The work/coding-related entries are now locked and discontinued. Sorry to all you searchers who were looking for some of the technical stuff in there.
If I have time, I may go back and edit out the work context from some of the more useful entries.
Just another useless personal blog
The work/coding-related entries are now locked and discontinued. Sorry to all you searchers who were looking for some of the technical stuff in there.
If I have time, I may go back and edit out the work context from some of the more useful entries.
There’s been a bit of a fuss kicked up over a NYT article about TV piracy, particularly among the MythTV community. Although the fuss might be a little overblown, there are a couple quotes which come across as a little misguided:
The members of the MythTV community, who now do not have to pay monthly fees to rent set-top boxes or digital video recorders, have plenty of more mischievous company in trying to outwit the television industry. Millions of viewers are now watching illegal copies of television programs – even full seasons copied from popular DVD’s – that are flitting about the Internet, thanks to other new programs that allow users to upload and download the large files quickly.
What, people who are using their PCs as TV recorders are suddenly rubbing elbows with DVD pirates? Although they don’t explicitly come right out and equate the two groups, they’re putting them uncomfortably close together here.
And horror of horrors, we’re not paying for commercial DVR boxes! How dare we use our own labour instead of paying a company to assemble them for us, and damn our ability to conjure up the parts out of thin air. Oh wait, I guess we *do* wind up paying somebody for those parts… And it’s hard to blame people for choosing to use the free TV listings that are already published on the net by companies in the TV industry itself instead of paying for a subscription service. You can’t give something away with one hand and then slap people with the other for actually taking it.
Not surprisingly, the repercussions – particularly the rapidly growing number of shows available for the plucking online – terrify industry executives, who remember only too well what Napster and other file-sharing programs did to the music industry.
Yeah, the poor, beleaguered music industry went on to develop new methods, break records and increase sales. How horrible it would be if the same thing were to happen to TV!
It took me six tries just to write out next month’s rent cheque just because I kept fucking up my own goddamn signature.
That’s a lot of wasted cheques. It’s a wonder I remember how to breathe properly…
I am *so* out-of-shape. Despite having lost weight, I still have horrible muscle tone, which isn’t too surprising considering the dual geek combo of desk-job and desk-hobbies… :-)
So, I figured I should start doing some basic exercises in the morning, and today I managed to get all of 10 push-ups and 5 sit-ups in before getting exhausted. And they weren’t even properly executed.
Oh yeah, off to a great start… :-P
I like to consider myself semi-competent at these newfangled computer-thingies, but I keep finding myself running into problems that are slightly beyond me.
Occasionally, while watching recorded shows in MythTV, my Linux box will just freeze up and has to be manually reset. It’s *probably* a problem with the Nvidia driver’s XvMC mode, since it never happened when I was using the plain non-Nvidia Xv display mode instead. Maybe. Or maybe I simply hadn’t used the old Xv mode long enough and didn’t see it occur by pure chance and the problem lies elsewhere. Maybe it’s overheating, or there’s memory corruption somewhere. Who knows…
While playing World of Warcraft, I’ll randomly get booted back to the login screen. Is it the server being flaky again? Could be, they’ve had a lot of trouble lately, except that it doesn’t happen to others at the same time. Something on my end then, perhaps. Video driver problems, maybe? They’ve been responsible for a lot of other problems, like the instability I was seeing in KotOR. Unfortunately it’s not clear, as I’m not getting the usual driver failure message in this case. Just a plain bug in the game then? Who knows…
And now the hard drive in the XP box is acting strangely. Now it’ll occasionally spin down for a second or so and then spin back up again, as if it had lost power for that second, and then Windows freezes up. Usually when I’m trying to log in to World of Warcraft, for some reason. A problem with the power supply, perhaps? Well, I’ve moved it around to a few different cables now and there’s no difference, and it’s a fairly-new power supply with plenty of spare wattage. Maybe Linux would give me more detailed errors — except that when I boot off of a Linux live CD, the drive behaves itself perfectly well. And after rebooting back into XP, it’s been continuing to behave for another day or so. Except that it occasionally makes piercing high-pitched whines, too. So, is my drive about to fail, or is the power at fault, or is it some Windows or WoW thing?
Who knows…
Now that I’ve been using my PVR for a while now, one thing I’m noticing is that there are certain series where I’ll record a bunch of episodes, not watch any of them, and then later on have to delete them to free up space.
So why hadn’t I gotten around to watching them? Simple: they didn’t have enough continuity yet. The series where this happens are almost invariable long story-arc based ones like ST:DS9, Farscape, 24, and so on, where I’ve started recording episodes while they’re already in the middle of some storyline. Instead of just going ahead and watching them and ‘picking it up as I go along,’ having the PVR’s recording ability deludes me into thinking that I can just wait long enough and then I’ll have all the episodes and *then* I’ll be able to watch them in order properly.
Except then a month later I’m almost out of disk space and something’s got to go and I don’t want to burn them to DVD out of order and with some still missing and hey, I haven’t even watched any of this one yet…
I’m either going to need more disk space (a coworker of mine has an almost-a-terabyte array set up for his recordings), or just give in and start picking them up on DVD.
