it seems to have lost the ability to tell it that a game has moved to a different location, which I think the old one had. Trying to do install swap tricks like with the Epic launcher didn’t work either, so it seems like there isn’t a good way to get it to reuse my existing install files and I’ll have to reinstall all of these from scratch. Not great, EA.

I had good luck with MMOs, though. With every single one I have installed, between Guild Wars 2, EQ, EQ2, Elder Scrolls Online, Final Fantasy XIV, and Lord of the Rings Online, all I had to do was run its launcher in its new location and everything worked fine, no repair or reinstallation or anything needed.

There are also a bunch of other games that were installed on their own rather than from a launcher, or were installed from disc, or needed some modding to run on modern systems, and I’m still not sure how many of these are affected by the move. I’ll have to deal with them on a case-by-case basis, whenever I get around to playing them. My modded Minecraft instances are fine, for example, since MultiMC doesn’t really care where it’s installed, and I just had to adjust the path to the Java runtime that I previously had on D:\. I have a heavily-modded Skyrim install and had to change a bunch of drive letters for paths in Mod Organizer 2’s .ini file.

So, there are a small handful of games I’ll have to reinstall from scratch, but otherwise, having to move a whole ton of games from one drive to another hasn’t been too disruptive. Way less of a hassle than I was expecting, at least.

Data Chaos

I really need to stop slacking when it comes to maintaining my PC.

Some time ago, the boot drive on my gaming PC started getting bad blocks, so I swapped it out for a spare laptop drive that I had handy. It was a smaller drive, and not exactly high performance, but it would do in a pinch until I had a chance to replace it properly. I’ve been meaning to do a complete PC upgrade, so it would just have to last until then. Using a smaller drive also meant that I couldn’t restore everything from my backup of the old drive. But that also meant that I couldn’t run any new backups or I’d lose that data that I wasn’t able to restore, and I didn’t have enough room on the backup drive for a parallel backup, so I just turned the backups off. After all this is purely temporary, right?

And now, many months later, I still haven’t done that PC upgrade… Instead of backups, I’d occasionally copy the most important files from under my user profile to some spare space on my Linux server, just in case. And now, I’m getting block errors on my secondary drive… The secondary drive is mostly just game installs, so 95% of it can just be redownloaded from Steam or GOG or wherever, but there is some unique data on there, too. Modded Minecraft installs and worlds, saves for games that don’t put them under the user profile, some game installs that didn’t come from downloads but had to be modded or cracked in order to get them working on modern systems, some other handfuls of miscellaneous files, etc. And since the backups were disabled, these files have gradually grown a bit out of sync with what’s in the backups, and now this drive is potentially failing.

Then I remembered that I actually have a spare 8TB drive that I’d never wound up using for anything. When I ordered it, I was completely reworking how storage was allocated across both the PC and Linux box, but by the time I got it, I realized that I couldn’t use it as a main drive in the gaming PC because I didn’t have enough backup drive space to cover it. I couldn’t use it for storage on the Linux box because I didn’t have a second one to pair with it for mirroring, and I couldn’t use it as a backup drive since I didn’t have a spare enclosure, so it just sat on the shelf of my parts closet.

So now I’m trying to clone all of the data off of both the boot and secondary drives onto this 8TB drive and make it just the single main drive. That won’t be the end of the trouble, though. I still won’t be able to back up this drive, and any data copied from the secondary drive might be affected by bad sectors (I’ll have to keep an eye on any copy errors). And I still need to do the PC upgrade, and when I do so I’ll have to take the data on this drive, the manually copied profile files, and the older backups, and reconcile all of them.

The lesson here is not to put off any important data management tasks, figuring that you can sort them out later on. If I’d just replaced that boot drive with a proper one right away, I’d have been able to keep proper backups going and avoided all this mess.

Back to Abnormal

Yay, I finally tested negative for covid today. I still feel a little congested and maybe slightly brain-foggy, but it’s apparently not unusual for it to take a while to fully clear up. Here’s hoping that Long COVID doesn’t become a problem…

By chance, this period largely overlapped with a week-and-a-half of vacation time that I’d booked. So, at least I didn’t have to try and work during it, but I also didn’t really get much of anything done during it. I didn’t even get much gaming done, just opting to collapse into my comfy chair and watch videos and streams most of the day.

