I’m having a bit of trouble with my cable modem and TV, so I figured I should try replacing the splitter, since this one’s kinda old and they’ll need higher frequencies when DOCSIS 3.1 comes out anyway. And hey, there’s a The Source store (what used to be Radio Shack here) on the way back from lunch. I find a two-way splitter, and they want $15 for it. Ugh, kinda expensive, but I don’t want to wait for one to be shipped either… But then I notice that there’s no frequency range printed on it anywhere. And then I notice next to it a “high performance” splitter that does have an explicit 2.4GHz rating. Except that one is $35. It’s not even some unnecessarily-fancy brand like Monster, just their regular in-house junk. I swear, they exist solely to fleece businessmen wandering around downtown who don’t know any better.
It may be a bit out of my way, but I’ll just swing by Home Depot and get an equal-rating one for $8.