Having a sudden need to gain an immediate familiarity with Java, I stopped by the bookstore last night and picked up a couple of the recommended books.
I’m not sure a book really counts as a ‘nutshell’ anymore once you break the 1000 page mark, though…
Maybe the publishers are used to really big, uh, nuts? :-)
Whyfor the sudden need for Java? And please tell me you haven’t developed a taste for… ick… coffee. :-)
Just work stuff. Apparently I’m the only guy on the team who *doesn’t* already have 80 years of Java experience…
Oh, that’s easy to deal with. Just tell ’em you don’t do Java because you prefer Coke as a caffeine source. :-)
> Just work stuff. Apparently I’m the only guy on the team who *doesn’t* already have 80 years of Java experience…
You must be the smart one.
Heh. At the same time though, it’s dangerous to have C/C++ as pretty much my only expertise. I just can’t always control what technologies we decide to use.
But it turns out they’re diverting me onto another project for a month or so, so I won’t be doing much (if any) of the current Java work needed anyways…
I think Python or Ruby would be a much better direction to take than Java. I know that they wouldn’t be suitable for use at your current job. But they’d be good to have for future jobs.