I really need to get back to, y’know, actually doing stuff


It’s been 8 days since my symptoms started, and the current AHS guideline is that isolation can end at 5 days after symptoms start, so I was hoping for a little bit more normalcy, to start getting back in the habit of daily walks, etc.

I masked up, bathed in hand sanitizer, and visited the grocery store to finally get some fresh food and also to get a new set of rapid tests, since I’d used my last one on that positive test. Got home, used one of the tests, and…it’s still a strong positive. :< It’s kind of unclear exactly when I should expect tests to start coming back negative, but to be safe I guess I’ll isolate for another 5 days and test again.

I am feeling better, at least. No more fever since last Thursday, just some lingering coughing and congestion, and taste might be returning a bit.


Welp, I caught COVID.

I felt like I was still being careful, staying home most of the time (a stretch for me, I know…), masking indoors, etc., and was basically only going out to do grocery shopping, walks for exercise, and some required in-office work attendance one day per week. But, on Sunday I started feeling terrible in the early evening, figured I’d try a rapid test on the off chance, and there was the line. Partly my fault though, as I’d been diligent about my first three vaccine shots, but then started slacking on getting the bivalent booster.

It’s definitely the sickest I’ve felt in probably 10-15 years. Not necessarily in intensity, but in length, the spells of fever are lasting longer than they usually do; I’m usually over the worst of it within a day or two, but this is day 4 going on 5 now. Mostly just headaches, an occasional cough, sore throat, and congestion, but there’s the occasional curveball. The theme for my first night of trying to sleep while sick was “oh god why can’t I stop peeing”. I haven’t lost my sense of taste, but it’s a lot harder to smell things, but I’m not sure how much of that is from just plain old congestion. (update: welp, fully lost smell and taste a day later)

And today I had something weird happen: I got up to check my fever and put the thermometer in my mouth, felt a mild pit in my stomach suddenly swell up, and started to completely lose my train of thought as the world seemed to become brighter. All I could think to do was stumble into the bedroom and collapse on the bed, where over the next minute or so the brain fog gradually lifted and I started feeling normal again, and finally noticed I still had the thermometer in hand (reading 37.5C). I had to look up the symptoms afterwards, and it turns out that that’s what fainting actually feels like. Huh. First time in my life.

I seem to be feeling better tonight at least, though it wouldn’t be the first time if it turns worse again by tomorrow. I’ll be hunkering down for a little while longer, at least; the current guideline is to isolate for five days from the onset of symptoms, but that seems a bit short? That would be tomorrow and the symptoms haven’t even cleared yet. Oh well, I’ve got canned food for weeks…


I got tired of complaining about my old laptop (and it was falling apart), so I got a spiffy new M2 Macbook Air. It’s pretty nice. I’m not thrilled about dropping from a 15″ screen to 13″, but eh, I’ll live with it. The Pros are getting out of my price range anyway. I’m still getting used to the keyboard and touch pad just because they’re so different from my old 2010 MBP, but they definitely work well, I just have to break the habit of pressing hard because my old pad had gotten so stiff. Another thing to get used to is that there’s basically no gap between the pad and the keyboard, where I used to rest my fingers a lot.

I figured I’d give Minecraft a whirl and thought I’d be a clever boy and get one of the native ARM Java distributions for setting up modded instances, no Rosetta for me! And then it tries to load native LWJGL libraries, which are still x64 for older Minecraft versions, so back to Rosetta after all… Still, it managed to get 30-50ish FPS under Rosetta with a heavy 1.7.10 modpack, not too shabby. The latest Minecraft version is supposed to be fully native so maybe I can experiment with mixing libraries.

One annoyance so far was that as part of initial setup, it asked what I wanted to sync with iCloud, and I unchecked everything I could. But later on, after migrating files over, I got an email telling me that my iCloud storage was now full. I can’t remember if it was even part of that initial setup, but apparently it had just gone and synced Photos by default. Then, after deleting them in iCloud, you get a scary email about how you’d better redownload the originals from iCloud because they’re no longer on your device, but I double-checked and they are still on the laptop. I think that message is mainly for phones and tablets?