While sorting through some old links, I discovered that Scott Jennings (a.k.a Lum the Mad) is updating fairly regularly again. Head over there for all sorts of snarky insight into the massively-multiplayer gaming industry.
Looks like Google’s starting to look at how blogs and spam interfere with search engines and indexing.
On the plus side, this will help cut down on spammers who generate a high rank by spamming blogs. A recent search on a particular quote from Plato turned up pages and pages and pages of personal blogs where that quote had been used as part of some spammer’s random text corpus.
On the other hand, it’ll reduce the rank of normal commenters and their links back to their own homepages and blogs, too. Whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing is probably debatable; some people argue that blogs are overrepresented in search engine results already, but someone who regularly comments on-topic in various places might deserve a bit more exposure…
For those who haven’t seen it yet, one of my brother’s dogs having way too much fun with a garden trowel:
900k XviD file (Windows codec here)
1MB QuickTime file
Despite having used ‘vi’ and its variants as my primary editor for quite a while now (ever since it was the only editor that ran well on the university’s old Sun 3s), I’ve never really bothered to learn many of the ‘advanced’ tips and tricks. Insert, delete, copy, and paste always seemed to be good enough.
I thus only just recently discovered how to indent and unindent without having to manually insert or delete spaces repeatedly. I really should have earlier since it comes up quite often while coding, but there’s always that short-term laziness…
Anyway, in ‘vim’ at least, the useful controls are:
“>>” – Indent the current line. Use a numeric prefix to apply it to a certain number of consecutive lines.
“<<” – Unindent the current line
“>%” – Indent the entire current code block. This is the really useful one, since quite often you’re cutting and pasting a block of code into a place at a different indentation level, and you want to shift the whole block. The cursor has to be positioned at the start or end of the block, like with the basic “%” command.
“<%” – Unindent the entire current coding block.
And you can also select a region with the mouse or Shift-V and use “>” and “<” alone to indent or unindent the selected block.
Somewhat related to this is the “=” command, which modifies the indentation to match up with how the current syntax mode would have indented it based on its own built-in rules and environment settings.
“==” – Automatically adjust the indentation of the current line.
“=%” – Automatically adjust the indentation of everything within the current code block, including other blocks within this one.
And again, selecting a region and using “=” alone will apply automatic indentation to the entire region.
I woke up this morning, and since it’s my first day back at work in a while, I figured I’d better hustle lest I fall back asleep again and become late, so I immediately hopped in the shower. After getting out of the shower it still seemed to be rather dark out, so I wandered back into the bedroom and checked the clock. 2:33 AM. I could have sworn it said 8 AM when I woke up…
I went back to sleep, of course, and in a reminder of why I don’t shower in the evening, woke up again with a raging case of bedhead that made me look like something straight out of Eraserhead, so I had to take *another* quick shower just to tame it…
This is the last day of my vacation, and unfortunately, it’s been a cold one. Ever since I got back from Edmonton, it’s consistently been below -15C, with only a one day spike up to -7C. It must be revenge for the last couple of fairly mild winters…
So, instead I caught up on some reading (most of the way through Cryptonomicon now, and working through Code Complete and Learning Python), caught up on some recorded shows and burned more DVDs, and played World of Warcraft a lot. Yes, my life is a never-ending thrill ride…
I Mother Earth – Dig
Genesis – Nursery Cryme
Beck – Mellow Gold
Sonic Youth – Washing Machine
La Femme Nikita
Falling Down
A Perfect Circle: aMOTION
The aMOTION set is weird, though. It was supposed to come with a CD of remixes of APC songs, done by other bands. It did come with a CD, but it’s remixes of other bands’ songs, done by APC. In fact it’s exactly what their latest release eMOTIVe was. But it was labelled and put in the aMOTION set instead. Somebody screwed up at the pressing plant…
Which is kind of nice since I essentially get eMOTIVe for free then, but now I’m missing the remix CD that was supposed to be there and can’t be bought on its own…
Picked up so far in the post-holiday shopping:
Beastie Boys – Paul’s Boutique
Yes Highlights – The Very Best Of Yes
The Black Eyed Peas – Elephunk
U2 – How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb
R.E.M. – Green
Sonic Youth – Daydream Nation
Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando
LotR: Return Of The King Extended Edition
Spiderman 2
The Simpsons 5th Season
Matrix Revolutions (hey, it was cheap and I’m a stickler for completion)
Of course there are more tempting me, but a man’s got to have limits. Maybe tomorrow…
As nice as it is to visit friends and family, it’s still nice to be back in your own home, too.
Plus, one lesson learned: don’t take along on your trip more big, heavy books than you could possibly read even with copious free time…
I only just noticed that they finally revealed what the 23 new runewords on the 1.10 Diablo II ladder are, and it’s about time. It was a bit unrealistic for them to have expected us to discover them for ourselves when you consider that there’s around a *billion* different possible combinations when you consider six-socket items, and that many of the runes are very rare. When something like a Zod rune only has a one-in-137-million chance of dropping, you’re not going to waste it on trying some random combination that’s very, very unlikely to turn out to be one of the undiscovered runewords…
You’d better not mess with my undead priest now that’s he’s acquired his newest weapon: