This is a stack of CDs. CDs containing games. Games which I STILL HAVEN’T FINISHED YET. Some of them I haven’t even *started*.
I never meant to fall so far behind, of course, but then something called EverQuest happened. I still managed to sneak in some time to play other games too, but the vast majority of the time my first impulse was to log into EQ, see if anything was happening, if anyone needed me for a group, etc. All these other games weren’t going anywhere, they’d still be there in the exact same place I saved, but getting things done in EQ often meant being online at the right place at the right time.
Normally that would have just meant that the couple others I was playing at the time would have been the ones to suffer, but of course there’s more than that now. New games were still coming out and I’d hear about them through the usual reviews and word of mouth and felt like they were worth checking out. So, I’d pick up new games, install them and fool around with them for a bit, but…whoops, time to log in for that raid on Chardok tonight. Before long they too would fall to the wayside.
So, now I’ve got this mountainous pile of unfinished games. I haven’t spent as much time in EQ lately so I do have some more time to spend on them, but it’s still going to be pretty slow going. I also still like going back to some of the highly-replayable games like the Civ series and Diablo 2, which doesn’t help work through this pile any.
I’m tempted to say ‘screw it’ to my usual gaming approach and just grab walkthroughs and whip through them all as fast as possible, just to at least enjoy the stories, dialogue, victories, etc…