And, it was a bit odd that when moving some files around by command-line, even Terminal would pop up with prompts like “Terminal wants to access the files in Documents. Do you want to allow this?” It only asks once and only for the ‘major’ folders, at least. (Since my MBP was stuck all the way back on High Sierra, I still have to get used to all the OS changes since then too.)

Other miscellaneous bits: dang, it’s small and light. The notch is weird but not a big deal, full-screen apps just don’t use that area. The speakers are definitely louder than my old MBP, where even max volume was a bit too quiet in some videos and streams. I kinda wish the magsafe plug was the L-shaped one instead of straight-on, but that’s just due to how my space is set up. I’m still amazed by being able to open Calibre in four seconds instead of a full minute.

Rough Trip

I just got a package from UPS that was a bit of an adventure. They first notified me that “hey, delivery should be today!” last Thursday, but upon checking the tracking, it was still in Anchorage, Alaska. I kept an eye out just in case the tracking was way behind, but nope, didn’t arrive that day. Same notification the next day, though now it was in Louisville. It finally made it into the correct country by the end of the day, but nope, missed that ‘delivery window’ too. So that’s two ‘delivery windows’ that were physically impossible to meet by their own tracking data.

On Monday it got marked as out for delivery! Woohoo! And then soon afterwards went into “waiting for release by a non-UPS broker…” Usually that means customs, but shouldn’t you have cleared that before telling me it was out for delivery? And then a couple hours later it went into “Address is incorrect” status, when it looked perfectly fine to me. It sat there until the end of the day, when it finally went into “Address corrected, will be sent out soon”. They basically changed “1234 Fake St., unit 404” to “404 – 1234 Fake St.” You had to delay it a day because you couldn’t handle the first format? The format that Big Company would have given it to you in? Are you a shipping company or not?

I finally got the package today without further incident, though I was a bit worried since deliveries here are a bit of a crapshoot. There’s no public way into our building, not even to get to the buzzers or intercom, so what do delivery people do? I try and give them a phone number to call to let me know they’re there and I can come get it, but it’s not clear whether a company like UPS would do that or if they even had my number to call, since this was on behalf of another company. They don’t let you add one to the delivery instructions, which couldn’t be changed anyway, even to direct it to a local UPS Store instead, since the shipper locked them in. Fortunately, from my living room I could keep an eye on the arrival of vehicles and give the delivery guy a “Hey, over here!” from the balcony as he was trying to deal with the locked front door. Even though it meant spending all morning running to the window at the slightest hint of noise…(I seem to have logged about 1600 steps doing that, at least.)

Getting a package should not be this much hassle, which is why I preferred delivering to the office when possible, but with working from home…


Dang, that’s a load off.

It’s probably been, oh, four years since I last had a haircut. I was already overdue for one, and then COVID hit, and I’m still not entirely comfortable with close contact. So…today I finally just said screw it, found my shears, and snip-snip.

I’m sure it’s a terrible job, I could not for the life of me get things even, and it’s still long in the back to hide all sorts of sins. But at least it’s now just covering-the-neck-long, and not down-past-my-nipples-long…

Proving Myself

I just upgraded this server several major distro versions in a row, so hopefully nothing’s too broken…

I also took the opportunity to tighten up some of the security, and in particular e-mail. It’s kinda weird to be running your own local e-mail server nowadays, and it feels a bit too fragile to use it for anything really important, but it’s nice to have a contact point that’s not thoroughly controlled by Google or Microsoft or whoever, and I may as well do it right.

So, now it should be using TLS to encrypt all outbound mail connections, and DKIM signing is set up and a DMARC policy set. Not that I send a lot of e-mails from here, but this should help prove that e-mails from this domain really are legit, and spammers won’t be able to forge addresses from this domain.

It kind of sucks having to SSH into here every time I want to send an e-mail from this domain though, so now do I want to run the risk of running an IMAP server so I can manage e-mail remotely…


Oh, the sun, it burns. But I must let it burn, for I need to get outside and get that daily exercise in, no matter how hot and sweaty I get.

For a while now I’ve been getting back into the habit of taking walks. I used to take them around the edge of SAIT, but then COVID hit and I fell out of the habit. That path around SAIT is blocked by construction now, so instead I’ve been going down along the Bow River, first just down to the Peace Bridge, and then down to Prince’s Island Park, for a total walk of around 4.4km. And I try to do it at least every 2-out-of-3 or 3-out-of-4 days. It was rough going at first since I was so badly out of shape, but it’s been slowly getting easier and I’ve been getting better at controlling my breathing.

I’ve also been trying to get my weight under control again. With these walks, and cutting out nearly all snacks, and trying to buy healthier meal options, I’ve lost about 6kg over the last couple months. Still a long ways to go, but it’s a start.

This renewed strive for healthiness wasn’t entirely unprompted, though. A couple months ago I had what was, well, not an actual heart attack but some kind of mild cardiac episode. I was dumb though, and didn’t seek immediate treatment. It was “only” a feeling of mild discomfort around the heart so it was easy to brush off as “well, it can’t be that serious, I’ll go for help if it gets any worse…” And, honestly, I was kind of too ashamed to seek help. Yup, this blob of a human being hasn’t been taking very good care of himself, of course his arteries are clogged to hell, why should doctors even give a shit if he lets himself get this way…

But it has been a bit of a wakeup call; taking care of my health is now less of an abstract thing that I acknowledge but just floats around in the back of my mind and now more of a “you will get healthier or you will die” imperative. I’ve been feeling mostly back to normal lately, so the biggest danger is that heightened sense of urgency dissipating and falling back into the old habits again. It’s certainly not the first time I’ve tried to make the necessary lifestyle changes, but maybe, hopefully, now it’s serious enough to permanently stick.

Back to Basics

I’ve been feeling stagnant lately. In a lot of ways, but professionally in particular. I’ve been working at the same job now for quite a while, doing fixes and enhancements on old codebases, in only a small team, which imposes various limits. I largely have to stick to the languages already in use in the projects, changes have to fit within the existing, often poor-quality designs, new components and large-scale changes are infrequent, they’re fairly “old-fashioned” applications where newer techniques aren’t really applicable, etc. And with a small team there’s no real feedback as to whether what I’m doing is actually any good or not, so who knows what bad habits and antipatterns I’ve been picking up and relying on.

I’ve never really branched out on my own time, either. Despite having been a computer nerd most of my life, I’m not one of those who spent all day coding at the office, and then went home and coded all evening as a hobby. There’s sometimes a perception that you really should be coding 24/7, work and home, or you’re just crippling your own growth and career, but…eh, I played Minecraft instead.

So, I’ve been thinking that I should probably get back to fundamentals, try and approach things from a fresh perspective and learn anew. I don’t have a specific project to work with yet, so I’ll start with reading some of the books I’ve seen recommended in various places, including:

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs – An introductory work, so I’ll be familiar with a lot of it already, but I’m sure there’ll be new stuff as well. And it’ll be from a ‘functional programming’ perspective, which I’ve never really investigated before and is a significantly different way of approaching programming, so I’m hoping to broaden my horizons there.

A Philosophy of Software Design – I know one of my weak points is on how to approach the overall design of a program, since 99% of the time I’m working stuff into an already-existing design. Having to envision and construct the entire design yourself is a lot more intimidating, so I’m hoping for good advice here.

Code Complete, 2nd Edition – A good book focused more on the lower-level nuts-‘n-bolts of programming. I’ve got plenty of experience there, but maybe this can help point out where my habits run contrary to good practice and recommendations. (I’ve actually had this book for a while, but it’s a massive tome and I’ve barely made a dent in it. Oh wait, my copy of this is stuck at the office…)

Sweet 17

Up to now I’ve had to write fairly plain C++ due to having to support a wide variety of environments and compilers, but we’ve recently finally gotten everything in place to support at least C++17 in most of our projects, so hey, it’s time to learn what I can do now!

