Out of curiosity, I tried to break down all of the hits this site has ever received (except a couple months where I lost the client and referrer data) and see what kinds of categories they fell in to. Out of 132,046 hits:
People I Know Personally: | 10.5% |
Myself: | 10.6% |
Web Spiders: | 28.9% |
Directed Here By Search Engines: | 30.2% |
RSS Aggregators: | 4.5% |
Bandwidth Thieves: | 0.3% |
IIS Backdoor Attempts: | 5.7% |
Proxy/Mail Relay Exploit Attempts: | 0.2% |
Only 10.5%??? Coulda sworn I was here more than that. ;-)
You must match a ton of hits… I hope yours aren’t as… unpleasant… as mine are. See what I mean here…
I dare not repeat the keywords here lest I attract even more misguided hits, but this page seems to be the most popular, followed by this one, this one, this one, and Google Image Search on this pic.
These stats are also by ‘hit’ rather than ‘visit’, so someone coming from a search engine that loads a page with a lot of pictures counts for a lot more hits than someone just grabbing the RSS feed. I’ll have to grab a proper stats package for a true per-visit breakdown…
I’ve been tempted to actually check the pages in my logs to see where / how I’m being referenced, but doing so would kinda feel like replying to spam — as if I’m confirming their linkage. :-)
So I won’t. Well, for that reason, and cuz I have no interest in their content… for obvious reasons. :-)
Guess I need to do some T&A posts, with lots of gratuitous female nudity. It’s not like I don’t have enough media to go on. ;-)