(Edit: This has been abandoned for now since I never really got it working as well as I’d liked.)
What am I doing in the office on a Sunday?
Not working, actually. Instead I’ve been setting up a webcam in my office. The view is not of the office itself, which would be extremely vain and boring, but of the Kensington area across the river. You’d be able to see where I live were it not for the apartment towers being in the way.
I still have to prettify the interface, but for now you can just select the last file listed in the folder. There is no specific refresh time on it; it’s set up to update whenever the image changes by a certain amount. I still have to experiment with what that threshold should be a bit, so it might not update often enough or too often for your liking for now.
Read on only if you’re curious about the technical details.
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