Structured Bindings

One of the big new features is structured bindings, which can split an object apart into separate variables. It’s not really all that useful on just plain objects, you may as well just reference them by member name then, but it really shines in a few specific scenarios, like iterating over containers like maps, where you can do:

// Old way:
for(auto& iter : someMap)
    if(iter.first == "something")

// New way
for(auto& [key, value] : someMap)
    if(key == "something")

so you can give more meaningful names to the pair elements instead of ‘x.first’ and ‘x.second’, which has always irritated me. It’s a small thing, but anything that improves comprehensibility helps.

The other nice use is for handling multiple return values. Only having one return value from a function has always been a bit limiting; if you wanted a function to return multiple values, you had a few options with their own tradeoffs:

  • Kludge it by passing in pointers or references as parameters and modify through them. This in turn meant that the caller had to pre-declare a variable for that parameter, which is also kind of ugly since it means either having an uninitialized variable or an unnecessary construction that’s going to get overwritten anyway.
  • Return a struct containing multiple members. A viable option, but now you have to introduce a new type definition, which you may not want to do for a whole bunch of only-used-once types.
  • Return a tuple. Also viable, but accessing tuple elements is kind of annoying since you have to either use std::get, or std::bind them to pre-existing variables, which runs into the pre-declared variable problem again.

Structured bindings help with the tuple case by breaking the tuple elements out into newly-declared variables, making them conveniently accessible by whatever name you want and avoiding the pre-declaration problem.

// old and busted:
bool someFunc(int& count, std::string& msg);

int count;       // uninitialized
std::string msg; // unnecessary empty construction
bool success = someFunc(count, msg);

// new hotness:
std::tuple<bool,int,std::string> someFunc();

auto [success, count, msg] = someFunc();

The downside is that the tuple elements are unnamed in the function prototype, which makes them a bit less self-documenting. If that’s important to you, returning a structure into structured bindings is also a viable option, where you can often use an IDE to see the order of members of the returned struct and their names.

Update: You could also return an unnamed struct defined within the function itself, so you don’t need to declare it separately. You can’t put the struct declaration in the function prototype, but you can work around this by returning ‘auto’. This should give you a multi-value return with names visible in an IDE. The downside is that you can’t really do this cross-module, since it needs to be able to deduce the return type. (Maybe if you put it in a C++20 module?)

auto someFunc()
    struct { bool success; int count; std::string msg; } result;
    return result;

auto [success, count, msg] = someFunc();

Optional Values

One of the scenarios I started using structured bindings for was the common situation where a function had to return both an indication of whether it succeeded or not (e.g., a success/failure bool, or integer error code), and the actual information if it succeeded. The trouble when you’re returning a tuple though is that you always have to return all values in the tuple, even if the function failed, so what do you do for the other elements when you don’t have anything to return? You could return an empty or default-constructed object, but that’s still unnecessary work and not all types necessarily have sensible empty or default constructions.

That’s when I discovered std::optional, which can represent both an object and the lack of an object within a single variable, much like how you might have used ‘NULL’ as an “I am not returning an object” indicator back in ye old manual memory allocation days. The presence or lack of an object can also represent success or failure, so now I find myself often returning an std::optional and checking .has_value() instead of separately returning a bool and an object when it’s a simple success/failure result. If the failure state is more complicated or I need to return multiple pieces of information, then structured bindings may still be preferable.

It’s also been useful where a rule or policy may be enabled or disabled, and the presence or lack thereof of the value can represent whether it’s enabled or not. (Though if it can be dynamically enabled or disabled then this might not be appropriate since it doesn’t retain the value when ‘unset’.)

struct OptionalPasswordRules
    std::optional<int> minLowercase;

    // Lowercase rule is enabled, check it
    if(countLower(password) < *rules.minLowercase)


Another new feature that’s been really useful is the initializing-if, where you can declare and assign a variable and test a condition within the if statement, instead of having to do it separately.

if(std::optional<Foo> val = myFunc(); val.has_value())
    // We got a value from myFunc, do something with it
    // myFunc failed, now what

The advantage here is that the variable is scoped to the if and its blocks, avoiding the common problem of creating a variable that’s only going to be tested and used in an if statement and its blocks but that then lives on past that anyway.

