This is why I probably shouldn’t be allowed to have a driver’s license:
Category: Funny
Mail Delivery
I know it was windy yesterday, but…
(More likely due to some drunken SAIT students…)
Battle-Weary? Need Refreshment?
See what happens when advertisers invade video games.
The tradeoff is that you can play for free because of it, at least…

(Discovered near our old office location.)
Chess Whiz
I don’t remember chess ever being this eventful…
It Works, Too
“A dating agency in China has launched with the idea of uniting men and women who want to get married – but who have no interest in sex. The Cupid agency, in the eastern Chinese city of Nanjing, caters exclusively for couples seeking a completely sexless relationship. ” — From the BBC
Come on China, get with the times. These have existed in the West for years now; we call them MMORPGS…
Mmmm, /pizza
I would have thought this was a joke if it had been at any other URL…
The Spams Of Our Lives
Subject: Say bye to stomach and thighs
But I like being able to digest and walk…
Subject: responsible for the deaths
Damn, now I’m going to have to go into hiding again.
Subject: Find out if Francesca is a real man
Subject: Find out if Andre is a real womanUm, I’d hope *not*…
Subject: Re: machine-guns. Then you attempted
Attempted what??? Whatever it was, it sounded like fun…
Subject: don't be a moron Garth
Shyeah, it’s way too late for a Wayne’s World 3. But it’s never too late for a Party Time!!!
Subject: your mother knows you watch dangerous videos
Yeah, but I’m a grown man. I can watch “Do-It-Yourself Heart Surgery” if I want to.
Subject: Make your plate invisible- languish bowmen
Woohoo! I’ll finally be safe from all those archers hiding in the bushes along the highway.
Subject: Our team is ready
Good. Take out the communications towers while Strike Force B surrounds the airport. The capital will fall within hours.
Blogging To Victory
While sorting through some old links, I discovered that Scott Jennings (a.k.a Lum the Mad) is updating fairly regularly again. Head over there for all sorts of snarky insight into the massively-multiplayer gaming industry.
Simple Pleasures
For those who haven’t seen it yet, one of my brother’s dogs having way too much fun with a garden trowel:
900k XviD file (Windows codec here)
1MB QuickTime file
New At The Apple Store
Early Bird
I woke up this morning, and since it’s my first day back at work in a while, I figured I’d better hustle lest I fall back asleep again and become late, so I immediately hopped in the shower. After getting out of the shower it still seemed to be rather dark out, so I wandered back into the bedroom and checked the clock. 2:33 AM. I could have sworn it said 8 AM when I woke up…
I went back to sleep, of course, and in a reminder of why I don’t shower in the evening, woke up again with a raging case of bedhead that made me look like something straight out of Eraserhead, so I had to take *another* quick shower just to tame it…
It’s Walloping Time
You’d better not mess with my undead priest now that’s he’s acquired his newest weapon:
Another First
Last night, for the first time, I had to tell a telephone survey that no, I could not participate in their survey because I’m *too old* for their range.
Protected: I’m Not Racist, Honest!
A couple days ago I was bored, so I whipped up a Firefox extension that made it a bit easier to search the PoE forums using a search engine made by one of the other users.
And then a couple hours later someone else posted that he’d been working on something similar and was just about to release his version. And his does a much better job. And mine appears to be a bit buggy.
Damn. Oh well, at least now I can pretend to be a Javascript and XUL expert…
Wow. Superman, Lois, Lana, and Jimmy sure spent a lot of time being jerks to each other.
It’s Spam Time Again
Subject: New Drug Store Kenny
Oh my God, they overdosed Kenny! You bastards!
Subject: The crocodile's best weapon against infection Ann
I didn’t know Typhoid Mary had a sister. Those crocodiles better watch out…
Subject: re : painfull appointment tuesday at 22-00
I think I might skip this appointment.
Subject: scan your PC for free Andy
No thanks, I’ve already got all the Andy I need.
Subject: Earth is not round! It's dirty!
Hey, round things can be dirty…
Subject: FAt sluts get DIRTY!
Subject: i haerd you borke into a huose last ngiht
This is just fun to say with a mock-Swedish accent.
Subject: can Joaquin come over and watch?
Sure, he can sit there enthralled while I fix up compiler warnings, validate type safety after adjusting interfaces, fill out work schedule estimates…
Subject: assist your husband with his pain
Things You Didn’t Know About Yourself Part #1: Your gay spouse.
Subject: why does your wife spy on you
Things You Didn’t Know About Yourself Part #2: And apparently I’m a polygamist.
Subject: help your daughter with her pain
Things You Didn’t Know About Yourself Part #3: With a presumably adopted or bastard daughter.
Subject: Please confirm everything,. Mon, 01 Nov 2004
Gee, I don’t know if I have the authority to confirm *everything*…
Good Advice
(apparently from a Budget advertising campaign)
The Only Real Choice
All you Americans out there, remember to VOTE KOMPRESSOR.