Variant Types

This one is a bit more niche, but I’ve been doing a bunch of work with lists of name/value pairs where the values can be of mixed types, and std::variant makes it a lot easier to have containers of these mixed types. With stronger use of initializer lists and automatic type deduction, it’s even possible to do things like:

using VarType = std::variant<std::string,int,bool>;
std::string MakeJSON(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, VarType>>& fields);

auto outStr = MakeJSON({ { "name", nameStr },
                         { "age", user.age },
                         { "admin", false } });

and have it deduce and preserve the appropriate string/integer/bool type in the container.

String Views

I’ve talked about strings before, and C++17 helps make things a bit more efficient with the std::string_view type. If you use this as a parameter type for accepting strings in functions that don’t alter or take ownership of the string, both std::string and C-style strings are automatically and efficiently converted to it, so you don’t need multiple overloads for both types. It’s inherently const and compact, so you can just pass it by value instead of having to do the usual const reference. And it can represent substrings of another string without having to create a whole new copy of the string.

bool CheckString(std::string_view str)
    // Many of the usual string operations are available
    if(str.length() > 100) ...
    // No allocation cost to these substr operations
    if(str.substr(0, 3) == "xy:")
        auto postPrefix = str.substr(3);

std::string foo("slfjsafsafdasddsad");
// A bit more awkward here since it has to build a string_view before
// doing the substr to avoid an allocation
CheckString(std::string_view(foo).substr(5, 3));
// Also works on literal strings

The gotcha is that string_view objects cannot be assumed to be null-terminated like plain std::strings, so they’re not really usable in various situations where I really do need a C-compatible null-terminated string. Still, wherever possible I’m now trying to use string_view as the preferred parameter type for accepting strings.

A lot of this is fairly basic stuff that you’ll see in a million other tutorials around the net, but hey, typing all this out helps me internalize it…

Rusty Robots

I have an old Android tablet, a Nexus 7 from 2012, that I haven’t really used in a long time. I’ve played a few games on it, but I mainly used it for reading comics and doing Duolingo lessons, and I was thinking of doing Duolingo again, so I dusted it off and fired it up again.

The first problem was obvious: it felt sluggish. I had no idea how much crud it had accumulated over time, so I did a factory reset on it to wipe everything out and start fresh.

This led directly to the second problem: it’s old. It was still running Android 4.4.4, and when I went to reinstall apps, a ton of them simply no longer offered installs that would still run on a version this old. I was using some of those apps before, but since I just wiped it, it no longer had the versions I’d installed years ago. The tablet can support 5.1, but when I tried upgrading way back when it first came out, performance was pretty poor and I rolled it back to 4.4.4 and kept it there ever since.

Even with it still on the older version of Android and a fresh reset, it was starting to feel sluggish again, though. It’s not just the operating system itself; the built-in Google apps also get updated and it seems like they’ve bloated enough over time that they just don’t run well on older hardware. So, if it was going to run sluggishly anyway, I figured that I may as well just re-upgrade to Android 5.1.

That solved the app availability problem, as a lot more of them were now available to install, but unfortunately it’s made the performance problems far worse. From hitting the power button to wake it up, it can take 10 seconds or more for the screen to come on. Typing in the PIN, it’s often a second until it acknowledges a tap. It can take another 20 or more seconds for the home screen to appear. Opening the Google Play store can take several minutes, punctuated by being prompted several times “This app isn’t responding, do you want to wait or close it?” Updating an app can take several minutes, even for small apps. Trying to scroll through lists can take a few seconds just for it to respond to the swipe gesture, and scrolls in jarring jumps instead of smoothly. Some of this happened with 4.4.4 as well, but it’s even worse now.

It’s just not usable anymore, for anything, really. My options are to just try and live with that, or revert it back to 4.4.4 again and live with it being sluggish-but-slightly-less-so and fewer apps available. Or, well, an iPad starts to look awfully tempting… It’s just a shame that it feels like a piece of tech from 2012 should at least still be practically useful for something.

And, as I’m typing this, my latest attempt to update apps just ended with: